Chinese honorifics

Chinese honorifics are words and phrases that indicate social respect or deference in the spoken or written language. Especially before the twentieth century, the language used among friends would be very different from that used among strangers such as merchants. Although most Chinese honorifics have fallen out of street use since the end of Imperial China, they can still be understood, and indeed occasionally used, by most contemporary Chinese speakers. This is partly attributable to the popularity of Chinese historical novels and television dramas, which often employ language from the classical periods. In general, language referring to oneself exhibits self-deprecating humbleness, while language referring to others shows approval and respect. Honorific language in Chinese was often achieved by using honorific alternatives, prefixing or suffixing a word with a polite complement, or simply by dropping casual-sounding words.


() (xìng) 什么(shénme)
"What family name do you have?"

The sentence above is a perfectly acceptable question when addressing others of equal or lower status. In normal conversation, the extent of making it more polite might be to preface it with a (qǐng, "please"), accommodated by a (wèn, "ask") as it is a question. However, if the addressee is of higher status or the person asking the question wants to show more respect, several changes may occur:

  1. The sentence begins with (lit. "invite", "request")
  2. The sentence includes the interrogative verb or (wèn, "ask") to accommodate this more formal sense of qǐng
  3. The regular second-person pronoun (, "you") is replaced by the honorific second-person pronoun (nín, "you" [cherished])
  4. The honorific adjective or prefix or (guì, lit. "expensive", "valuable") is added before (xìng, "last name") to compliment the addressee
  5. The interrogative pronoun 甚麼 or 什么 (shénme, "what") is dropped entirely as the structure of the sentence changes

The resulting sentence

(qǐng) (wèn) (nín) 贵姓(guìxìng)
"May I (respectfully) request to ask you, whom I cherish, for your honorable surname?"

is much more polite and more commonly used among people in formal or careful situations.

Below is a collection of some of the better known honorifics and polite prefixes and suffixes that have been used at one time or another in the Chinese lexicon. Pronunciations given are those of today's Mandarin Chinese. Note that many of these terms became obsolete after the end of the Qing dynasty or were deprecated during the Cultural Revolution and are no longer used.

Referring to oneself

When referring to oneself, the first-person pronoun was to be avoided in most situations. Persons of lower status—including slaves, children, and youths—were not to use it when speaking to those of higher status, while those of higher status—including lords, parents, and elders—frequently avoided it as a display of humility and virtue. Instead, a third-person descriptor was used, which varied according to the situation.

Referring to oneself in the third-person could be used arrogantly as well, to assert one's superiority or even dominance over one's audience. This was most common in the imperial middle management the imperial consorts, the army, and the imperial bureaucracy with the emperor instead often describing himself in sorrowful terms out of respect for his deceased father.

Commoners and the humble

This unintelligent one
*prəʔThis lowly/unlearned one
*bet-sThis unkempt/ragged one
*pebēiThis inferior one
*tsʰˤetqièThis humble oneEmployed by one in lower position when providing a suggestion or opinion
*bˤokThis servant (male)Literally, "charioteer"[1]
*beʔThis servant (female)
*tsʰapqièThis consort
賤妾*dzen-stsʰap贱妾jiànqièThis worthless consort
在下*dzˤəʔgˤraʔ在下zàixiàThis one who is beneath you
小人*sewʔniŋ小人xiǎorénThis little man
小女*sewʔnraʔ小女xiǎonǚThis little woman
草民*tsʰˤuʔmiŋ草民cǎomínThis worthless commoner (male)
民女*miŋnraʔ民女mínnǚThis common woman
奴才*nˤadzˤə奴才núcaiThis slave (male)Also used by servants who are not literally slaves, especially in later dynasties
奴婢*nˤabeʔ奴婢núbìThis slave (female)Ditto above
奴家*nˤakˤra奴家nújiāThis slave of your house (wife)

