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Castle (2009-2016) is an American comedy-drama television series, airing on ABC, about a mystery writer, Richard Castle, becoming involved in investigating murders after a copycat killer uses his novels as inspiration and he decides to base a series of novels on the lead investigator, Detective Kate Beckett.

Rise [4.1]

[Beckett's boyfriend Josh blames Castle for her getting shot]
Castle: He's right, you know. This is my fault.
Martha: Richard Castle, don't you dare blame yourself. You did not shoot her.
Castle: No, but I put her in the crosshairs.

Alexis: You act like this is all about her. But you were standing right next to her; you could have been shot. Hell, I could have been shot! You need to grow up, dad. You're a writer, not a cop. Stop pretending.

Beckett: After my mother was killed, something inside me changed. It’s like I built up this wall inside. I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t wanna hurt like that again. I know I’m not going be able to be the kind of person that I want to be, I know I’m not gonna… I’m not gonna be able to have the kind of relationship that I want, until that wall comes down. And its not gonna happen till I put this thing to rest.
Castle: Well, then I suppose we’re just gonna have to find these guys and take them down.

Heroes and Villains [4.2]

Castle: Mother, prepare to feast on the finest omelet in the land... (He looks up and sees what Martha is wearing.) Before you join the convent...
Martha: No, I am making costumes for my Shakespeare class. So, what do you think?
Castle: I seem to remember asking you to make me an ET Halloween costume, and you told me you didn’t know how to sew.
Martha: Details. Besides, you were 32 at the time.

Castle: Whoa. You smell that? Wafting scent of printed pages. Comicadia. Beckett, this place is the premier comic book shop. It’s the Vatican to a Catholic. It’s Mecca to a pilgrim. Upstream to a...
Beckett: I know, Castle! I bought my first comic here when I was 14. Sin City. Dame to Kill For.
Castle: Hard core! Okay, whoa, okay. If you could be any comic book character in the world, who would you be?
Beckett: Elektra.
Castle: Oh. A ruthless assassin who hides from her emotions.
Beckett: No, maybe it’s because she’s got badass ninja skills.
Castle: Oh.
Beckett: What about you? Iron Man, Spider-Man? No wait, I know, Annoying Man.
Castle: Try billionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne, aka, the Dark Knight. He’s brooding, he’d handsome, and he has all the coolest toys.
Beckett: Wow, digging deep on that one.

Mike: We just got your Derrick Storm graphic novel, I mean, the art, the writing, it is, in a word, awesome!
Castle: Tell me, what’s your favorite part?
Kate: You don’t have to answer that question. His ego does not need anymore feeding.
Mike: Definitely where Derrick Storm escapes from the two bad guys by crashing the taxi cab.
Castle: Taxi cab!
Mike: Oh, I’m sorry, Detective Beckett, I should’ve said spoiler alert.
Kate: Oh, no, that’s okay, I won’t be reading it.
Mike: Really? I saw your name on our list. You preordered a copy.
Castle: Did she now?
Kate: I was just being supportive.

Ryan: Haven’t you ever wanted to be a superhero? Going out there, prowling the city, knocking some heads.
Esposito: I do that now.

Castle: Paul is the writer, Lone Vengeance is the subject. That’s their relationship. It’s you and me all over again, but I’m Paul and you're Lone Vengeance.
Beckett: Really, Castle? Is that how you see me? Like a sword-wielding killer?
Castle: Depends. Will you be scantily clad?
Beckett: In your dreams.

Head Case [4.3]

Castle: She grew up so fast.
Martha: Well, what do you expect? Her to live here forever?
Castle: Well, her, yes. You...
Martha: Watch it.

Alexis: How do you do it, Dad?
Castle: Do what?
Alexis: Well, that letter that you have framed in your office.
Castle: [fondly] My first manuscript rejection.
Alexis: Yeah. How can you stand having it there?
Castle: Because it drives me. And I got twenty more of those before Black Pawn ever agreed to publish In a Hail of Bullets. That letter... that letter reminds me of what I've overcome. Rejection isn't failure.
Alexis: It sure feels like failure.
Castle: No, failure is giving up. Everybody gets rejected. It's how you handle it that determines where you'll end up.
Alexis: My whole life has been about making sure I could get into any college I wanted. What's it about now?
Castle: Give it time. You'll figure it out.

Esposito: Yo, Ryan, 'sup man, where you been?
Ryan: Down at the college running down that break-in in Hamilton's office. So listen to this- (looks down at the desk) What the hell is this?
Esposito: That, my friend, is Beau Randolph’s alibi.
Ryan: A dead pigeon?
Esposito: CSU found it on the roof of his building with a slug on his belly from his .45.
Ryan: Seriously? Randolph really did commit murder, huh?
Esposito: Just writing him up for animal cruelty right now.
Ryan: Maybe there’s still time to cryogenically freeze the little guy…

Gates: What about the victim? Any closer to an ID?
Beckett: Based on blood, Dr. Parish determined that our victim is a male, so we’re looking for missing persons reports of men in that area.
Gates: Men? You’ve narrowed the victim pool down to men?
[Beckett tries to respond, but can’t]
Castle: Uh, well, in New York City, that actually eliminates over four million women, so…
[Gates glares stonily at him]
Gates: Mr. Castle, I don’t know what the mayor sees in you, but I know how you’re alike. He’s term-limited. [walks away]
Castle: Maybe if I sent her flowers-
Beckett: No. No.

Castle: Where do you start when you don’t know who the victim is?
Beckett: You… [frowns] Ah, you know you could… [stops trying and sighs]
Castle: We really need to find the body, don’t we?
Beckett: Yeah, pretty much.

Kick the Ballistics [4.4]

Castle: You know, Ryan, none of this is your fault. The fact that he used your gun...
Ryan: That weapon was issued to me by the city of New York. I let it out of my hand, and now a girl is dead. So please do not tell me that it's not my fault.

Ryan: When I started in Narcotics, I was so green. I-I didn't know how things worked. One day, there's this major bust - street gang cooking meth. They're stacking up guys in the bullpen, taking their statements one by one. Place is a zoo. I'm answering phones in the squad. Girl on the line, name of Alisha, asking for my lieutenant. So I call out across the bullpen "Hey Lou, Alisha's on the phone for you."
[Beckett snorts with laughter]
Ryan: It was her tip that got these guys nailed, and all of them just heard me call out her name. Searched all day and all night, looking for her before the gang could get word back to the street that she was a narc.
Beckett: Well, did you find her?
Ryan: I did. Got her into witness protection, but... that was the stupidest thing I'd ever done as a cop. Until the day Jerry Tyson got the drop on me and stole my weapon.

