


anoa (plural anoas)

  1. Either of Bubalus quarlesi or Bubalus depressicornis, being a small Indonesian water buffalo similar in appearance to a deer.
    • 1998, Jane Whitten, Tropical Wildlife of Southeast Asia, page 16,
      Anoas need undisturbed forest and cannot adapt to logged areas. The bad-tempered anoa with its sharp short horns is greatly feared, but in spite of this it is periodically suggested as a potential domestic animal. Anyone who has met with an anoa ridicules this idea.
    • 2000, Michael Alvard, The Impact of Traditional Subsistence Hunting and Trapping on Prey Populations: Data from Wana Horticuluralists of Upland Central Sulwesi, Indonesia, John G. Robinson, Elizabeth L. Bennett (editors), Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests, page 223,
      The Celebes pig and, to a lesser degree, the anoa were the focus of the Wana's large game interests.
    • 2011, Colin Groves, Peter Grubb, Ungulate Taxonomy, unnumbered page,
      They reported seeing mountain anoa trophies for sale, and also a living captive animal, in the Toraja highlands; probable lowland anoas in the Gunung Tangkoko National Park on the N tip of Sulawesi, and evidence of both kinds of anoas in or near the Dumoga-Bone National Park.

Usage notes

The two species may constitute a subgenus of Bubalus. See anoa on Wikipedia.Wikipedia




Further reading





  1. again



Borrowed from Indonesian anoa.



anoa m (plural anoa's, diminutive anoaatje n)

  1. anoa, Bubalus depressicornis
    Synonyms: dwergbuffel, gemsbuffel


(index an)

Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *anodak, of unknown further origin.


  • IPA(key): /ˈɑnoɑˣ/, [ˈɑno̞ɑ(ʔ)]
  • Hyphenation: a‧no‧a
  • Rhymes: -ɑnoɑ



  1. (transitive) To ask, request, plead, beg, implore, entreat, petition, solicit.
  2. (transitive) ~ virkaa = to apply for a post/job.
Inflection of anoa (Kotus type 52/sanoa, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. anon en ano 1st sing. olen anonut en ole anonut
2nd sing. anot et ano 2nd sing. olet anonut et ole anonut
3rd sing. anoo ei ano 3rd sing. on anonut ei ole anonut
1st plur. anomme emme ano 1st plur. olemme anoneet emme ole anoneet
2nd plur. anotte ette ano 2nd plur. olette anoneet ette ole anoneet
3rd plur. anovat eivät ano 3rd plur. ovat anoneet eivät ole anoneet
passive anotaan ei anota passive on anottu ei ole anottu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. anoin en anonut 1st sing. olin anonut en ollut anonut
2nd sing. anoit et anonut 2nd sing. olit anonut et ollut anonut
3rd sing. anoi ei anonut 3rd sing. oli anonut ei ollut anonut
1st plur. anoimme emme anoneet 1st plur. olimme anoneet emme olleet anoneet
2nd plur. anoitte ette anoneet 2nd plur. olitte anoneet ette olleet anoneet
3rd plur. anoivat eivät anoneet 3rd plur. olivat anoneet eivät olleet anoneet
passive anottiin ei anottu passive oli anottu ei ollut anottu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. anoisin en anoisi 1st sing. olisin anonut en olisi anonut
2nd sing. anoisit et anoisi 2nd sing. olisit anonut et olisi anonut
3rd sing. anoisi ei anoisi 3rd sing. olisi anonut ei olisi anonut
1st plur. anoisimme emme anoisi 1st plur. olisimme anoneet emme olisi anoneet
2nd plur. anoisitte ette anoisi 2nd plur. olisitte anoneet ette olisi anoneet
3rd plur. anoisivat eivät anoisi 3rd plur. olisivat anoneet eivät olisi anoneet
passive anottaisiin ei anottaisi passive olisi anottu ei olisi anottu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. ano älä ano 2nd sing. ole anonut älä ole anonut
3rd sing. anokoon älköön anoko 3rd sing. olkoon anonut älköön olko anonut
1st plur. anokaamme älkäämme anoko 1st plur. olkaamme anoneet älkäämme olko anoneet
2nd plur. anokaa älkää anoko 2nd plur. olkaa anoneet älkää olko anoneet
3rd plur. anokoot älkööt anoko 3rd plur. olkoot anoneet älkööt olko anoneet
passive anottakoon älköön anottako passive olkoon anottu älköön olko anottu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. anonen en anone 1st sing. lienen anonut en liene anonut
2nd sing. anonet et anone 2nd sing. lienet anonut et liene anonut
3rd sing. anonee ei anone 3rd sing. lienee anonut ei liene anonut
1st plur. anonemme emme anone 1st plur. lienemme anoneet emme liene anoneet
2nd plur. anonette ette anone 2nd plur. lienette anoneet ette liene anoneet
3rd plur. anonevat eivät anone 3rd plur. lienevät anoneet eivät liene anoneet
passive anottaneen ei anottane passive lienee anottu ei liene anottu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st anoa present anova anottava
long 1st2 anoakseen past anonut anottu
2nd inessive1 anoessa anottaessa agent1, 3 anoma
instructive anoen negative anomaton
3rd inessive anomassa 1) Usually with a possessive suffix.

2) Used only with a possessive suffix; this is the form for the third-person singular and third-person plural.
3) Does not exist in the case of intransitive verbs. Do not confuse with nouns formed with the -ma suffix.

elative anomasta
illative anomaan
adessive anomalla
abessive anomatta
instructive anoman anottaman
4th nominative anominen
partitive anomista
5th2 anomaisillaan
Derived terms

Etymology 2


  • IPA(key): /ˈɑnoɑ/, [ˈɑno̞ɑ]
  • Hyphenation: a‧no‧a
  • Rhymes: -ɑnoɑ



  1. anoa
Inflection of anoa (Kotus type 15/korkea, no gradation)
nominative anoa anoat
genitive anoan anoiden
partitive anoaa
illative anoaan anoisiin
singular plural
nominative anoa anoat
accusative nom. anoa anoat
gen. anoan
genitive anoan anoiden
partitive anoaa
inessive anoassa anoissa
elative anoasta anoista
illative anoaan anoisiin
adessive anoalla anoilla
ablative anoalta anoilta
allative anoalle anoille
essive anoana anoina
translative anoaksi anoiksi
instructive anoin
abessive anoatta anoitta
comitative anoineen
  • kääpiöpuhveli



anoa (plural anoa-anoa, first-person possessive anoaku, second-person possessive anoamu, third-person possessive anoanya)

  1. anoa (a small Indonesian water buffalo)




  1. Rōmaji transcription of アノア





  1. anoa (a small Indonesian water buffalo)



anoa m or f (in variation) (plural anoas)

  1. anoa (a small Indonesian water buffalo)



anoa m (plural anoas)

  1. anoa (a small Indonesian water buffalo)
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