
Yafa' (Arabic: يافع) is the name of a tribe in of Yemen. It is one of the biggest tribes that descended from the ancient Himyarite tribe. According to the famous Arab genealogist Al Hamadani (893-945 A.D), the genealogy of Yafi' is as follows: "Yafa'" bin Qawel bin Zaid bin Naaitah bin Sharhabel bin Al Harth bin Yareem thu Raain bin Zaid bin Sahal bin Amer bin Qais bin Muawiyah bin Joshom bin Abd Shams bin Wael bin Al Ghawth bin Al Humaysaa bin Himyar."[1]

Yafa' has gone through a complex structure of different tribal forms through the centuries. Currently, it is now divided into two major tribes; Yafi' bani Qasid and Yafi' bani Malik. Each tribe includes five big tribes.

Yafa' bani Qasid consists of: Kaladi (كلدي), Saadi (سعدي), Yazeedi (يزيدي), and Nakhibi (ناخبي) yahari (يهري)

Yafa' bani Malik consists of: Moflahi (مفلحي), Mositi (موسطي), Dhabbi (ظبي), Boisi (بعسي) and Hadharami (حضرمي).

Yafa' is also the common name of the areas where the tribes of Yafa' bani Qasid and Yafi' bani Malik live. The area is situated northeast of the city of Aden, it is composed of Upper Yafa and Lower Yafa.

The name Yafa denotes both the geographical area as well a tribe or tribes inhabiting it. In ancient times, it was also referred to as Dosom or Saro Himyar.

See also


  1. Al Hamadani, v.2, pp. 306
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