Emperors, Kings and the imperial family

*kʷˤaThis orphaned oneEmployed by the king out of respect for his father, who usually (though not always) had predeceased him
*kʷˤraʔguǎThis lonesome oneAs above
*kʷˤraʔniŋ寡人guǎrénThis lonesome one, or this man of little virtueAs above
不穀*pəqˤok不谷bùgǔThis grainless oneEmployed by the emperor out of modesty regarding his administration (cf. the importance of the Five Grains), particularly compared to his father's rule
予一人予一人yüyìrénI, the solitary oneEmployed exclusively by the Pre-Qin kings of China.
哀家*ʔˤəjkˤra哀家āijiāThis sad houseEmployed by the emperor's mother out of respect for her deceased husband
臣妾*gintsʰap臣妾chénqièThis subject and consortEmployed by the empress and consorts before the emperor
兒臣*ŋegin儿臣ěrchénThis child and subjectEmployed by the emperor before the empress dowager and by the imperial family before their parents or the emperor's other consorts
*lrəmʔzhènIThe original generic first-person pronoun, arrogated to the emperors during the reign of Shi Huangdi. Comparable to the royal we.
本宮本宫běngōngI, of the palaceEmployed by an empress or a high-ranking consort when speaking to a person or an audience of lower rank or status

Officials and officers

*ginchénThis subjectEmployed by officials when addressing the emperor, based on a word that originally meant "slave" during the Zhou dynasty.[2] In formal writing, the character was written in half the size of the normal font.
下官*gˤraʔkʷˤan下官xiàguānThis lowly officialEmployed by officials when addressing other bureaucrats of higher rank
末官*mˤatkʷˤan末官mòguānThis lesser officialAs above.
小吏*sewʔrəʔ‑s小吏xiǎolìThis little clerkAs above.
卑職*petək卑职bēizhíThis inferior officeEmployed by officials when addressing their patrons or other bureaucrats of equal rank
末將*mˤattsaŋ‑s末将mòjiàngThis lesser commanderEmployed by military officers when addressing other officers of higher rank
本府本府běnfǔThis officeEmployed by officials when addressing other bureaucrats of lower rank. Commonly found in fiction.
本官*pˤənʔkʷˤan本官běnguānI, the OfficialEmployed by officials when addressing those of lower status
本帥*pˤənʔs‑rut‑s本帅běnshuàiI, the MarshalEmployed by general officers when addressing their commanders
本將軍*pˤənʔtsaŋ‑skʷər本将军běnjiāngjunI, the General of the ArmyEmployed by general officers when addressing their commanders

Old men and women

老朽*rˤuʔqʰuʔ老朽lǎoxiǔThis old and rotting one
老拙*rˤuʔtot老拙lǎozhuóThis old and clumsy one
老身*rˤuʔn̥iŋ老身lǎoshēnThis old bodyEmployed by elderly women
老漢*rˤuʔn̥ˤar-s老汉lǎohànThis old man
老夫*rˤuʔpa老夫lǎofūThis old and respected man

Scholars and monks

小生*sewʔsreŋ小生xiǎoshēngThis later-born oneLiterally "smaller-born" but Chinese uses the idea of "big" and "small" in reference to age e.g., 你多大? ("How big are you?") is a question about one's age and not about height or weight
晚生*morʔsreŋ晚生wǎnshēngThis later-born one
晚輩晚辈wǎnbèiThis later-born oneLiterally "[belonging to a] later generation"
晚學*morʔm‑kˤruk晚学wǎnxuéThis later-taught one
不才*pədzˤə不才bùcáiThis inept one
不佞不佞búnìngThis incapable one
不肖*pəsew‑s不肖búxiàoThis unequal oneLiterally "unlike", but implying the speaker is unequal to the capability and talent of his audience
老衲老衲lǎonàThis old and patched oneEmployed by monks, in reference to their tattered robes. Used by senior/older monks.
貧僧贫僧pínsēngThis pennyless monk
貧尼贫尼pínníThis pennyless nun
貧道*brənkə.lˤuʔ贫道píndàoThis pennyless priest/priestessEmployed by Taoist adepts


Some of the following are still in use today in various Chinese dialects.

