


  • IPA(key): /ˈsɫuʃəm/


слушам (slúšam) impf

  1. (transitive, intransitive) to listen to (to pay attention to a sound)
    Моля, слушай внимателно като обяснявам. - Please listen carefully as I explain.
    Обичам да слушам музика. - I like to listen to music.
  2. (transitive) to listen, to obey, to heed (to accept or obey oral instruction)
    Добрите деца слушат родителите си. - Good children listen to their parents.
  3. (intransitive) to be obedient, to be good
    Ако не слушаш, няма да ти купя сладолед. - If you are naughty/not obedient, I won't buy you an ice-cream.



  • (pay attention to a sound): послушам (poslušam)
  • (obey): подчинявам се (podčinjavam se), послушам (poslušam)
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