


Borrowed from Latin status.



statuss m (1st declension)

  1. (law) status (set of features provided by law to characterize some juridical or physical person, or a country, territory or other object with legal relevance)
    parlamenta deputāta statussstatus of member of parliament
    diplomāta statussdiplomatic status
    republikas, brīvpilsētas statussstatus of republic, of free city
    aizsargājamo dzīvnieku un augu statussstatus of protected animal and plant
    zinātnisko iestāžu statussstatus of scientific institution
    Ar 1922 gadu Valka no jauna ieguva pilsētas statusuwith the year of 1922 Valka again obtained city status
  2. statuss (state or condition which is characteristic for a certain person or phenomenon)
    sociālais statusssocial status
    liela mākslinieka statussthe status of a great artist
    slimnieka psihiskā statuss'the patient's mental statuss, state, condition



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