寒舍*ə.gˤanr̥ak-s寒舍hánshèThis humble abodeLiterally "cold lodging-house"; could be used as a metonym for the family itself
-愚-These unintelligent...A prefix used when referring to oneself and another family member: this unintelligent couple (愚夫婦), this unintelligent father and son (愚父子), these unintelligent brothers (愚兄弟), &c.
-*kˤra家-jiāMy house's...A prefix used when referring to living elder family members: my father (家父), my elder brother (家兄), &c.
-*sˤər先-xiānDeceased...Literally "first", a prefix used when referring to deceased elder family members: my late father (先父), my late elder brother (先兄), &c.
-*r̥ak-s舍-shěMy place's...Literally "my lodging-house's", a prefix used when referring to younger family members: my younger brother (舍弟), my younger sister (舍妹), &c.
-*nˤəp内-nèi...insideA prefix used when referring to one's wife (内人, 内子, &c.)
拙荊*totkreŋ拙荆zhuōjīngThat/you clumsy thornEmployed by men to address or refer to their wives
賤內*dzen-snˤəp贱内jiànnèiThat/you worthless one insideEmployed by men to address or refer to their wives
拙夫*totpa拙夫zhuōfūThat clumsy manEmployed by wives to refer to their husbands
犬子*kʷʰˤenʔtsəʔ犬子quǎnzǐThat/you dog son/childEmployed by parents to address or refer to their sons
小兒*sewʔŋe小儿xiǎo'érThis little child/son
小女*sewʔnraʔ小女xiǎonǚThis little daughter

Addressing or referring to others

The same concept of hierarchical speech and etiquette affects terms of address towards others as well as oneself. In most cases in modern Chinese, politeness can be expressed by replacing the standard second-person pronoun (, "you") with its polite form (nǐn, "you" [cherished]).

In a historical context (and in some modern contexts), the audience's title or profession is used in place of the historic second-person pronouns and (ěr, "you") or the modern . In other cases, there might be specific alternatives to be employed instead. Below are examples of proper substitutes:


Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
陛下陛下bìxiàYour MajestyLiterally means "beneath the ceremonial ramp". The implied context is "Your Majesty, beneath whose ceremonial ramp [I am standing]". It was used by officials when they addressed the emperor directly.
聖上圣上shèngshàngYou, the Holy and Exalted OneMay be used when addressing the emperor directly or when referring to the emperor in the third person.
聖駕圣驾shèngjiàHis MajestyLiterally means "holy procession". Used when referring to the emperor in the third person, especially when the emperor was on the move.
天子天子tiānzǐThe Son of HeavenOne of the titles of the emperor.
萬歲万岁wànsuìYou, of Ten Thousand Years."Ten thousand" is often used for an unspecified large number, analogous to "myriad" in English. "Years" here refers specifically to years of age. It may be roughly translated as "Long live the Emperor!".
萬歲爺万岁爷wànsuìyéYou, the Lord of Ten Thousand YearsAn informal way of addressing the emperor directly. Usually used by the emperor's personal attendants.
龍體龙体lóngtǐHis Majesty's healthLiterally means "dragon's body". Referring to the emperor's body or his health. Examples: 龍體欠安 (the Emperor is not feeling well); 龍體無恙 (the Emperor is well) etc.
龍顏龙颜lóngyánHis Majesty's feelingsLiterally means "dragon's face". Referring to the emperor's mood, emotions, or facial expressions. Examples: 龍顏大悅 (the Emperor is very pleased); 龍顏大怒 (the Emperor is furious) etc.

Important people

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
殿下殿下diànxiàYour HighnessLiterally means "beneath your palace". Used when addressing members of the imperial family, such as princes and princesses.
王爺王爷wángyéYour HighnessAn informal way of addressing a prince or a vassal king.
爵爺爵爷juéyéMy LordAn informal way of addressing dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts and barons.
麾下麾下huīxiàSirLiterally means "beneath your flag". Used when addressing generals and military officers.
qīngMy subjectLiterally means "official". Used by the emperor and members of the imperial family when they address officials. Examples: 愛卿 (my dear subject) etc.
節下节下jiéxiàYour ExcellencyLiterally means "beneath your ceremonial banner". Used when addressing ambassadors from foreign lands.
千歲千岁qiānsùiYou, of Thousand YearsLiterally "one thousand years", used to address Empresses, Dowagers, Crown Princes and other high-ranking imperials. The Taiping Rebellion also had a particular rank system based on how many "thousand years" a lord is entitled to.

The following are commonly used today.

