< Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic


This Proto-Slavic entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



From Proto-Balto-Slavic *īˀskāˀ-, *aiˀskāˀ-, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂is-sk-e-, from *h₂eys-. Cognate with Lithuanian ieškóti (to look for) (1sg. íeškau), Latvian iẽskât (to search for lice), Sanskrit इच्छति (icchati, to long for, wish, to seek), Avestan 𐬌𐬯𐬀𐬌𐬙𐬌 (isaiti, to seek), Latin aeruscō (to beg, to ask for), Old High German eiscōn (to investigate, to demand), Old English āscian (to ask), English ask, Old Armenian այց (aycʿ, visit; search), հայց (haycʿ, demand, request; seeking).


*jьskati impf

  1. to look for, to seek



  • East Slavic:
  • South Slavic:
    • Old Church Slavonic:
      Cyrillic: искати (iskati), 1sg. искѭ (iskjǫ), 3sg. ищетъ (ištetŭ), 3pl. искѧтъ (iskętŭ) (also 1sg. ищѫ (ištǫ), 3pl. ищѧтъ (ištętŭ) with analogical spread of ищ-)
      Glagolitic: [Term?]
    • Bulgarian: и́скам (ískam, to want)
    • Macedonian: иска (iska, to want) (dialectal)
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: ѝскати (to wish; (Dubrovnik) to look for), 1sg. ѝскам, и̏ште̄м; и́скати (to search for lice)
      Latin: ìskati (to wish; (Dubrovnik) to look for), 1sg. ìskam, ȉštēm; ískati (to search for lice)
      • Chakavian (Vrgada): īskȁti, 2sg. ȉšćes, ĩšćes
      • Chakavian (Orbanići): īskȁt (to look for, to get), 3sg. ĩšće
    • Slovene: ískati, iskáti (tonal orthography), 1sg. íščem (tonal orthography)
  • West Slavic:
    • Old Czech: jískati
      • Czech: vískat (to search for lice), dialectal ískať (to search for lice, to bite (of frost))
    • Polish: iskać (to search for lice)
    • Slovak: ískať (to search for lice)
    • Slovincian: vjĩskăc (to search for lice), 1sg. vjḯščą


  • Černyx, P. Ja. (1999), иска́ть”, in Istoriko-etimologičeskij slovarʹ russkovo jazyka [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), volume 1, 3rd reprint edition, Moscow: Russkij jazyk, page 357
  • Derksen, Rick (2008), “*jьskàti”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 4), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 214
  • Vasmer (Fasmer), Max (Maks) (1964–1973), иска́ть”, in Etimologičeskij slovarʹ russkovo jazyka [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), translated from German and supplemented by Trubačóv Oleg, Moscow: Progress
  • Trubačóv, Oleg, editor (1981), *jьskati”, in Etimologičeskij slovarʹ slavjanskix jazykov [Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages] (in Russian), volume 08, Moscow: Nauka, page 238
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