Eye of the Beholder [4.5]

Beckett: (While watching Castle making coffee.) Well, I, uh, I think we all ended up with what we wanted.
Serena: Yeah?
Beckett: Um, you know, after you and Castle went on that date...
Serena: More like a sting.
Beckett: He never thought that you were involved. He believed in you, even when I didn’t.
Serena: Why are you telling me this?
Beckett: I just... I think that you should know what kind of person you’re dealing with.
Castle: Here we are, ladies. (He hands them both a cup of coffee.)
Beckett: Thank you.
Serena: Thank you.
Castle: Anything wrong?
Beckett: Uh, no. I should, um, just gonna go and file some stuff. (She leaves.)
Serena: (Handing the coffee back.) And I’m going back to my hotel. I would ask you to come, but, it’s like I said. I don’t steal things that belong to someone else. (She leaves.)
Beckett: (Popping back around the corner.) You guys didn’t go out?
Castle: No.
Beckett: Why?
Castle: Because I can’t afford it. Museum just slapped me with a bill for the exhibit I broke. (He shows her the bill.)
Beckett: Whoa!
Castle: I know! Think they’d cut me some slack after the whole ‘helping to solve the murder’ thing.
Beckett: I guess the least the NYPD can do is take you out for a hamburger.
Castle: I accept.
Beckett: Let’s go.
Castle: I could put Alexis through college on this.
Beckett: Yeah, and med school.
Castle: Thank God I’m rich.

Demons [4.6]

Beckett: I'm sure there's a perfect explanation for all of that.
Castle: There is. They're heeeeerrrrre!

Beckett: Alright Castle, I appreciate your work, I do, but, what does it have to do with our case?
Castle: Just getting to that. It seems that in almost all of these killings, the killer claimed there was a - ready for this? - that a demon was responsible.
Beckett: (In a sarcastic tone) A demon? Really?
Castle: I'm not making this up! It's in the books!
Beckett: Fine! A demon killed Jack Sinclair. So what's our next move? Are we gonna stake out the house, wait for the demon to show up and zap him with our proton pack?
(Esposito laughs and Beckett goes away)

Castle: Listen, if you're not scared, just say it.
Beckett: No!
Castle: Come on, I know you want it.
Beckett: I don't wanna say it, Castle...
Castle: For me, please...
Beckett: I ain't afraid of no ghosts... (Ghostbusters theme playing)

Castle: So, if Barry’s not our guy, I think it’s time we revisit the possibility that our killer’s-
Beckett: If you say “ghost,” I’m sending you home.
Castle: [Looks over at Esposito in consideration and then back to Beckett] Apparition American.

Castle: I can tell you this: Any relationship that lasts longer than a breath mint is gonna have challenges, but if a relationship doesn’t work out, it’s usually not because of the challenges, it’s usually because the relationship wasn’t strong enough to begin with. Does this help?
Alexis: Not really. (Snuggles close to Castle) But this always does.
Castle: I promise you this: if two people believe in something, really believe, anything even the impossible, is possible.

Cops & Robbers [4.7]

[Beckett's on the precinct, her phone rings]
Beckett: What do you want Castle?
Castle: Tell me you need me.
Beckett: (A moment of silence) Excuse me?
Castle: I'm stuck in the bank, helping my mother get a loan with my banker. Please tell me there's a murder somewhere we can be solving.
Beckett: Uh, sorry, there's no dead bodies, just a lot of paperwork, but you're welcome to come and do your share, for once.
Castle: The only thing worse than being here is being there doing paperwork. [looks around the bank] I think this bank is about to get robbed.
Beckett: What?
Castle: Two people just came in wearing doctor's scrubs, both with suspicious bulges in their jackets.
Beckett: I think it's just your writer's imagination getting the best of you.
[a third person in scrubs walks in and jams the front door with a U-lock, all 3 "doctors" pull out guns]
Robber: Everybody down now! Everybody on the floor, right now! [Beckett's eyes widen in surprise as she hears this over the phone]
Castle: It's not my imagination! It's not my imagination!

[Talking to the fourth gunman over the phone as the bank is being robbed]
Beckett: Listen to me. So far, nobody has been hurt and nothing has been stolen. So if you just leave the same way that you came in, you can just disappear.
Robber: You gonna promise not to come look for me?
Beckett: I don’t look. I hunt. And trust me, you don’t want that.

Esposito: I don’t get it. This is a little, old, retired librarian. What could possibly be in her safe-deposit box that would be worth doing all this?
Ryan: Nazi gold, cold fusion, map to Atlantis.
Esposito: Hey, Castle Jr., could you maybe start thinking like a cop, please?

Castle: Even as a hostage, I help you solve murders. Beckett, I think… I think you have the perfect partner.
Beckett: [chuckles] Yeah, except he doesn’t like doing paperwork.
Castle: Touche.

[Beckett talking to the robbers]
Beckett: Listen to me, jackass. I do not control traffic, so you're gonna have to give me 20 minutes.
Robber: Now you got one minute, Kate.
Beckett: No. I've got 20. Do you hear me? 20. Because if you pull that trigger, I will walk through those doors and personally put a bullet through your skull.
Robber: Okay, Kate. You got 20 more minutes.
Cop: Well, that's one way to negotiate.

Heartbreak Hotel [4.8]

Castle: The last time I saw you in your PJs after eight am, I think you were four.
Alexis: We’re off today. Teacher’s retreat. I didn’t feel like getting dressed.
Castle: This wouldn’t have anything to do with Ashley, would it?
Alexis: Did I do the right thing, breaking up with him?
Castle: Oh, sweetie, I don’t know. That’s something only you can answer.
Alexis: It sucks. I miss him a lot.
Castle: Yeah, well you’re not doing yourself any favors sitting around reading Pride and Prejudice. That’s just gonna make it worse. Might as well be listening to Adele.
Alexis: Hey, she totally gets it. And so does Jane Austen.

Castle: Do you keep former guests in the system?
Sullivan: That’s how we flag gamblers with priors.
Castle: What about me?
Sullivan: Let’s see. Richard Castle. Resident New York City. Disorderly conduct, resisting arrest in 2003. And, uh, wow. Apparently last time you were at the Sapphire, you accidentally set a mattress on fire and the drapes were covered in jam.
Castle: (Laughing.) That was a good fun night.

Castle: Well, how about just a low-key evening with your girlfriends? You guys can have a John Hughes marathon and fill out a Cosmo quiz.
Alexis: Dad, the ‘80s just called. It wants its plan back.