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
閣下阁下géxiàLiterally means "beneath your pavilion". Used when addressing important people, or to show respect to the person. Equivalent to Excellency.
前輩前辈qiánbèiLiterally means "you, who belong to an older generation". Used when addressing an elderly person or someone in the same profession who is more senior than the speaker.
台端台端táiduān"台" refers to the Three Ducal Ministers, the three highest-ranked officials in the Zhou Dynasty. "端" is the honorific for assisting and advisory officials in the Six Dynasties. It is usually used in formal writing when addressing a person of similar social status.
同志同志tóngzhìComradeLiterally means "you, who share the same ambition with me". Used by members of the Nationalist and Communist parties to address fellow members of the same conviction, thus it can translate to "comrade". It is also used by some older citizens in China to address strangers. However, now among the younger and more urban Chinese, "同志" has definite implications of homosexuality (not necessarily in a pejorative way, however, as it has been adopted by the gay community, and thus is more analogous to the English term queer as compared to faggot).

By titles:

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
小姐 / 姑娘小姐 / 姑娘xiăojiě / gūniangMs.The use of "xiaojie" is taboo in some parts of China as it may refer to prostitutes. In Suzhou, "xiaojie" is substituted with "yatou" (simplified Chinese: 丫头; traditional Chinese: 丫頭; pinyin: yātou), which in turn may be considered offensive in other parts of China because "yatou" also means "dumb girl".
夫人夫人fūrénMrs.Traditionally, the honorific of the consort of a Pre-Qin state ruler. During the imperial era, it was appropriated for vassals. In modern use, it is appropriate for most females. When a surname is used, the husband's surname precedes this honorific.
博士博士bóshìDr.Originally a court scholar. Refers to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) holder.
醫生医生yīshēngDr.Refers to a medical doctor. "Daifu" (Chinese: 大夫; pinyin: dàifū) "Yishi" (Chinese: 醫師; pinyin: yīshī) are sometimes used, usually in mainland China and in Taiwan respectively.
老師老师lǎoshīTeacher"Laoshi" may sometimes be used as a polite reference to a more highly educated person, who may not necessarily be a teacher.
師父师父shīfùMasterSee Sifu for further information.
師傅师傅shīfùMasterSee Sifu for further information.
修士修士xīushìMonk (Catholic)
神父神父shénfùPriest (Catholic); Father
教宗教宗jiàozōngThe Pope (Catholic)
執士执士zhíshìDeacon (Christian)
牧師牧师mùshīPastor (Christian)
主教主教zhǔjiàoBishop (Christian)
法師法师fǎshīMonk / Nun (Buddhist)"Heshang" (Chinese: 和尚; pinyin: héshàng) is also used, either to denote seniority or hierarchy in the monastery.
居士居士jūshìLayman (Buddhist)
仙姑仙姑xiāngūPriestess (Taoist)"Daogu" (Chinese: 道姑; pinyin: dàogū) is also used sometimes.
道長道长dàozhăngPriest / Priestess (Taoist)
爵士爵士juéshìSir (Knighthood)
shèngSt. / SageUsed as a prefix to indicate holiness. May not necessarily be applied to only Catholic saints as a prefix, for example "孔圣" (Kongsheng) (Chinese: 孔聖; pinyin: kǒngshèng), literally means "Saint Confucius" or "Sage Confucius".

The addressee's family members

The following terms are still in use today:

