Al-Menbar Islamic Society

Al-Menbar Islamic Society
جمعية المنبر الوطني الإسلامي
Leader Ali Ahmed Abdulla
Headquarters Muharraq
Ideology Sunni Islam
Religion Islam
Council of Representatives
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Shura Council
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Al Menbar National Islamic Society (Arabic: جمعية المنبر الوطني الإسلامي, literally "Islamic National Tribune") is the political wing of the Al Eslah Society in Bahrain. A Sunni Islamic party, it is well organised through a network of mosques and seek to promote a conservative social agenda while not directly challenging the Kingdom's government. It become political society in 2006. Bahrain doesn't allow political parties by traditional definition. Before that it was merely a think tank and public affair society. Al Menbar won one seat in Bahrain's 2014 general election, down from two seats in 2010.

At times, Al Menbar has seemed significantly more liberal than either the pro-business Independent Bloc and the salafist Asalah, particularly in its opposition to proposed legislation that it argues would restrict freedom of assembly.

In February 2006, Al Menbar led parliament's refusal to ratify the government's signature of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, with the party's president, Dr Salah Alli, explaining, "[The Convention] means that Muslims could convert to another religion, something against the Islamic law, since those who do so should be beheaded."[1]

On the issue of women's political rights in Bahrain, Al Menbar MP Dr Ali Ahmed told the Bahrain Tribune (26 January 2006):

Granting women their political rights is not against Islamic precepts. Women should be motivated to achieve their aspirations and contribute to the Kingdom’s development. We support women’s political empowerment and want to field the best women who can win. We believe that having a female head of state or president is against religious regulations, but any post below that is open to women.

In 2006's general election, the party promised to field several female candidates, with eye specialist Dr Haifa Al Mahmood apparently selected; however after an electoral pact was worked out with Asalah, which opposes women candidates, Al Menbar produced an all-male list of candidates. The party has though backed women's rights activists' campaign for the introduction of a unified personal status law, which was vehemently opposed by Shia Islamists.

In 2006's election they have worked out a deal with the Salafist Asalah to avoid splitting the Sunni Islamist vote.


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