

Kanji in this term
Grade: 5


[wot-] > [ot-]. Traces exist in  (おとこ) (otoko) and 乙女 (おとめ) (otome).


復つ (godan conjugation, hiragana おつ, rōmaji otsu, historical hiragana をつ)

  1. to become young
    • c. 759, Man'yōshū (book 5, poem 847)
      和我佐可理 伊多久々 多知奴 久毛尓得夫 久須利波武等母 麻多遠知米也母
    • c. 759, Man'yōshū (book 6, poem 1034)
      従古 人之言來流 老人之 變若云水曾 名尓負瀧之瀬
  2. to be reborn
    • c. 759, Man'yōshū (book 4, poem 650)
      吾妹児者 常世国尓 住家良思 昔見従 変若益尓家利



  • Satake, Akihiro; Hideo Yamada; Rikio Kudō; Masao Ōtani; Yoshiyuki Yamazaki (c. 759) Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 1: Man’yōshū 1 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, published 1999, →ISBN.
  • Satake, Akihiro; Hideo Yamada; Rikio Kudō; Masao Ōtani; Yoshiyuki Yamazaki (c. 759) Shin Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 2: Man’yōshū 2 (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, published 2000, →ISBN.
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