< Adventist Adventurer Awards
Bible Friends (EB)
Eager Beaver

What does it mean to be a friend?

Friends help each other. The spend time together. They pray for each other.

Name three Bible Friends.

There are many examples of friends in the Bible.

  • David and Jonathan
  • Ruth and Naomi
  • Jesus and Lazarus
  • Peter, James and John
  • Daniel and his three friends

Who is your favorite Bible friend? Tell a story about that person.

Pick an appropriate story based on who you like to talk about.

Dress up and act out a story about a Bible friend.

Time to dig out the bathrobes and towels for your head. Have fun! You can also act these stories Bible Skits

Tell three things you can do to be a friend for Jesus.

Anything along the lines of helping others.

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