Castle: You know, the man owned a casino. A guy like that, you’d think he’d have a driver.
Esposito: Especially since he was expecting trouble. He came heavy. [Holds up a bagged gun] It’s a .357 Magnum with all six still asleep in the cylinder.
Ryan: He didn’t even pull it out of the glove box. If he did, we’d be standing over the other guy.
Castle: Yeah well, you got to know when to hold them. And, when to fold them.
Esposito: Know when to walk away. Know when the run.
Lanie: [giving Esposito an irritated glance] Detective Esposito, a little respect, please. I mean, there is a dead body here.
Esposito: What’d I do?
[Lanie rises up and walks away]
Castle: You broke up with her.
Esposito: We broke up with each other. That’s different.
Castle: Yeah, you would think it would be different. But, no.

Esposito: Did you see that? He [Ryan] just sidestepped me. What’s that about?
Castle: It’s almost as though the thought of marriage fills him with an impending sense of doom. [Laughs] No, no, wait, that’s me.

[After Castle catches the elevator]
Esposito: What are you doing?
Castle: What’s it look like? Do you think I was going to pass up a road trip to the Boardwalk Empire, the East Coast epicenter of dancing, gambling, showgirls and sin?
Ryan: You do realize we’re going there to investigate a murder, don’t you?
Castle: [putting his arms around their shoulders] Gentlemen, if I’ve learned one thing, it’s to not let a little thing like murder get in the way of having a good time. And also, shotgun.

Kill Shot [4.9]

Beckett: Hey.
Castle: Hey.
Beckett: What are you doing?
Castle: Just waiting for my partner. Maybe you’ve seen her. Pretty girl, thinks she can leap tall buildings in a single bound, carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet, still manages to laugh at some of my jokes.
Beckett: She sounds like a handful.
Castle: Tell me about it. Anyway, if you do see her, tell her she owes me about a hundred coffees.
Beckett: Castle? Thank you.
Castle: For what?
Beckett: For not pushing, and giving me the space to get through this.
Castle: Always.

Beckett: [Heading to the evidence room] Espo, what are we doing back here?
Esposito: I want to show you something. [Pulls out a rifle]
Beckett: What is that?
Esposito: The rifle that shot you.
Beckett: You are way out of line.
Esposito: Just look at it.
Beckett: [Backs away] What the hell are you doing?
Esposito: I’ve been where you are, I know what you’re going through.
Beckett: Javi, I’m fine.
Esposito: You’re not fine. You’re just trying to act like you are. [Holds up the rifle] This is just a tool. It’s a hunk of steel. It has no magical powers, and the person that fired it is not some all-powerful God. Just a guy with a gun. Just like the guy we’ve hunting now. And like every other bad guy, he’s damaged goods.
Beckett: [After a moment of silence] So am I.
Esposito: That’s right. And that’s okay. You think it’s a weakness? Make it a strength. It’s a part of you. [Hands the rifle out to her] So use it.

Cuffed [4.10]

Lanie: I told you, it’s none of your business.
Castle: Of course it’s none of my business, that’s why I want to know.
Beckett: Know what?
Castle: What she and Esposito were fighting about.
Beckett: That’s none of your business.
Castle: That’s the point.

Castle: Do you know what Lanie and Esposito were fighting about?
Beckett: Everything. They both want to be together but neither of them wants to admit to it.
Castle: Ugh, why do people do that to themselves?
Beckett: Maybe they just don’t see it.
Castle: How could they not? It’s so obvious.

Castle: I’ve always liked your legs. But now I respect them.
Beckett: Yeah, yours aren’t so bad either. You know, for the next police picnic, we should do the three-legged race together.
Castle: You’re on.

Castle: What’s gonna happen with that tiger anyway?
Esposito: Shoot it.
Beckett: She’ll get transferred to a sanctuary.
Esposito: Or that.
Beckett: Probably end up in a zoo. Why, you wanna go visit her?
Castle: No. No thanks, I’m good.
Beckett: Alright, you guys get some rest.
Esposito: You too.
Beckett: That has gotta be the strangest brush with death I’ve ever had.
Castle: Me too. But I’ll tell ya, after that experience, if I ever have to be hitched to someone, it would be you.
Beckett: Hitched?
Castle: Hitched? No, I didn’t say hitched. I said cuffed. Handcuffed, not hitched. (He helps her into her jacket.) The colloquial or any other connotation or meaning.
Beckett: It’s okay, Castle, I understood what you meant, and for what it’s worth, if I ever have to spend another night handcuffed to someone again, I wouldn’t mind if it was you either.
Castle: Really?
Beckett: But next time, let’s do it without the tiger. (She walks past him.)
Castle: Next time?
(Beckett glances back, and then keeps walking. Castle grins.)

Beckett: What is so special about our victim that our killer burned off his fingerprints?
[Castle starts to speak]
Beckett: Don't say spy.
[pause; Castle starts to speak again]
Beckett: Or Mob hit.
Castle: Mob hit of a spy?

Castle: Still too high.
Beckett: Not if I climb on your shoulders. [When Castle gives her a look] What? We’ve done it before.
Castle: Yeah, you say that like it was pleasant. And we weren’t handcuffed.
Beckett: Who’s got no faith now? Come on Castle, we have no idea when they’re coming back or even if they’re coming back at all.
Castle: [Looks down at her heeled shoes] Last time you were wearing sneakers.
Beckett: Fine. [Tries to pry them off, but can’t] Think I’m gonna need your help.
Castle: [muttering as he works to pull them off] “Lift up my shirt.” “Pull off my boots.” Under normal circumstances, I would like where this was heading.
Beckett: You can fantasize later after we get out of the room.
Castle: Just so you know, not as much fun if I have your permission. How do you run in these things?
Beckett: Shut up and pull.

[As they are trying to escape the tiger]
Beckett: She’s playing with us. She’s gonna knock it over. What are we gonna do?
Castle: There’s only one thing to do. Scream like little girls
Castle & Beckett: Help! Help!
Esposito: Beckett! Castle!
Beckett: Esposito!
Esposito: Is that a tiger?
Castle: Yeah, yeah, that's a tiger! Hey, how about getting us out?

Til Death Do Us Part [4.11]

Castle: Let me ask you two something. If you found out a man was cheating on you, how would you kill him?
Martha: Knife. To the heart.
Castle: All right, what if you don’t have the stomach for that?
Alexis: Shoot him.
Castle: You don’t have the stomach for that, either.
Martha: What's wrong with our stomachs?
Alexis: There’s always poison.
Martha: True. Watch him writhe. And suffer.
Alexis: Die like the rodent he is.
Castle: Wow. All these years writing about murderers, I had no idea I was living among them.

Martha: Darling. Beauty does not happen by accident.
Alexis: That’s why when it goes unappreciated by cheating scum, (she holds out her butter knife) we want revenge.

Castle: Even their hypothetical fury is unnerving. William Congreve had it right when he talked about scorned women.
Beckett: Yeah well, you haven’t heard what I would do.
Castle: Yeah, I don’t think I ever want to know.

