


From Latin compositum.


compositum (plural compositums)

  1. (algebra, field theory) Given a field extension F/K and subextensions A and B, the smallest subextension that contains both A and B.
    • 1998, Iain T. Adamson (translator), David Hilbert, The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields, [1897, D. Hilbert, Zahlbericht], Springer, page 98,
      Of particular interest is the case in which the discriminants of the fields forming the compositum are relatively prime.
    • 2004, Dinesh S. Thakur, Function Field Arithmetic, World Scientific, page 81,
      For , we get the maximal abelian extension by adjoining all roots of unity, i.e., taking compositum of all -th cyclotomic fields (this is the famous Kronecker-Weber theorem).
    • 2005, T. Y. Lam, Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields, American Mathematical Society, page 333,
      This is then just the field compositum of all the quadratic extensions in the algebraic closure of .

Usage notes

  • Denoted .
  • It is the same as the image of the homomorphism that maps the tensor product .


  • (smallest subextension of a given field extension that contains two given subextensions): field compositum


Further reading



Inflected form of compositus; the noun is the substantivised neuter form.



  1. nominative neuter singular of compositus
  2. accusative masculine singular of compositus
  3. accusative neuter singular of compositus
  4. vocative neuter singular of compositus


compositum n (genitive compositī); second declension

  1. that which is agreed; an agreement, compact, etc.
  2. compound word, compound

Usage notes

  • This noun also appears (in the ablative only) in the phrases ēx compositō (according to agreement”, “by agreement”, “in concert) and compositō (by agreement), as well as more rarely (in the same sense) alone as compositō.


Second declension.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative compositum composita
Genitive compositī compositōrum
Dative compositō compositīs
Accusative compositum composita
Ablative compositō compositīs
Vocative compositum composita


  • compositum in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • compositum in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) well-ordered, well-brushed hair: capilli compti, compositi (opp. horridi)
    • (ambiguous) an elaborate speech: oratio composita
    • (ambiguous) well-arranged words: verba composita
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