

roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; (a measure word)
to honor
simp. and trad.




  1. (Buddhism) the idol or other main object of worship at a temple; the principal image; yidam
  2. (neologism, slang) the original (person, version, etc.), as opposed to an imitator


Kanji in this term
Grade: 1
そん > ぞん
Grade: 6


本尊 (hiragana ほんぞん, rōmaji honzon)

  1. the idol or other main object of worship at a temple
    • 1922, 内藤鳴雪, 鳴雪自叙伝:
       (ほん) (どう) (うし)ろの (くろ) (ほん) (ぞん)もやはり跣足 (はだし) () ()ったものである。
      Hondō no ushiro no kuro honzon mo yahari hadashi de haitta mono de aru.
      Sure enough, behind the temple along with the black idol was somebody who'd come in barefoot.
  2. the main object of attention or affection (often used sarcastically)
    • 1907, 夏目漱石, 野分:
       (こい)装飾 (そうしょく)ならば (こい) (ほん) (ぞん)たる愛人 (あいじん)無論装飾品 (むろんそうしょくひん)である。
      Koi ga sōshoku naraba koi no honzon taru aijin wa muron sōshokuhin de aru.
      If your love is for show, then of course your vaunted lover will be a mere ornament.
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