


meg- + él


  • IPA(key): [ˈmɛɡeːl]
  • Hyphenation: meg‧él



  1. (intransitive) to live on (followed by -ból/-ből) (to have a particular amount of money for food and other necessities)
    Nem lehet megélni 47 000 forintból.You can't live on 47,000 forints.
  2. (intransitive) to depend on something (followed by -ból/-ből) as a source of income
    A legtöbb dolgozó a munkájából él meg.Most workers live from their work.
    Meg kellett tanulniuk a földből megélni.They had to learn to live off the land.
  3. (transitive) to live through (to continue to live despite unfortunate or unfavorable circumstances)
    Megélte a háború borzalmait.He lived through the horrors of the war.
  4. (transitive) to continue to live until an event happens, to live long enough to experience a certain situation
    Nem élte meg az unokája esküvőjét.He didn't live to see his grandson's wedding.

Derived terms

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