< Adventist Adventurer Awards
Safety Specialist
Busy Bee

Watch a video or movie on Home Safety and discuss what you learned.

You can watch this video in How Stuff Works - Home Safety Videos

With your parents, develop a home fire-safety plan. Describe where the household fire extinguisher(s) is/are kept and how to use it/them.

You Con't Fool Me - Be a Safe Kid.pdf - Coloring Book

  • Two Ways Out: Every room should have two ways out. One way out would be the door and the second way out may be a window. If your first way out is blocked by fire or smoke you should use your second way out. Emergency escape from a second story window may involve using a home fire safety ladder. If your escape plan includes an escape ladder, practice using it from a first floor window with a grown-up.
  • Working Smoke Alarms: Make sure your home has at least one smoke alarm on every level and outside the sleeping areas. If you sleep with your bedroom door closed, ask a grown-up to install a smoke alarm inside your bedroom. Ask a grown-up to test your smoke alarms each month by pushing the test button, and to replace the batteries once a year or when it makes a chirping sound which means the battery is running low.
Indented line NOTE: Newer smoke alarms have a universal signal repetition of 3 beeps, followed by a 1 1/2 second pause.
  • Outside Meeting Place: Pick a family meeting place outside the home, where everyone will meet once they have escaped. A good meeting place would be a tree, a streetlight, a telephone pole, or a neighbor's home. Be sure to stay a safe distance from emergency vehicles.
  • Lots of Practice: Practice your plan with your family at least twice a year. Get your family together for tonight and practice your "great escape." Remember: Never go back inside a burning building. Once out, stay out!
Indented line If you live in an apartment building, here is some special information for you. In some cases, the safest action when a fire alarm sounds may be to stay inside your apartment and protect yourself from smoke until the fire department arrives. This is called a "passive escape." If escaping is your best course of action, follow your escape plan unless there is immediate danger. Take your key with you in case you are forced to return to your apartment. Always use the stairs - never the elevator- in case of fire alarms. An elevator may stop at a floor where the fire is burning or it may malfunction and trap you.

If you are unable to leave the building, use your passive escape.

  • Seal all doors and vents with duct tape or towels to prevent smoke from entering the room.
  • Open a window at the top and bottom so fresh air can enter. Be ready to close the window immediately if it draws smoke into the room.
  • Call the fire department and let them know that you are still inside the building.
  • Wave a flashlight or light colored cloth at the window to let the fire department know where you are located.
  • Be patient. Rescuing all the occupants of a high-rise building can take a long time.

Practice a fire drill at

Home Fire Escape Plan - PDF

Students evacuate Potomac Hall, during a fire drill.
  • Draw a map of your home. Show all doors and windows.
  • Visit each room. Find two ways out.
  • All windows and doors should open easily. You should be able to use them to get outside.
  • Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test button to make sure each alarm is working.
  • Pick a meeting place outside. It should be in front of your home. Everyone will meet at the meeting place.
  • Make sure your house or building number can be seen from the street.
  • Talk about your plan with everyone in your home.
  • Learn the emergency phone number for your fire department.
  • Practice your home fire escape drill!

School Procedures Fire Drill for School - PDF

  • Know your escape route beforehand.
  • Follow your teacher instructions.
  • Line up and stay in line.
  • Follow your teacher quietly through the school to your destination.
  • Stay in your assembly area.
  • Keep a excellent behavior and make sure you stay together.

Church (if possible)

As appropriate for your area, practice the following drills


The following are guidelines that should be followed in the event that a hurricane is predicted. An evacuation is a slow, frustrating, time consuming experience. Evacuees should exercise extreme caution in traffic. You do not want to loose your only means of transportation. Remember these important points, while evacuating:

  • Be prepared to leave early.
  • Select and confirm your destination before leaving.
  • Select your primary and alternate evacuation routes prior to leaving.
  • Take detailed maps of areas around your destination and along your evacuation route.
  • Monitor local media for important information from Emergency Management.
  • Fill your Car’s fuel tank, first.
  • Check all fluid levels in your car.
  • Check your spare tire and tire changing equipment.
  • Take an adequate supply of food and water.
  • Have sufficient cash to meet your needs.

If Evacuation Is Impossible

Though it is strongly suggested that you evacuate when told to do so, FEMA provides suggestions in the event you can’t:

  • Stay indoors and away from windows and glass doors.
  • Close interior doors. Secure and brace external doors.
  • Close curtains and blinds. It could help protect you from flying glass.
  • Don’t be fooled by the lull during the eye of the hurricane.
  • For shelter, find a small interior room on the lower level of your home, closets and hallways are good, and cover yourself with a table or sturdy object.

Ultimately, your safety during a hurricane comes down to three factors; keep a battery-powered radio nearby, follow preparedness and other instructions from local authorities, and have a disaster emergency kit prepared for both house and car.


Tornado Drill Procedures.PDF

Students participate in a tornado drill, lining up along an interior wall and covering their heads.

In some areas of the country at certain times of year, tornado watches or warnings can happen on a weekly basis. In tornado warnings, students have to get to a safe location and can't get back to the lesson until the all clear is sounded. When a tornado warning is issued for your area, the following procedures should be followed:

  • Move away from windows and glass doorways
  • Go to the innermost part of the building on the lowest possible floor
  • Assist children with special needs
  • Move away from materials and furniture that could fall on you
  • Account for all of the children and staff members by taking attendance
  • Use the head tuck position to protect from flying objects
  • If an evacuation crib is used, cover children with a blanket to protect from flying objects
  • Talk with children and offer reassurance
  • Send a note home to all parents describing the incident


FEMA Prevention Plan for Earthquake.PDF

Earthquake instructions: The earthquake alarm signal will be announced over the intercom system or by using a bullhorn if electrical power is not available. During an earthquake drill, the following procedures should be followed:

  • If indoors, take cover under a desk, table, or bench against an inside wall or wood framed doorway, and hold on.
  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors or walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting, furniture, or fixtures.
  • If outdoors, stay there. Move away from buildings, streetlights, or utility wires.
  • The greatest danger is from falling debris. Get to open areas.
  • Above all, stay calm.



Volcano Preparedness

Lightning and thunder

Be a “Safety Detective” for one week.

Make a safety poster showing dangerous situations and tell or show what you can do about them.

Establish a fire safety poster contest. Ask children to create a safety picture of kids doing the right thing in escaping from a fire. Display the posters and talk about them.

Participate in a safety game.

Play the game “Stop, Drop and Roll.” This is a fun game for kids and the lesson taught can be invaluable. Also, create a game with “Stay Low and Go.” You can press an alarm (use anything with sound) and then kids practice these skills as fast as they can. Be sure to explain when they should “stay low and go” and when it would be appropriate to “stop, drop and roll.” Children should be encouraged to cover their faces when rolling.

Safe Tower (Supplies: box of building blocks) Parents read multiple choice questions about storm safety. Children add a block to a building or tower for each correct answer.

External Resources

Hurricane, Earthquake Procedures - FEMA Government

Home Safety Videos - How Stuff Works.com

Safety Tips - Sparky The Fire Dog

Fire escape plan- Sparky. com

Great Safety Adventure Games - Puzzle books available online regarding fire, fall, poison, and choking hazards at home

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