


manū (by hand) + teneō (hold).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /ma.nuːˈː/, [ma.nuːˈtɛ.ne.oː]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ma.nuˈ, [ma.nuˈteː.ne.o]


manūteneō (present infinitive manūtenēre, perfect active manūtenuī, supine manūtentum); second conjugation

  1. (Late Latin, Vulgar Latin) I support, maintain.


   Conjugation of manuteneo (second conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present manuteneō manutenēs manutenet manutenēmus manutenētis manutenent
imperfect manutenēbam manutenēbās manutenēbat manutenēbāmus manutenēbātis manutenēbant
future manutenēbō manutenēbis manutenēbit manutenēbimus manutenēbitis manutenēbunt
perfect manutenuī manutenuistī manutenuit manutenuimus manutenuistis manutenuērunt, manutenuēre
pluperfect manutenueram manutenuerās manutenuerat manutenuerāmus manutenuerātis manutenuerant
future perfect manutenuerō manutenueris manutenuerit manutenuerimus manutenueritis manutenuerint
passive present manuteneor manutenēris, manutenēre manutenētur manutenēmur manutenēminī manutenentur
imperfect manutenēbar manutenēbāris, manutenēbāre manutenēbātur manutenēbāmur manutenēbāminī manutenēbantur
future manutenēbor manutenēberis, manutenēbere manutenēbitur manutenēbimur manutenēbiminī manutenēbuntur
perfect manutentus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect manutentus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect manutentus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present manuteneam manuteneās manuteneat manuteneāmus manuteneātis manuteneant
imperfect manutenērem manutenērēs manutenēret manutenērēmus manutenērētis manutenērent
perfect manutenuerim manutenuerīs manutenuerit manutenuerimus manutenueritis manutenuerint
pluperfect manutenuissem manutenuissēs manutenuisset manutenuissēmus manutenuissētis manutenuissent
passive present manutenear manuteneāris, manuteneāre manuteneātur manuteneāmur manuteneāminī manuteneantur
imperfect manutenērer manutenērēris, manutenērēre manutenērētur manutenērēmur manutenērēminī manutenērentur
perfect manutentus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect manutentus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present manutenē manutenēte
future manutenētō manutenētō manutenētōte manutenentō
passive present manutenēre manutenēminī
future manutenētor manutenētor manutenentor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives manutenēre manutenuisse manutentūrus esse manutenērī manutentus esse manutentum īrī
participles manutenēns manutentūrus manutentus manutenendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
manutenēre manutenendī manutenendō manutenendum manutentum manutentū


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