< Adventist Adventurer Awards
My Picture Book
Helping Hand

Make a picture book of at least 6 pages.

Create a family picture book or chose any subject, object or theme as the basis for your book. Include photos, magazine pictures and/or drawings.

All pages must have some form of decoration on it.

Use a variety of materials to decorate the book. Items could include: colored or printed paper, stickers, punch-outs, decorative scissors, buttons, foam cut-outs, embellishments, beads, confetti or other cut-outs. REMEMBER: There is no requirement to buy expensive or fancy scrapbooking supplies!

Describe each picture in the book.

A short description of the picture can be included in print/script OR be part of a book verbal show-n-tell.

Memorize Joel 1:3 and discuss the meaning.

Joel 1:3 (ESV)
Tell your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation.

Meaning points: picture books help us remember important points in our lives. It gives us a chance to tell people about something important a long time from now. The discussion could evaluate what important events they are wanting to put in their book match the Bible text (and how).

Important events such may include baby dedications, baptism, public speaking, performing for church or school, family vacations, mission trips.

Share your picture book with others and explain why you picked these pictures. Did sharing your book help you understand Joel 1:3?

Share your book with family, club, school or with friends.

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