

Kanji in this term

Grade: 6
Grade: S


A compound of (za, sitting) + (shiki, spreading, covering), the stem noun form of verb 敷く (shiku, to spread or lay out on the floor or ground).

Japanese houses originally had wood floors, and mats or cushions called (za) would be laid out (敷く (shiku)) for sitting upon. Tatami () flooring did not become common until some time during the Muromachi Period, approximately 1337 to 1573.



座敷 (hiragana ざしき, rōmaji zashiki)

  1. a traditional Japanese-style room with tatami flooring, or in older times, with wood flooring and mats or cushions for sitting upon
  2. such a room used as a parlor to receive guests
  3. by extension from the meaning of entertaining guests:
    1. a seat at a feast or party
    2. an invitation to a feast or party
    3. a feast or party
    4. (euphemistic) used by geisha and other entertainers, meaning a customer or patron
    5. (Noh, archaic) the audience of a Noh performance

Derived terms

See also

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