Pablo: You know, you have some beautiful eyes.
Beckett: Seriously?
Pablo: What? It’s a numbers game. I strike out 90% of the time.
Beckett: Thus restoring my faith in my gender.

Esposito: I don’t know what this dude Bailey was into, but whatever it was he had it going on.
Ryan: Really? This impresses you? These women are pathetic for falling for this guy and Bailey? Bailey was just a con man, and a liar.
Beckett: Thank you. At least there is one real man amongst us. Ryan, why don’t you take The Situation down to The Magic Bottle and see if we can get an ID on Lisa.

Beckett: (looking at book of victim's conquests) Oh my God. That's Jenny.
Castle: Not just Jenny. (points at page) "Gyrating Jenny".

Castle: So. What are we gonna do?
Beckett: About what?
Castle: Well we have to tell Ryan about Jenny.
Beckett: What? Why? Castle, if we were getting married would you want to know about all the guys that I’ve slept with?
Castle: All?
Beckett: Seriously? You sign women’s chests at book readings. You cannot be shocked that I’m not a virgin.
Castle: I – it’s just the word –all- suggests a lot. How many are we talking … exactly?
Beckett: Are you really asking for my number?
Castle: You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.
Beckett: (amused) Men. You all wanna know, but you don’t wanna know. Listen, every woman has her secrets, including Jenny. And sometimes, for the sake of a relationship, it is better not to share.

Dial M For Mayor [4.12]

Castle: Officer and a gentleman. That could be the name of our crime blog.
Beckett: Crime blog? The way that you help me write police reports? Got a feeling I’ll be writing that one on my own.

Castle: So we can narrow our suspects down to rich men with impeccable taste.
Beckett: Are you saying you’re a suspect?
Castle: Alexis is my alibi.

Beckett: If his staff wants to minimize damage, they’ll step back and let me do my job.
Castle: [chuckles] Step back? These are politicians. They can’t order at a restaurant without two compromises and an ultimatum.

Mr. Smith: You're a writer, finish this sentence, 'If Weldon had been run out of office–'
Castle: I'd be gone from the Twelfth Precinct.
Mr. Smith: And then who'd keep Beckett from looking into things she shouldn't? Who'd keep her out of harm's way?
Castle: So you did this to protect her? Why?
Mr. Smith: You play chess, Mr. Castle? Sometimes a well-placed pawn is more powerful than a king.

An Embarrassment of Bitches [4.13]

Castle: Buttons? You have a friend named Buttons? A human friend.
Alexis: Her mom called her that when she was little and it stuck.
Castle: Now, so is she.
Alexis: Buttons and I bonded over being rejected from Stanford. In fact, we applied to a lot of the same schools, so we were planning to visit a few campuses together this weekend. Make a road trip out of it.
Castle: Whoa. Okay, whoa. Where are you staying, who’s driving, and who’s chaperoning?
Alexis: We were going to take your Ferrari and hook up with some boys we met on Craigslist.
Castle: Not cool.

Castle: Her last name is Dutton? (Alexis nods.) Your friend’s name is Buttons Dutton?
Martha: That is unfortunate.
Alexis: What’s so wrong with that?
Castle: Come on, it’d be like calling me Rassle, or Tassle, or (answering his phone) No Hassle Castle. Hey... No I was just making up one... Please don’t call me that.

(A group of paparazzi surround Castle.)
Photographer: Hey, that’s not Jason Bateman.
Castle: That’s getting old.

Castle: We could keep him here at the precinct. I mean, we could use a mascot.
Esposito: I thought that’s what you were.
Castle: That... what’s that? What's that buddy? Esposito’s sense of humor fell down a well and can’t get out?

Castle: You think she’s wearing a wire?
Esposito: Dude, look at that outfit. Where’s she gonna put a wire?
Castle: Well, if I had to be creative, I’d guess... (noticing Kate’s look.) That’s rhetorical.

Castle: …But it made me think, all those times when you were little, how you begged me for a dog, and I refused because-
Alexis: You said you’d be the one who’d wind up having to feed it. And it was hard enough remembering to feed me every day.
Castle: Yeah… [Blinks in confusion] I don’t remember that last part.
Alexis: It was subtext. [Castle gives her a look] Barely.
Castle: Anyway, I want to make it up to you. I want to get you a dog. Only question is, what kind of dog do we get? What are we gonna name it? Whose room is it gonna sleep in?
Alexis: Whoa, Dad, slow down. I’m leaving for college soon, remember? You can’t have a dog in your dorm room.
Castle: Right. I know, I’ll just take care of him here, you can come visit him whenever you can.
Alexis: So…this dog you want to get, you know, for me? This wouldn’t be an enticement to come home from college more often, would it?
Castle: Don’t pretend like you’re smarter than me. I taught you subtext, young lady.
Alexis: Don’t worry. I’ll come back and visit so much you’ll be sick of me.
Castle: Promise?
Alexis: Yeah. Someone has to leave food out for you once in a while.
Castle: Speaking of, I’m kind of hungry right now.
Alexis: Kibbles ‘n Bits?
Castle: Peanut butter on a spoon?
Alexis: [Laughs] Chinese.
Castle: I’d like a sandwich. Welcome home.
Alexis: Yeah.

The Blue Butterfly [4.14]

Castle:(After he reads about Joe and Vera's first meeting) The Blue Butterfly! It's a necklace! That's why Stan was killed? Why am I narrating?

Castle: And it happened backstage, right upstairs. They were stealing a moment together, which was dangerous, because she was Dempsey’s girl. As they stared into each other’s eyes, Kate’s heart quickened...
Beckett: Did you just say Kate? Are you picturing the PI as you and me as the gangster’s moll?
Castle: What? No. and I didn’t say Kate, I said fate. Fate’s heart quickened. I was being poetic.

[After reading the statement]
Ryan: But if Sally wasn’t Vera’s sister, then who was she?
Castle: Sally set up the PI. It’s a classic film noir twist.
Ryan: But why?
Castle: [Gleefully] I don’t know.
Ryan: What was Sally up to?
Castle: I don’t know
Ryan: Do you think she was connected to Dempsey?
Castle: I don’t know. Isn’t this great?

Pandora [4.15]

Castle: It’s 9 o’clock. What kind of passion is she finding at this time of night?
Martha: Um... (Rick’s phone rings, it’s Kate.) Aha! There, your better half.
Castle: Don’t change the subject!

Castle: And if I did tell you, well then I’d have to kill you.
Esposito: Yeah? Good luck with that.
Castle: Yeah, realistically that’s not...

Lanie: No ID, but lots of causes of death.
Castle: You mean other than gravity.
Lanie: Oh, yeah. See that bullet wound?
Beckett: So he was shot before he fell?
Lanie: And stabbed.
Beckett: Shot and stabbed?
Lanie: And choked and has a pencil jammed in the side of his neck.
Castle: Gives new meaning to the term “overkill.”

