
See also: bröa



Borrowed from Portuguese broa, of Germanic origin.


broa (countable and uncountable, plural broas)

  1. A type of cornbread made in Portugal, Galicia and Brazil with wheat, rye and yeast.



Broa (maize bread) and pantrigo (wheat bread)

Alternative forms


Obscure. From Old Galician and Old Portuguese borõa (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria); cognate with Portuguese broa and Asturian borona, from a substrate language. Not directly from Germanic *braudą (bread) or Celtic *barginā- (bread), but perhaps derived from Proto-Indo-European *bʰars- (spike, prickle) (compare Welsh bara (bread), Latin far (spelt), Serbo-Croatian бра̏шно/brȁšno ‘flour’, Albanian bar (grass), Ancient Greek Φήρον (Phḗron, plant deity)).[1]


  • IPA(key): /ˈbɾo.a̝/


broa f (plural broas)

  1. black bread, cornbread: bread made of rye, millet and maize
    • 1805, anonymous, Representación dos veciños da Pontedeva (in Ramón Mariño Paz, 2008, Papés d'emprenta condenada. A escrita galega entre 1797 e 1846, page 21-23):
      non pode querer ó noso Rey que lle paguemos un carto polo neto do viño, que non podemos vender á ochavo. Os probes non comemos mais ca un pouco de pan, ou bróa ruin, e unhas berzas sin adubo. Si nos quita a pinga do viño, ¿que forza emos ter para traballar as terras?
      our King can't pretend that we pay a quarter by each pint of wine [we consume], when we can't even sell it for half a quarter. We the poor people eat but a little of bread, or bad black bread, and some greens without seasoning. If He takes this little wine, what strength we'll have left for working the lands?


  • borõa” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012.
  • "borõa" in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012.
  • broa” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013.
  • broa” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
  • broa” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
  1. Coromines, Joan; Pascual, José A. (1991–1997). Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico. Madrid: Gredos, s.v. borona.

Norwegian Bokmål

Alternative forms


broa m or f

  1. definite feminine singular of bro



Alternative forms


From Old Portuguese borõa, of uncertain origin; see that entry for more.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈbɾo.a/, /ˈbɾo.ɐ/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /ˈbɾo.ɐ/
  • Hyphenation: bro‧a


broa f (plural broas)

  1. broa (type of cornbread made in Portugal, Galicia and Brazil)


For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:broa.


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