

FWOTD – 1 November 2014

Alternative forms


From con- + prehendō (catch, grasp).


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /kom.preˈhen.doː/, [kɔm.prɛˈhɛn.doː]


comprehendō (present infinitive comprehendere, perfect active comprehendī, supine comprehēnsum); third conjugation

  1. to lay hold of something on all sides; take or catch hold of, grasp, grip
  2. to seize upon in a hostile manner, lay hold of; occupy, capture (of a place); arrest, detain, apprehend, catch; to intercept (a letter)
  3. (to a crime or deed) to discover, detect, come upon, reveal
  4. (of space) to contain, comprise, to enclose, to include, to comprehend
  5. (figuratively, Late Latin) to shut in, to include
  6. to conjoin, to fuse with the thing that has come close
    1. (of plants) to take root, to take hold
    2. (of a woman) to become pregnant, to conceive
    3. (with ignem) to catch (fire)
    4. (Late Latin, of medicines) to combine, unite
  7. (figuratively) to be connected to a structure serving cognition as follows
    1. to comprehend by sense of sight, perceive, observe, see
    2. to comprehend something by the mind, understand, perceive, grasp, comprehend
    3. to include or comprehend in words, comprise in discourse, express, describe, recount, narrate
    4. (of law) to provide, to establish, to determine
      • Dig. XLV.I.19 Pomponius libro quinto decimo ad Sabinum
        Si stipulatio facta fuerit: «si culpa tua divortium factum fuerti, dari?», nulla obligatio est, quia contenti esse debemus poenis legum comprehensis: nisi si et stipulatio tantundem habeat poenae, quanta lege sit comprehensa.
        If a stipulation has been made that “it is to be given if by your fault divorce befalls”, then this stipulation is void, because we have to be content with the penalties provided for by the laws: except if the stipulation has a penalty of the same height as is provided for by law.
    5. to number, enumerate, reckon
    6. to comprehend someone in affection, embrace with kindness, to bind or put under obligation


   Conjugation of comprehendo (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present comprehendō comprehendis comprehendit comprehendimus comprehenditis comprehendunt
imperfect comprehendēbam comprehendēbās comprehendēbat comprehendēbāmus comprehendēbātis comprehendēbant
future comprehendam comprehendēs comprehendet comprehendēmus comprehendētis comprehendent
perfect comprehendī comprehendistī comprehendit comprehendimus comprehendistis comprehendērunt, comprehendēre
pluperfect comprehenderam comprehenderās comprehenderat comprehenderāmus comprehenderātis comprehenderant
future perfect comprehenderō comprehenderis comprehenderit comprehenderimus comprehenderitis comprehenderint
passive present comprehendor comprehenderis, comprehendere comprehenditur comprehendimur comprehendiminī comprehenduntur
imperfect comprehendēbar comprehendēbāris, comprehendēbāre comprehendēbātur comprehendēbāmur comprehendēbāminī comprehendēbantur
future comprehendar comprehendēris, comprehendēre comprehendētur comprehendēmur comprehendēminī comprehendentur
perfect comprehēnsus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect comprehēnsus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect comprehēnsus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present comprehendam comprehendās comprehendat comprehendāmus comprehendātis comprehendant
imperfect comprehenderem comprehenderēs comprehenderet comprehenderēmus comprehenderētis comprehenderent
perfect comprehenderim comprehenderīs comprehenderit comprehenderimus comprehenderitis comprehenderint
pluperfect comprehendissem comprehendissēs comprehendisset comprehendissēmus comprehendissētis comprehendissent
passive present comprehendar comprehendāris, comprehendāre comprehendātur comprehendāmur comprehendāminī comprehendantur
imperfect comprehenderer comprehenderēris, comprehenderēre comprehenderētur comprehenderēmur comprehenderēminī comprehenderentur
perfect comprehēnsus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect comprehēnsus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present comprehende comprehendite
future comprehenditō comprehenditō comprehenditōte comprehenduntō
passive present comprehendere comprehendiminī
future comprehenditor comprehenditor comprehenduntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives comprehendere comprehendisse comprehēnsūrus esse comprehendī comprehēnsus esse comprehēnsum īrī
participles comprehendēns comprehēnsūrus comprehēnsus comprehendendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
nominative genitive dative/ablative accusative accusative ablative
comprehendere comprehendendī comprehendendō comprehendendum comprehēnsum comprehēnsū

Derived terms


  • Portuguese: compreender
  • Romanian: cuprinde, cuprindere
  • Sardinian: cumprèndere, cumprendi, cumprindi, cumprèndiri, cumprènnere
  • Sicilian: cumprènniri
  • Spanish: comprender


  • comprehendo in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • comprehendo in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • comprehendo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to take fire: ignem concipere, comprehendere
    • to grasp a thing mentally: animo, mente, cogitatione aliquid comprehendere, complecti
    • to acquire knowledge of a subject: scientia comprehendere aliquid
    • to have a thorough grasp of a subject: penitus percipere et comprehendere aliquid (De Or. 1. 23. 108)
    • in short; to be brief: ut brevi comprehendam




  1. first-person singular (eu) present indicative of comprehender
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