[As Lanie and Alexis arrive to the crime scene]
Alexis: Just so you know, I’m not letting this victim out of my sight.
Lanie: Crazy.
Alexis: What is?
Lanie: The fact that Richard Castle, a man unburdened by regret and guilt, has a child that carries the weight of the world.

Linchpin [4.16]

Castle: How could they get a court order that fast?
Beckett: I don’t know. Maybe you should ask your girlfriend.
Lanie: Girlfriend?
Castle: Yes. Okay? We slept together. It was a long time ago. What’s the big deal?
Beckett: There is no ‘big deal’, sleep with whoever you want. The more the merrier!
Alexis: (Clearing her throat.) I have those, uh, toxicology reports you wanted.
Lanie: Oh, yes, just set them there, sweetie. Thank you.

Castle: (To Alexis, as they return from the precinct) So, how was your day at precinct?
Alexis: Great. And here I thought the dead bodies were going to be the grossest part.

Once Upon a Crime [4.17]

Castle: First Alexis is interning for Lanie, now my mother is taking over my office. I feel like my whole life is being invaded.
Beckett: You’ll get used to it. I did.
Castle: It is not the same thing. It’s similar, just much less invasive.

Castle: (To Beckett) A girl wearing a red outfit in the middle of the woods, claw marks on her face. Am I the only one who is seeing this? (Beckett is puzzled) She is Little Red Riding Hood.
Beckett: (Sarcastically) Great, I'll call an APB on the Big Bad Wolf.
Castle: You have a better theory? (Ryan suddenly calls Beckett from far)
Beckett: Ryan, I want you to see if any animal here can cause these marks.
Ryan: Like a wolf? A Big Bad one?
Beckett: Really?

Castle: There’s this whole adult role playing subculture obsessed with fairy tales. (Kate looks at him.) Not that kind of adult role playing, although, there is that one too.
Beckett: And you know this how?
Castle: Did a little research. Hmm. Bo Peep. Anyway, these people get dressed in the outfits, they play the characters, they even re-enact the stories. Maybe that’s what Amy was doing when everything went horribly and tragically wrong.
Beckett: Castle, that is a surprisingly reasonable and grounded theory.
Castle: Yeah. In fact, I am a little disappointed in myself.
Esposito: We all are, bro.

Castle: (Reading from Martha’s play.) ‘Richard always had a dark imagination. He was destined either to become a serial killer or a mystery writer.’ Mother, really?
Martha: Oh, it’s just a slight exaggeration.
Castle: And according to this you’re responsible for launching my writing career by... you slept with my first publisher?
Marcus: Mr Castle, I’m sure your talent would’ve gotten you there eventually.
Castle: My talent did get me there. I didn’t get published because of her.
Martha: Technically, I slept with him after your book was out. This is just to be more salacious.
Castle: Wasn’t he practically my age?
Martha: Honey, you know I’ve always loved younger men. They have so much energy, enough to keep up with me. Most of the time.
Castle: I’m gonna erase that image from my mind with a bottle of scotch. (He pours some scotch into a glass.)
Martha: Oh, darling, I invited Beckett to the reading tomorrow night, so you two might wanna make a date of it.
(Castle pours some more scotch into his glass.)

Beckett: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
Castle: Yes.
Beckett: Why are you so against your mom’s play?
Castle: Because she’s rewriting history. My history. Trust me, I lived through it. She’s making it sound like it’s her own personal fairy tale.
Beckett: Oh, so you don’t like it when someone writes their own version of your life. Interesting.
Castle: Okay, are you referring to the Nikki Heat books? Because this is completely different.
Beckett: How is it different?
Castle: Well, for one thing, I’m not claiming that what I write is actually true.
Beckett: Well, I don’t think she is, either. Come on, Castle, you said so yourself, everyone needs a fairy tale. What’s the harm in letting your mom have one of her own?
Castle: Okay, let’s... let’s change the subject to something less likely to give me an ulcer.

Castle: He covered his bases.
Beckett: I know. It’s really starting to piss me off.
Castle: Yeah. And you get cute when you get angry. (Kate looks at him.) But not when you get angry with me. (Kate smiles.)

Beckett: And like any psychopath, he’s a great actor. Oh, speaking of...
Castle: Psychopaths or actors?
Beckett: I was thinking about your mom.
Castle: Oh, so a little of both.
Beckett: I think we can make the play.
Castle: Really? You wanna venture into the dark scary woods?
Beckett: Don’t worry, Castle, I got a gun. I’ll protect you from the big bad wolf.
Castle: You’d use your gun on my mother? I’m touched. Thank you.

Castle: Speaking of fairy tales, my mother is ready to give her encore performance.
Beckett: Time to go back into the woods?
Castle: Still got your gun?

Martha: I turned down the role. Turned my back on fortune. And, it was the best career move I ever made. For an even greater role came my way. The part, perhaps the greatest role that I have ever played. That, of mother.
Beckett: (To Castle.) That’s sweet.
Castle: You’re right, that is sweet.
Alexis: Shh.
Castle: Sorry.
Martha: Now, if Richard had only been able to embrace the role of son with the same level of commitment...
Castle: And, into the woods we go.
(Beckett takes his hand.)

A Dance with Death [4.18]

Beckett: This is the weirdest spending spree I have ever seen. Odette spent tens of thousands of dollars on clothes but nothing in her size according to these receipts. Everything’s in size four.
(Castle arrives and puts a coffee down on Kate’s desk. She notices and smiles up at him.)
Esposito: And I went through her apartment. I didn’t see a hundred grand worth of new clothes. Maybe she hid ‘em.
Castle: Sounds to me like the old gas card scheme.
Beckett: What do you mean?
Castle: Your parents put you on a strict allowance, but they give you a gas card so you can fill your car. You fill your friend’s cars and they give you cash. Some of my buddies in boarding school nearly doubled their allowance.
Beckett: Uh huh.
Castle: Not me, of course. (Kate just looks at him.) That... (Esposito gives him a look.) Don’t tell my mother.

[When Martha mentions to Castle her plan to invite a movie critic to dinner]
Castle: You aren’t forgetting her blistering review of your performance of Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, are you?
Martha: That was 1983. I think I’m over it.
Castle: [Quoting the critic’s review] “Martha Rodgers as Maggie the Cat is more of a helpless kitten, mewing and flapping her hands when she doesn’t get her way.”
Martha: You memorized it?
Castle: I couldn’t help it! You walked around the apartment quoting it for months. Mother, I’m just saying, maybe it’s not a good idea to ask an important favor of someone who’s been so…unkind to you in the past.
Martha: The operative word here is “past.” I think I can rise above. Besides, my acting school is more important to me than some old grudge.
Castle: Well, that’s very mature of you, Mother.
Martha: Thank you. [Begins to walk away]
Castle: [Quoting again] “If Tennessee Williams knew what crimes Martha Rodgers had committed against this audience in his name, he would have her arrested for assault.”
Martha: [Exhaling] Rising above.