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
令尊令尊lìngzūnYour fatherLiterally means "the beautiful and respected one". "Lingzunweng" (Chinese: 令尊翁; pinyin: lìngzūnwēng) is sometimes used.
令堂令堂lìngtángYour motherLiterally means "the beautiful and dignified one". "Lingshoutang" (simplified Chinese: 令寿堂; traditional Chinese: 令壽堂; pinyin: lìngshòutáng) is sometimes used.
令閫令阃lìngkǔnYour wifeLiterally means "the beautiful door to the woman's room".
令兄令兄lìngxiōngYour elder brotherLiterally means "the beautiful elder brother".
令郎令郎lìnglángYour sonLiterally means "the beautiful young man". "Linggongzi" (Chinese: 令公子; pinyin: lìnggōngzǐ) is sometimes used.
令愛令爱lìng'àiYour daughterLiterally means "the beautiful and beloved one". Another form of "ling'ai" (simplified Chinese: 令嫒; traditional Chinese: 令嬡; pinyin: lìng'ài) is sometimes used.
令千金令千金lìngqiānjīnYour daughterLiterally means "the beautiful one who is worth a thousand gold".
尊上尊上zūnshàngYour fatherLiterally means "the respected one above".
尊公尊公zūngōngYour fatherLiterally means "the respected lord". "Zunjun" (Chinese: 尊君; pinyin: zūnjūn) and "zunfu" (Chinese: 尊府; pinyin: zūnfǔ) are sometimes used.
尊堂尊堂zūntángYour motherLiterally means "the respected and dignified one".
尊親尊亲zūnqīnYour parentsLiterally means "the respected and loved ones".
尊駕尊驾zūnjiàYou, the respected oneLiterally means "the respected procession". Used when referring to a guest or a person of higher social status.
賢喬梓贤乔梓xiánqiáozǐYou, the virtuous father and son
賢伉儷贤伉俪xiánkànglìYou, the virtuous husband and wife
賢昆仲贤昆仲xiánkūnzhòngYou, the virtuous brothers
賢昆玉贤昆玉xiánkūnyùYou, the virtuous sisters

One's own family

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
賢妻贤妻xiánqīYou, my virtuous wife
賢弟贤弟xiándìYou, my virtuous younger brother"Xiandi" (simplified Chinese: 贤棣; traditional Chinese: 賢棣; pinyin: xiándì) is another less commonly used form.
賢侄贤侄xiánzhìYou, my virtuous nephew
夫人夫人fūrénYou, my wifeMeans "you" when talking directly to wife. When introducing her to others it means "my wife".
夫君夫君fūjūnYou, my husband
郎君郎君lángjūnYou, my husband and masterArchaic
官人官人guānrénYou, my husbandMeans more like "Official man", like "The Man", like as the term used for the police. It might have been Archaic for "Husband" at one time, but seems unlikely said to be.
相公相公xiànggōngYou, my husbandObsolete. It now refers to a male prostitute.
丈夫丈夫zhàngfuYou, my husbandA modern translation probably used in mainland China.
夫婿夫婿fūxùYou, my husbandA modern translation of "Husband", meaning more like "A grown-up son-in-law that's now a husband".
仁兄仁兄rénxiōngYou, my kind elder brother
àiYou, my beloved / LoveA prefix to show affection for lovers. Examples: 愛妻 (my beloved wife); 愛姬 (my beloved concubine); 愛妾 (my beloved concubine) etc.


Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
賢家贤家xiánjiāYouLiterally means "the virtuous house".
賢郎贤郎xiánlángYou, the virtuous young manReferring to one's son.
賢弟贤弟xiándìYou, the virtuous younger brotherCould be either addressing one's own younger brother or referring to the addressee's younger brother.
仁兄仁兄rénxiōngYou, the kind elder brotherUsed when addressing an older male friend.
仁公仁公réngōngYou, the kind lordUsed when addressing a person more senior than the speaker.


Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
zhàngA prefix for elderly persons.
太 / 大太 / 大tài / dàA prefix for elders.
太后太后tàihòuEmpress Dowager

The deceased

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
xiānA prefix for deceased persons older than the speaker.
先帝先帝xiāndìThe late emperorReferring to the deceased former emperor.
先考先考xiānkǎoMy late father
先父先父xiānfùMy late father
先慈先慈xiāncíMy late mother
先妣先妣xiānbǐMy late mother
先賢先贤xiānxiánThe late virtuousReferring to a deceased person who was highly regarded.
wángA prefix for deceased persons younger than the speaker. Examples: 亡弟 (deceased younger brother); 亡兒 (deceased child) etc.

