
See also: đông, đồng, Đông, đọng, động, and Appendix:Variations of "dong"



Non-Sino-Vietnamese reading of Chinese (“freeze”; SV: đống). Cognate with Tho [Cuối Chăm] /tɒːŋ³/.



đóng (𠘃, , , )

  1. (transitive or intransitive) to close, to shut, to be closed (a door, lid, border)
    đóng cửa sổ
    to shut a window
    Tiệm đóng cửa hôm nay.
    The shop is closed today.
  2. (transitive or intransitive) to shut down (a computer, business)
    Một công ty máy tính ở Anh thông báo đóng cửa vì bị phá sản.
    A British computer company announced its closure due to bankruptcy.
  3. (transitive) to drive (a nail, stake)
    đóng đinh
    to drive a nail
  4. (intransitive) to congeal, solidify (grease, water, blood)
  5. (transitive) to pack (wine, flour, goods in a container)
  6. (transitive) to appear in, to star in, to play a role in (a play, movie, show)
  7. (transitive) to post, to pay, to submit (tuition, bond, taxes, bail)
    • 1957, Đoàn Giỏi, chapter 17, in Đất rừng phương Nam, Kim Đồng:
      Họ phải đóng thuế hằng năm như đóng thuế ruộng đấy, con ạ.
      They have to pay annual taxes just like paying land tax, son.
  8. (transitive) to assemble (a table, shoe, ship, book)
  9. (transitive) to wear tightly, to fasten to oneself (a loincloth, harness, yoke)
  10. (transitive) to affix (a seal)
  11. (transitive or intransitive, military) to station; to be stationed
  12. (transitive, dated) to achieve a specific military rank



Derived terms


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