[Lanie, Alexis, Castle and Beckett walking into the autopsy room]
Alexis: Based on my reading of the coroner’s report, I can see why Graham Morton’s death was ruled natural causes. However-
Castle: Ooh! There’s a “however.”
Lanie: A very big “however.” [To Alexis] Tell them.
Alexis: There were some anomalies I found suspicious. Evidence of petechiae in both eyes. Fresh bruising on the right side of Mr. Morton’s nose, which could have happened if, say, someone was holding a pillow over his face. [Castle and Beckett look at each other and then back] All in all, I think there is ample evidence that Mr. Morton was murdered.
Castle: [To Lanie] Ample?
[Lanie nods]
Castle: [Grinning] Murdered. [Grabs Alexis and hugs her] I am just so proud.
Alexis: Dad. Work. Boundaries.
Castle: [Letting her go] Right.

47 Seconds [4.19]

Martha: Honey, do you ever wonder why I never visited you in the precinct the first year you were working there?
Castle: I always thought it was because of the harsh lighting.
Martha: Well, that was a consideration.

Gates: I have a special task for you. I hear that you’re quite the speed reader, and in the time that I’ve known you, you’ve shown, well, on occasion, an exceptional attention to detail.
Castle: That’s the first time you’ve ever payed me a compliment. Go on.
Gates: We’ve conducted over a hundred interviews so far. Someone needs to review them swiftly looking for information that can help us ID our suspect. And I believe you’re my best man.
Castle: (He turns to Kate.) I think she’s finally starting to like me.
Gates: No, I’m not.
Castle: (Whispers.) Wearing her down.

Beckett: Okay, so you remember what happened after the bomb went off, but not before.
Bobby: It must have been one of those traumatic amnesia things.
Beckett: Bobby. Don’t lie to me.
Beckett: I'm telling you, it was all a big blank. It was the trauma.
Beckett: It was not the trauma. You don’t get to use that excuse.
Bobby: I swear, I don’t remember.
Beckett: The hell you don’t remember. Do you wanna know trauma? I was shot in the chest, and I remember every second of it. And so do you.
(Castle is watching from the observation room.)
Castle: All this time. You remembered?

The Limey [4.20]

Beckett: I’m telling you, something happened. Something changed. It’s been weird between us lately.
Lanie: Lately? Kate, it’s been weird for four years.
Beckett: No, this is different. He’s different. It’s like he’s pulling away.
Lanie: Well, can you blame him? He’s probably tired of waiting.
Beckett: Waiting for what?
Lanie: What do you think? The guy is crazy about you, and despite your little act, you’re crazy about him. (Kate looks at her.) Oh, what, was that supposed to be some big secret?
Beckett: Yes. No. Do you think he knows?
Lanie: You remember how he used to be? Girl on either arm. You really don’t see that guy too much anymore. Why do you think that is? He’s waiting for you.
Beckett: Yeah, but Lanie...
Lanie: I know. You’re dealing with stuff. But you cannot ask him to wait forever. Unless, of course, you’re okay with him pulling away.
Beckett: What if it doesn’t work? What if it ends up like you and Javi?
Lanie: Well, at least we gave it a shot. And so it didn’t work out, so what? Now we can move on, give or take the occasional booty call.
Beckett: I just, I don’t wanna lose what we have, you know?
Lanie: Girl, please. What exactly do you have, really?
Beckett: A friendship.
Lanie: No. what you and I have is a friendship. What you and Castle have is a holding pattern. How long can you circle before the fuel runs out?

Lanie: Don’t think you were saved by the bell, Kate Beckett. As your friend, I’m not gonna let this drop.
Beckett: So, what? You think I should tell him how I feel?
Lanie: Yes. You hunt murderers for a living, you can do this.
Beckett: Okay. Okay. I just, I have to find the right time.
Lanie: No time like the present.
(Castle drives up in his Ferrari with a blonde in the passenger seat.)
Lanie: What the? On second thought, maybe you should wait a bit. What’s that? Ryan’s calling, I gotta go.

Beckett: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Castle: Yeah, that we should throw a party and hire a bunch of models.
Beckett: No. that maybe Naomi somehow got into that party last night and that that’s where she met her killer. That’s what I was thinking.
Castle: Weird. We’re usually more in sync than that.

Colin: What’s she like? Your captain?
Castle: You ever see that Youtube video with the grizzly bear that decapitates a moose with one swipe of its paw?
Colin: Comforting.

Castle: Ryan, you’ll be here, front door, dressed as a flower delivery boy. Esposito, you’ll be here, dressed as a hobo.
Esposito: Question. Why does a brown man gotta be a hobo?
Castle: You want the flowers?
Esposito: Hobo it is.
Castle: You boys will cause a distraction here, whilst I rappel down the side of the building with Nikolai.
Ryan: Who’s Nikolai?
Castle: He’s a Romanian gymnast I found on Youtube. He’s extremely flexible, and fits in the duffel bag. Using a glass cutter, I...
Colin: Excuse me, gents. Has anyone seen Detective Beckett? (He walks in wearing a suit. Kate walks in from the other side, wearing a dress.)
Ryan: Wow. Are you guys going out?
Colin: I pulled some strings and got us into a party at the British consulate tonight.
Beckett: Nigel will be there, we’ll get his prints and he won’t even know it.
Colin: Cheers, lads.
Ryan: Or they could do that.
Castle: Yeah, sure. You want to do it the easy way.

Castle: Hey there.
Beckett: I feel like I just walked into a bad episode of Miami Vice.
Castle: Okay, first, there are no bad episodes of Miami Vice. Second, who died?
Beckett: You, from the looks of it. You look like you just got run over by a truck.
Castle: Yeah. A truck delivering a shipment of awesome.

Beckett: [Examining the victim’s body] Hey Lanie, how does it look?
Lanie: Like you waited too long.
Beckett: [Pointedly] The vic.
Lanie: She was strangled. But she went down with a fight. Prelim suggests a sign of a struggle. She took one to the face.
Beckett: Well-dressed, attractive woman in a seedy motel and a guy who flees the crime scene. This might have been a one-night stand gone wrong.
Lanie: Are we talking about the victim or Castle?