The following are commonly found in spiritual tablets and gravestones:

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
顯考显考xiǎnkǎo(My) honorable late father
顯妣显妣xiǎnbǐ(My) honorable late mother
祖考祖考zǔkǎoAncestral father
祖妣祖妣zǔbǐAncestral mother

Strangers or social encounters

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
guìA prefix for persons and others things affiliated to the addressee. It is used for the purposes of courtesy and formality.
貴子弟贵子弟guìzǐdìYour son(s)
貴子女贵子女guìzǐnǚYour children
貴家長贵家长gùijiāzhǎngYour parent(s)
貴公司贵公司guìgōngsīYour company
貴國贵国guìguóYour country
貴姓贵姓guìxìngYour surname / family nameUsed when asking for the addressee's surname or family name.
貴庚贵庚guìgēngYour ageUsed when asking for the addressee's age.
bǎoA prefix that means "valuable" or "precious".
貴寶號贵宝号guìbǎohàoYour valuable business
府上府上fǔshàngYour stately residence
貴府贵府guìfǔYour noble residence

Other prefixes and suffixes

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaningNotes
阿~阿~āAh~A prefix that shows affection or intimacy. Examples: 阿伯 (uncle); 阿妹 (sister); 阿哥 (brother); 阿爸 (father) etc. It may also be attached to the last character of a person's given name to address him/her intimately. Examples: 阿莲. More common in southern parts of China.
本~本~bĕnThis~ / Our~A prefix for things affiliated to oneself. Examples: 本公司 (this company / our company); 本校 (this school / our school) etc.
為~为~wéiI, who am your~Examples: 為父 (I, your father); 為母 (I, your mother); 為兄 (I, your elder brother) etc.
敝~敝~My~ / Our~A prefix for things affiliated to oneself. Examples: 敝公司 (this company / our company); 敝校 (this school / our school) etc.
~君~君jūnA suffix used for a male friend or a respected person.
~姬~姬A suffix used for a female friend, maiden. "Guniang" (Chinese: 姑娘; pinyin: gūniang) is sometimes used.
~郎~郎lángA suffix used for an intimate male friend or one's husband.
~子~子A suffix used for a wise or learned man. "Fuzi" (Chinese: 夫子; pinyin: fūzǐ) is sometimes used.
~兄~兄xiōngbrotherA suffix used for an older male friend.
~公~公gōngA suffix used for a respected person.
~足下~足下zúxiàA suffix for a friend in writing a letter.
~先生~先生xiānshēngMr.A suffix used for a person in a profession.
~前輩~前辈qiánbeìA suffix used for an elder or a more senior person in the same profession as the speaker.
~大人~大人dàrénSir / MadamA suffix used for an official or a person in authority.
~氏~氏shìA suffix used after a surname to address someone not of personal acquaintance.
~兒~儿érsonA suffix used for a young person.
~哥~哥elder brotherA suffix used for an older male friend or relative.
~弟~弟younger brotherA suffix used for a younger male friend or relative.
~姐~姐jiĕelder sisterA suffix used for an older female friend or relative.
~妹~妹mèiyounger sisterA suffix used for a younger female friend or relative.


Salutation is used at the beginning of a speech or a letter to address the audience or recipient(s). In the English language, salutations are usually in the form "Dear...". However, the Chinese language has more variations for salutation, which are used in different situations. Here are a few examples in modern Chinese:

  • 親愛的...·亲爱的... (qīn'aì de): Dear (beloved)
  • 尊敬的... (zūnjìng de): Revered ...
  • 敬愛的...·敬爱的... (jìng'aì de): Dear esteemed ...

Pejorative slang

It has been a tradition for many years in China to address oneself colloquially using these pronouns in place of "I" to indicate contempt for the listener, to assert the superiority of oneself, or when teasing:

  • 老子 (Lǎozi, not to be confused with Laozi the philosopher, written the same way): I, your dad (referring to oneself as superior)
  • 爺·爷 (Yé): I, your lord. Used in parts of Northern China
  • 恁父 (Hokkien: lín-pē): I, your dad (referring to oneself as superior).

When used towards a person less well known or on formal occasions, both terms are considered to be incredibly rude, and are usually used to purposely disgrace the addressee; however, it is less of an issue when spoken among close friends, though even some friends might still be offended by their use.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Baxter, Wm. H. & Sagart, Laurent. Baxter–Sagart Old Chinese Reconstruction Archived September 27, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.. 2011. Accessed 21 August 2013.
  2. Tschang, Yinpo. "Shih and Zong: Social Organization in Bronze Age China, p. 14. Sino-Platonic Papers, #140. June 2004. Accessed 21 August 2013.
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