

earth; ground; field; place; land; (subor. part. adverbial); ‑ly
shake; shock; sign in trigram
simp. and trad.




  1. earthquake
    地震活動 / 地震活动   dìzhèn huódòng   seismic activity
    臺灣發生地震 / 台湾发生地震   Táiwān fāshēng dìzhèn le.   There was an earthquake in Taiwan.
    發生地震大陸藝人為了救災共襄盛舉舉辦演唱會 [MSC, trad.]
    发生地震大陆艺人为了救灾共襄盛举举办演唱会 [MSC, simp.]
    Fāshēng le dà dìzhèn, dàlù jí gǎng, ào, tái sān dì yìrén wèile jiùzāi gòngxiāngshèngjǔ, jǔbàn le duō chǎng yǎnchànghuì. [Pinyin]
    After the major earthquake, artists from the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan all worked together to perform several concerts to collect funds for disaster relief.


Dialectal synonyms of 地震 (“(to have an) earthquake”) [map]
Variety Location Words
Formal (Written Standard Chinese) 地震
Mandarin Beijing 地震, 地動
Taiwan 地震, 地牛翻身
Jinan 地震, 地動
Luoyang 地動
Wanrong 地動
Xi'an 地震, 地動
Wuhan 地震
Chengdu 地震, 地動
Yangzhou 地震
Hefei 地震
Cantonese Guangzhou 地震
Hong Kong 地震
Yangjiang 地震
Gan Nanchang 地震
Pingxiang 地震, 孽龍轉身
Hakka Meixian 地震, 天地轉側
Miaoli (N. Sixian) 地動, 地牛翻身, 地牛轉肩
Liudui (S. Sixian) 地動
Hsinchu (Hailu) 地動, 地牛翻身, 地牛轉肩
Dongshi (Dabu) 地動
Hsinchu (Raoping) 地動
Yunlin (Zhao'an) 地動
Jin Taiyuan 地震, 地動
Min Bei Jian'ou 地震, 地牛反肩
Min Dong Fuzhou 地震, 地牛轉肩
Min Nan Xiamen 地動
Tong'an 地動
Quanzhou 地動, 地牛翻身
Zhangzhou 地動, 地牛翻身
Longhai 地動
Zhangpu 地動
Dongshan 地牛過肩, 地顫 rural
Taipei 地動
Kaohsiung 地動, 塗牛翻身
Tainan 地動, 塗牛翻身
Taichung 地動, 地牛翻身
Hsinchu 地動, 地牛翻身
Lukang 地動
Sanxia 地牛翻身, 地動
Yilan 地牛翻身, 地動
Kinmen 地動, 地牛翻身
Magong 地動, 地牛翻身
Penang 地動, 地顫
Philippines (Manila) 地動
Chaozhou 地震
Haifeng 地牛翻身
Pinghua Nanning 地震
Wu Shanghai 地震, 地動
Suzhou 地震
Wenzhou 地震, 地藏王轉肩
Xiang Changsha 地震
Shuangfeng 地震

Derived terms

See also


Etymology 1

Kanji in this term

Grade: 2
Grade: S

/di t͡ɕin//d͡ʑiɕiɴ/

From Middle Chinese compound 地震 (MC diɪH t͡ɕiɪnH).



地震 (hiragana じしん, rōmaji jishin, historical hiragana ぢしん)

  1. an earthquake
Derived terms
See also

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2 Grade: S

/nawi/ → */nawʲi//naji//nai/

From Old Japanese.

Originally a compound of (na, combining apophonic form of ni, "earth, soil") + (wi, modern i), the 連用形 (ren'yōkei, stem or continuative form) of 居る (iru, to be, of animate objects).

The kanji spelling is jukujikun (熟字訓).


  • (Irregular reading)
    • IPA(key): [na̠i]


地震 (hiragana ない, rōmaji nai, historical hiragana なゐ)

  1. (archaic, possibly obsolete) an earthquake
    • 720, Nihon Shoki (poem 94)
       () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () [Man'yōgana]
       (おみ) () () ()柴垣 (しばかき)下動 (したとよ) (なゐ) () () ()れむ柴垣 (しばかき) [Modern spelling]
      omi no ko no yafu no shibakaki shita-toyomi nai ga yorikoba yaremu shibakaki
      (please add an English translation of this example)
    • 1212, Hōjōki[3]
      また、 (おな)じころかとよ、おびたゝしく (おほ) () ()ふること (さぶら)き。[...]  (おそ)れのなかに (おそ)るべかりけるは、 (ただ) () ()なりけりとこそ (おぼ) ()しか。[...] よのつね、 (おどろ)くほどの () () () (さん) (じふ) ()ふらぬ ()はなし。
      Mata, onaji koro ka to yo, obi-tatashiku ō-nai furu koto saburaki. ...osore no naka ni osoru-bekarikeru wa, tada nai narikeri to koso oboe-ji shi ka. ...yo no tsune, odoroku-hodo no nai, ni-san-jūdo furanu hi wa nashi.
      (please add an English translation of this example)

Etymology 3

Kanji in this term
Grade: 2 Grade: S

/nawi/ → */nawʲi//naji//naje//nae/

Appears in the Nippo Jisho.

Shift from nai, historical nawi (see above).

The kanji spelling is jukujikun (熟字訓).


  • (Irregular reading)
    • IPA(key): [na̠e̞]


地震 (hiragana なえ, rōmaji nae)

  1. (archaic, possibly obsolete) an earthquake
    • 16031604, Nippo Jisho (page 455)[4]
      Naye. ナエ(地震) 地震.Nayega yuru. (地震が揺る) 地震がする.


  1. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  2. 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, →ISBN
  3. Nishio, Minoro (1212) Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei: Hōjōki, Tsurezuregusa, Iwanami Shoten, published 1957, →ISBN
  4. Doi, Tadao (1603–1604) Hōyaku Nippo Jisho (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, published 1980, →ISBN.


Hanja in this term


地震 (jijin) (hangeul 지진)

  1. Hanja form? of 지진 (earthquake).


Hán tự in this word



  1. Hán tự form of địa chấn (earthquake).
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