Lanie: Where's Castle?
Beckett: He took off for a lunch date.
Lanie: In a Ferrari full of flight attendant?
Beckett: Yeah, he's probably trying to rack up his frequent flyer miles.
Lanie: I'm sorry. But you know she's just a passing thing.
Beckett: Do I? I mean, the guy has been divorced twice, and he's still chasing bimbos. Maybe that's just who he is.
Lanie: Look, maybe it's the wrong time or maybe he's even the wrong guy, but if he is, how long are you gonna wait to find out? Ten years, I've been keeping them [referring to the dead bodies in the morgue] company while they spend a night or two here on their way to where we're all going. They all had plans, Kate, things they were gonna do when they got around to it Go on a cruise, lose 10 pounds, fall in love. They thought they had all the time in the world. But nobody does.

Headhunters [4.21]

Slaughter: Speaking of partners, I’ve seen pictures of yours. She’s smoking hot. You’re tapping her, right?
Castle: What? No.
Slaughter: Oh. What’s wrong with you?
Castle: There’s nothing wrong with me. We’re just friends.
Slaughter: A man needs a friend, he gets a dog. Woman like that, you storm the beaches or die trying, come on.

Castle: You’re not gonna mangle anyone today, are you?
Slaughter: I like to keep my options open.

Slaughter: Detective. You ever wanna go on a date that ends in hot sex after a drunken fist fight, you know where to find me.
Beckett: Yeah, in never gonna happen land.

Undead Again [4.22]

Perlmutter: Oh, our intrepid heroes have arrived. And Castle.
Castle: Ah, Perlmutter. I will treasure these special moments we’ve shared.

Castle: That’s a lace cuff. Hand-stitched. Pearl buttons. I’d say this was circa 1870.
(Everyone looks at him.)
Castle: I did a lot of research on the era. I was writing a book. A comedy about the Civil War. Turns out – not so funny.
Perlmutter: You don’t say.

[After listening to the 911 phone recording]
Castle: Now, Charlie made this 911 call moments after the attack. Does it sound like he’s faking to you?
Beckett: It sounds like Charlie’s having a psychotic break. What if his guilt made him snap and he created a fantasy in which zombies killed David and not him?
Castle: I’m not so sure. I mean, his voice does have that authentic ring of pants-wetting terror.
Beckett: You do not believe in Charlie’s story.
Castle: I believe he believes it.
Beckett: Okay, well, whatever you believe, all evidence points to the fact that Charlie Coleman is our killer.
Esposito: Maybe not all the evidence. CSU analyzed that bite mark on Charlie’s arm. Turns out that it matches the bite mark on our victim.
Beckett: Maybe Charlie bit David and then he bit himself?
Esposito: Well, I was thinking the same thing, but CSU also says that the bite marks weren’t made by Charlie’s teeth.
Castle: Oh, wait, um… Sorry. Let me make sure I understand so that I might properly relish this moment. You’re saying the evidence shows that Charlie and the victim both were bitten by an as yet unknown third party?
Esposito: That’s what I just said-
Castle: Perhaps even a mindless, shuffling undead third party?
Beckett: Castle, just stop. There’s no such thing as a zombie.

[After watching the security camera tape which reveals the killer as…]
Castle: My friends… that, is a zombie.
[walks out and announces]
Castle: Our killer’s a zombie! [Slaps hands with a woman walking by]

Martha: You’re rather upbeat, considering you said this was your last case with Beckett.
Castle: That’s because I am going out with a bang. I have one word for you, Mother. Zombie.
Martha: Too much makeup?
Castle: You look lovely. I’m referring to our victim being killed by one of he walking undead. And I mean that literally. A zombie. Security camera caught him in all his putrefying glory.
Martha: Whoo. I don’t suppose you downloaded this video, by chance?
Castle: Absolutely not. That video is police property. It would be very, very wrong of me to get a screen grab of it and e-mail it to myself.
Martha: Well, it’ll be our little secret, darling.
[Both move over to the tablet on the nearby table]
Castle: I’m actually surprised at your interest in this case, Mother.
Martha: Well, I really do know the difference between a first-rate makeup job and actual decay. You wanna see some real zombies, check out the red carpet at the Tony Awards.
[Notices the chest piece to his Laser-Tag and picks it up]
Castle: I thought I… I thought I put this away.
[Martha steps away from him. Castle notices and immediately realizes he’s been set up]
Castle: [Looking around] Where is she? Where is she?
[The chest piece beeps and Alexis swoops down on a hook-rope in her Laser Tag suit, cackling manically]
Alexis: [Speaking villainously] You were a fool to buy my act yesterday, and now you’ve fallen right into my trap.
Castle: [Dramatically] You will pay dearly for your treachery. [To Martha] Et tu, Mother? For luring me here?
Martha: Why, whatever do you mean?
Castle: Mmm. [Back to Alexis] That’s my girl.
Alexis: [Unhooking herself from the rope] So what’s this about a zombie?

Beckett: He won’t leave?
Ryan: Charlie’s pretty convinced about this whole zombie thing.
Beckett: Yeah, but that’s just… That’s ridiculous.
Castle: Or is it? Charlie has not been wrong yet. Maybe our killer is Patient Zero, out there right now in the streets of New York, building an army of the undead.
Beckett: Castle, what we are looking for is not a zombie, but a very smart criminal who murdered David Lock and is now making our only witness look crazy. And he also dressed up in makeup and a costume to hide his identity.
Castle: Unless that’s not costume or makeup.
Ryan: I mean, he does look like a real zombie.
Esposito: A real zombie? I’m embarrassed for you, bro.
Beckett: Okay, then explain this. Why would a zombie go after a currency trader at 4:00 am in a garage?
Castle: This one’s easy. The more intelligent the victim, the more delicious the brains.

Beckett: What did you find at the crime scene canvass?
Esposito: Nada. Only in New York can some guy dress like a frigging zombie and walk down the street unnoticed.

Ryan: I’m telling you, that guy was dead.
Esposito: Remind me never to choke on a chicken bone in front of you.
Ryan: Hey, you checked that guy! So did the paramedics.
Beckett: Whoa, you guys! I’m sure that there’s a medical explanation for it.
Castle: Oh, there’s an explanation, alright.
Beckett: Besides that one.
Castle: Come on, you were there, you saw it. He rose from the dead.
Beckett: He didn’t rise from the dead, Castle. He wasn’t dead in the first place.
Esposito: He’s not a zombie, Castle. He’s just a murderer.
Castle: Well, then, what was his motive for murder, Detective Esposito? Kyle sold insurance. He had no criminal record. There’s no evidence he even knew our victim.
Beckett: He’s a human killer, with a human motive
Castle: Or he’s a zombie killer, with a zombie motive

Beckett: (Running from the room.) Castle, call for backup!
Castle: (He grabs the phone, then looks at the keypad.) How, how do I...?
Perlmutter: Nine. Nine.
Castle: Nine. (He presses it.) Is there a police code for ‘zombie on the loose’?

