at the same time


Prepositional phrase

at the same time

  1. Simultaneously.
    • 1749, [John Cleland], Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill], London: Printed [by Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e., Fenton and Ralph Griffiths] [], OCLC 731622352:
      I bid him come towards me and give me his letter, at the same time throwing down, carelessly, a book I had in my hands.
    • 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 1, in The Celebrity:
      However, with the dainty volume my quondam friend sprang into fame. At the same time he cast off the chrysalis of a commonplace existence.
    • 2013 August 10, “Can China clean up fast enough?”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:
      At the same time, it is pouring money into cleaning up the country.
  2. On the other hand (introducing an opposing viewpoint).




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