Gray death

Gray death is a street drug in the United States. Samples have been found to contain the designer drug U-47700, heroin and opioids including fentanyl and carfentanil.[1] It gets its name from its similar appearance to that of concrete mixing powder.[2] It is taken by injection, smoking, snorting or oral ingestion.[3] No analytical results have ever been published confirming the existence of the mixture.

Opioid addicts are normally those who encounter and consume this drug. They may think they are buying heroin, unaware that it is actually gray death.[4]

Reversing a gray death overdose frequently requires multiple doses of naloxone, whereas a typical overdose of heroin (which is much less potent) typically needs one dose.[3]

See also


  1. Lehman, Pamela. "Bethlehem police find first case of deadly drug known as 'gray death'".
  2. CNN, Michael Nedelman. "'Grey death': A powerful new street drug". CNN.
  3. 1 2 "A dangerous mix of opioids called 'gray death' is causing overdoses in parts of the US".
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