Ryan: Castle, do you really believe in all this zombie stuff, because I would swear on my nana’s grave that Kyle Jennings was dead.
Castle: No. You know what I do believe in? Driving Beckett crazy.
Ryan: Yeah, I have to say, it’s good to see you guys hitting it off again.

Beckett: You think he remembers?
Castle: When a life altering moment occurs, people remember.
(After a pause.)
Beckett: Well, maybe it’s too big to deal with. Maybe he... can’t face it just yet.
Castle: You think he ever will be?
Beckett: Hopefully. If he feels safe.

Castle: How does somebody put something like that behind them? He’s gonna need therapy.
Beckett: It helps. First he won’t even be able to deal with it. It’s gonna take everything that he’s got to just put one foot in front of the other and get through the day.
Castle: I didn’t know you were seeing a therapist.
Beckett: Yeah, well, I didn’t wanna make any excuses, I just wanted to put in the time, do the work. But I think I’m almost where I want to be now.
Castle: And where is that?
Beckett: In a place where I can finally accept everything that happened that day. Everything.
Castle: I think I understand.
Beckett: And, um, that wall that I was telling you about... I think it’s coming down.
Castle: Well, I’d like to be there when it does.
Beckett: Yeah, I’d like you to be there too.
Castle: Only, without the zombie makeup.
Beckett: I don’t know. I kinda think that the zombie makeup suits you, Castle.
Castle: Yeah, I make it work.
Beckett: Tomorrow?
Castle: Tomorrow.

Always [4.23]

Beckett: Of course you don’t understand why she’s taking her graduation speech. You were probably the guy that had nothing on but boxers underneath his gown.
Castle: That is so insulting. If you must know, I was naked underneath.
Beckett: Oh, I’m sorry. I stand corrected. So, how is the father of the graduate taking it?
Castle: I already have a plan to drown my sorrows after the ceremony. My mother goes off to the Hamptons, Alexis will be doing her all nighter. I will be distracting myself with a double feature of The Killer and Hardboiled.
Beckett: Wow. That is a double feature.
Castle: You like John Woo?
Beckett: The bloodier the better.
Castle: (He stops walking.) You wouldn’t wanna... join me, would you?
Beckett: Actually, I’d love to. (She keeps walking, then stops to look at him again.) You coming, Castle?
Castle: Yeah. (He follows, smiling to himself.)

[Castle is at Beckett's apartment telling her to stop with her mother's murder investigation]
Castle: Kate.
Beckett: What's wrong?
Castle: You, um, You have to stop. This investigation, you--you have to stop.
Beckett: Castle, we already talked about this. I'm fine. I'm in control.
Castle: No, you're not. They are. And if you don't stop, they will kill you, Kate.
Beckett: What are you talking about?
Castle: Before Montgomery went into that hangar, he sent a package to someone, someone...he trusted. It contained information damaging to the person behind all this. Montgomery was trying to protect you. But the package didn't arrive until after you'd been shot. Montgomery's friend struck a deal with them. If they left you alone, the package and the information inside would never see the light of day. But they made one condition-- you had to back off. And that's the reason you are alive, Kate, because you stopped.
Beckett: How do you know this?
Castle: In order for the deal to work, someone had to make sure yo weren't pursuing it.
Beckett: Are you a part of this?
Castle: I was just trying to keep you safe.
[Beckett is shocked and in disbelief]
Beckett: By lying to me about the most important thing in my life?
Castle: That lie was the only thing that was protecting you.
Beckett: Castle, I didn't need protection. I needed a lead, and you sat on it for a year. Now who is this person? How do I find him?
Castle: He's a-a voice on the phone. He's a shadow in a parking garage.
Beckett: You met with him? How do you know that he's not behind my mom's murder? How do you know that he's not involved? And how the hell could you this?
Castle: Because I love you. But you already know that, don,t you? You've known for about a year.
Beckett: Are you kidding me? You're actually bringing this up right now, after you told me that you just betrayed me?
Castle: Kate, listen to me --
Beckett: Listen to you? Why should I listen to you? How am I even supposed to trust anything that you say
Castle: How are you s-- Because of everything that we have been through together! Four years, I've been right here! Four years just waiting for you to just open your eyes and see that I am right here. And that I'm more than a partner. Every morning, I-I bring you a cup of coffee, just so I can see a smile on your face. Because I think you are the most remarkable... maddening... challenging... frustrating person I've ever met. And I love you Kate, and if that means anything to you, if you care about me at all, just don't do this.
Beckett: If I care about you? Castle, you cut a deal for my life like I was some kind of a child. My life. Mine. You don't get to decide.
Castle: You keep going with this. They're gonna decide. They're gonna come for you Kate.
Beckett: Let them come. They sent Coonan and he's dead. They sent Lockwood and he's dead. And I am still here Castle. And I am Ready.
Castle: Ready for what. To-To die for your cause? This isn't a murder investigation anymore, Kate. They've turned it into a war.
Beckett: If they want a war, then I will bring them a war, straight to their doorsteps.
Castle: Well, I guess there's just nothing I can say is there?... O.K. Um. Yeah, You're right Kate. It's your life. You can throw it away if you want to, but I'm not gonna stick around to watch you. So, this is, uh, over. I'm done.

Ryan: Hey, Javier. Man, this just feels wrong. We need to tell Gates.
Esposito: Why? So she can send Beckett home? You think that’s gonna work? You think that’s gonna stop her? She’s gonna investigate this case, Kevin, whether she’s on it or not. The least we can do is make sure that we have her back.

Castle: How’s your speech coming?
Alexis: I have watched or read every graduation address ever written and compiled all the best advice into one speech. And then I read it out loud, and guess what I sounded like? A pompous ass. I’m 18 years old. What the hell do I know?
Castle: [Embraces her] Hey, look, everything you know, everything you will know is what’s true for you.
Alexis: And I know everything’s changing. Everything’s going to be different. And I’m so scared.
Castle: Of what?
Alexis: Moving on.
Castle: Write about that. [Kisses her forehead] That feels true.

Castle: Beckett. What do you want?
Beckett: You. (She steps inside and kisses him.) I’m so sorry, Castle. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. (She kisses him again.)
Castle: (Pushing her away slightly.) What happened?
Beckett: He got away, and I didn’t care. I almost died and all I could think about was you. I just want you.

Alexis:(While giving her graduation speech.)There's a universal truth we all have to face whether we want to or not. Everything eventually ends. As much as I've looked forward to this day, I've always disliked endings. The last day of summer. The final chapter of a great book. Parting ways with a close friend. But endings are inevitable. Leaves fall. You close the book. You say good-bye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say good-bye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable. We're moving on. But just because we're leaving, and that hurts... There are some people who are so much a part of us they'll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, Our North Star, and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us... always.
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