
Utetheisa is een geslacht van vlinders uit de familie van de spinneruilen (Erebidae), onderfamilie beervlinders (Arctiinae).

Utetheisa lotrix
Taxonomische indeling
Rijk:Animalia (Dieren)
Stam:Arthropoda (Geleedpotigen)
Klasse:Insecta (Insecten)
Orde:Lepidoptera (Vlinders)
Familie:Erebidae (Spinneruilen)
Onderfamilie:Arctiinae (Beervlinders)
Hübner, 1819
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  • Utetheisa abraxoides (Walker, 1862)
  • Utetheisa aegrotum (Swinhoe, 1892)
  • Utetheisa albilinea de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa albipuncta (Druce, 1888)
    • Utetheisa albipuncta zoilides (Prout, 1920)
  • Utetheisa amboina de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa amhara Jordan, 1939
  • Utetheisa amosa (Swinhoe, 1903)
  • Utetheisa ampatica de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa antennata Swinhoe, 1893
  • Utetheisa aruensis de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa assamica de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa balinensis de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa bouruana (Swinhoe, 1917)
  • Utetheisa ceramensis de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa clareae Robinson, 1971
  • Utetheisa connerorum
  • Utetheisa cruentata (Butler, 1881)
  • Utetheisa devriesi Hayes, 1975
  • Utetheisa disrupta (Butler, 1887)
    • Utetheisa disrupta burica (Holland, 1900)
  • Utetheisa distincta (Swinhoe, 1903) (syn: Utetheisa sangira (Swinhoe, 1903))
  • Utetheisa diva (Mabille, 1879)
  • Utetheisa dorsifumata Prout, 1919
  • Utetheisa elata (Fabricius, 1798)
    • Utetheisa elata fatela Jordan, 1939
    • Utetheisa elata fatua Heyn, 1906
  • Utetheisa externa (Swinhoe, 1917)
  • Utetheisa flavothoracica de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa fractifascia (Wileman, 1911)
  • Utetheisa frosti (Prout, 1918)
  • Utetheisa galapagensis Wallengren, 1860
  • Utetheisa guttulosa (Walker, 1864)
  • Utetheisa henrii
  • Utetheisa inconstans (Butler, 1880) (syn: Utetheisa okinawensis (Inoue, 1982))
  • Utetheisa indica Roepke, 1941
  • Utetheisa lactea (Butler, 1884)
    • Utetheisa lactea aldabrensis Fletcher, 1910
  • Utetheisa latifascia (Hopffer, 1874)
  • Utetheisa leucospilota (Moore, 1877)
  • Utetheisa limbata (Roepke, 1949)
  • Utetheisa lotrix (Cramer, 1779)
  • Utetheisa maddisoni Robinson & Robinson, 1980
  • Utetheisa mendax de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa menoni Bhattacherjee & Gupta, 1969
  • Utetheisa nivea de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa nova Smith, 1910
  • Utetheisa ornatrix Linnaeus, 1758
  • Utetheisa pala (Röber, 1891)
  • Utetheisa pectinata
  • Utetheisa pellex (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Utetheisa perryi Hayes, 1975
  • Utetheisa pulchella (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Utetheisa pulchelloides Hampson, 1907
  • Utetheisa salomonis Rothschild, 1910
  • Utetheisa selecta (Walker, 1854)
  • Utetheisa semara Moore, 1860
  • Utetheisa separata (Walker, 1864)
  • Utetheisa shiba Bhattacherjee & Gupta, 1969
  • Utetheisa shyama Bhattacherjee & Gupta, 1969
  • Utetheisa specularis (Walker, 1856) (syn: Utetheisa macklotti (Vollenhoven, 1863))
    • Utetheisa specularis extendens de Vos, 2007
    • Utetheisa specularis oroya (Swinhoe, 1903)
  • Utetheisa sumatrana Rothschild, 1910
  • Utetheisa sumatrana Rothschild, 1910
  • Utetheisa timorensis (Roepke, 1954)
  • Utetheisa transiens (Jurriaanse et Lindemans, 1919)
  • Utetheisa vandenberghi (Nieuwenhuis, 1948)
  • Utetheisa varians (Walker, 1854)
  • Utetheisa variolosa (Felder & Rogenhofer, [1869] 1874)
  • Utetheisa vollenhovii (Snellen, 1890)
  • Utetheisa watubela de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa witti de Vos, 2007
  • Utetheisa ypsilon de Vos, 2007
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