


Latin acetabulum (a little saucer for vinegar)


  • (UK, US) IPA(key): /ˌæs.ɪˈtæb.jə.ləm/
  • Hyphenation: ace‧tab‧u‧lum


acetabulum (plural acetabula or acetabulums)

  1. (Roman Antiquities) a vinegar cup
  2. (Roman Antiquities) the socket of the hipbone
  3. (Roman Antiquities) a measure of about one eighth of a pint
  4. (anatomy) The bony cup which receives the head of the thigh bone.
  5. (anatomy) The cavity in which the leg of an insect is inserted at its articulation with the body.
  6. (anatomy) A sucker of the sepia or cuttlefish and related animals.
  7. (anatomy) The large posterior sucker of the leeches.
  8. (anatomy) One of the lobes of the placenta in ruminating animals.

Derived terms


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.



From acēt(um) (vinegar) + -bulum (a vessel for)


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /a.keːˈtaː.bu.lum/, [a.keːˈtaː.bʊ.ɫʊ̃]


acētābulum n (genitive acētābulī); second declension

  1. A shallow cup for vinegar; acetabulum.
  2. Any cup-shaped vessel.
  3. (anatomy) The socket of the hipbone.
  4. (botany) The cup of a flower.
  5. accusative singular of acētābulum
  6. vocative singular of acētābulum


Second-declension noun (neuter).

Case Singular Plural
Nominative acētābulum acētābula
Genitive acētābulī acētābulōrum
Dative acētābulō acētābulīs
Accusative acētābulum acētābula
Ablative acētābulō acētābulīs
Vocative acētābulum acētābula



  • acetabulum in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • acetabulum in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • acetabulum in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • acetabulum in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • acetabulum in William Smith et al., editor (1890) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: William Wayte. G. E. Marindin
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