Homura Akemi

Homura Akemi (Japanese: 暁美 ほむら, Hepburn: Akemi Homura) is a fictional character and one of the main heroines of the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. A mysterious veteran magical girl that first appeared as a vision in one of Madoka Kaname's nightmares, Homura tries her best to prevent Madoka from making a contract with the messenger of magic, Kyubey. It was later revealed that Homura is a time traveler and have seen Madoka die countless times whenever she makes a contract with Kyubey. Homura becomes the main protagonist of the 2013 sequel film Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, where she fights with her fellow magical girls against surreal monsters called Nightmares, but after some time, she realizes something is wrong with her memories and then tries to investigate. Homura has appeared in most Puella Magi Madoka Magica related media, including manga, novel adaptation of the series, and video games.

Homura Akemi
Puella Magi Madoka Magica character
Homura Akemi in Magia Record with her shield magic. Artwork by Sasagi Koushi.
First appearance"As If I Met Her in My Dream..."
Created by
Voiced byJapanese
Chiwa Saito
Cristina Vee
In-universe information
SpeciesMagical girl
Devil (Rebellion)
WeaponShield (time manipulation)

Writer Gen Urobuchi created Homura as a contrast to the series' titular character, Madoka Kaname. He developed her role as a mysterious veteran magical girl who would reveal the truth behind magical girl's fate as the series progresses. Urobuchi expanded Homura's character in Rebellion, where he said that the film is about her deep emotions and growth. She was designed by Ume Aoki, who tried to express Homura's dark beauty through her design. In the Japanese version of the series, Homura is voiced by Chiwa Saito while Cristina Vee voices her in the English version.

Homura has garnered acclaim from critics, who praised her complex characterization and her self-sacrifice for Madoka. Her backstory revealed in episode 10 was also highly commended. Homura's role in Rebellion have also earned further praise from critics, who enjoyed the focus of her character and development, though the character turning to evil at the end of the film received some mixed reviews. Homura's character and her mental health have been the subject of considerable critical attention. She has also ranked highly in various popularity polls for best female anime character conducted by several publications such as Newtype, NHK, GooRanking, and continues to remain popular among fans. Numerous merchandise based on her have also been created, such as figures, Key chains, plush doll and replicas of her ear cuffs. For voicing Homura, Saito has won the 2011 Newtype Anime Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Conception and creation


Series writer Gen Urobuchi created Homura as a contrast to the series' titular character, Madoka Kaname. While Madoka is a character who couldn't step forward at the beginning of the series, she started moving as the series progresses, while Homura on the other hand, is a character that stops at one place and is unable to move forward due to her time-loop, where she constantly turns back time to save Madoka from her fate.[2] He noted that Homura has repeated nearly 100 timelines in order to save Madoka from her fate.[3] Urobuchi also avoided on portraying Homura's family, as he felt that depicting them won't affect the story, and called them "unnecessary" compared to Madoka's family, in which they play an important part to the story, particularly her mother, Junko Kaname.[4] When asked if Homura is in love with Madoka, Urobuchi replied with "Probably". He further commented on their relationship, explaining that "a really strong friendship turns into a lovelike-relationship without the sexual attraction".[3] Although the series is named after the titular protagonist Madoka and story is about her growth and wish of becoming a magical girl, to Urobuchi, he said that Homura feels as the real protagonist of the series.[5] He also described Homura's role at the end of the series as that of an "evangelist", the only person in the world that understands Madoka's existence and importance.[6]

When the series was airing in 2011, Urobuchi said that he developed Homura's role as another veteran magical girl aside from Mami Tomoe, stating that she holds the answers about various mysteries in the series, and as the series progresses, she will be the one to reveal the truth about magical girl's fate with Kyubey.[7] While developing her time-manipulation power, Urobuchi explained that Homura's magic shield contains a sand timer that can manipulate time for at least one month, and if the sand on the shield disappears, she cannot manipulate time anymore, but can still travel back in time. He admitted that he did not think enough on how her shield works, making the nature of her shield magic a mystery.[5] Urobuchi was also not fond of giving her the shield as her only weapon, but came to like it after seeing the storyboard where he liked the idea of Homura pulling multiple guns and explosives from the shield.[5] He also regarded Homura as the strongest magical girl "as long as no one discovers how she uses her powers".[3]

Homura's character was also expanded in the 2013 sequel film, Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, in which she becomes the main protagonist for the film.[8] Urobuchi's idea for the film's story was Homura becoming a witch and the story takes place inside her barrier in an idealized world Homura dreamed up. Urobuchi said that the idealized world which Homura dreamed up in her barrier represents the deepest part of Homura's psyche, where she wanted to play and fight with her friends against the new monster called "Nightmares", which was also created by Homura due to her "wistful" thinking that fighting "Nightmares" are better than "Witches".[9] Urobuchi originally planned to conclude the film with Homura reuniting with Madoka, and ascending to heaven which would be the franchise's end story, but director Akiyuki Shinbo and producer Atsuhiro Iwakami refused that ending since they want to expand the franchise which gave Urobuchi a hard time to come up with an ending.[9]

Urobuchi was also worried about ending Homura ascending with Madoka, as he expressed that such ending wouldn't be a happy end for Homura's character since she would instantly disappear, and he also wanted to create an ending where Madoka escapes from her fate as a God, since a fate where a middle-school girl becomes a God is too much to bear.[8] This suggestion was made by Shinbo when the series was still being released back in 2011. Urobuchi expressed difficulty to write an ending for the film, until Shinbo came to him and suggested the idea where Homura is "confronting Madoka as an enemy", which then gave Urobuchi the motivation to write and develop the film's ending.[8] He said he agreed with this idea because he believes Homura might be "plausible as Madoka’s equal opposite".[9]

Urobuchi created the film's ending with Homura becoming a Devil called Akuma Homura (悪魔 ほむら, Devil Homura), opposing Madoka who is a God. This ending sparked controversy among fans due to Homura opposing Madoka's wish and becoming the "embodiment of evil", however, Urobuchi and Shinbo defended this decision, with Shinbo stating that had Homura ascended with Madoka to heaven, the Incubators (Kyubey) would try to steal Madoka's power by experimenting on other magical girls which would result in a bad ending, while Urobuchi said that Homura did not deny Madoka's wish.[10] Another theme Urobuchi wanted to convey was Homura's growth, where he said that Homura has thrown her confusion away in the movie and by doing this, she grows up like a strong heroine.[11]

Urobuchi expressed that the film is about Homura growing and changing, and feared as to whether people will accept her evolved character or reject it and call her out-of character. Urobuchi said he would be happy if people accept Madoka Magica as a series where characters grow and change, though he said that's up to the viewers to decide.[9] In an interview with the acclaimed mangaka Kazuo Koike, Urobuchi said after developing the Rebellion film, he had a stronger impression on Homura in the movie than what he imagined before. Describing her as "rebellious", he said that although Homura proclaims herself as a Devil, she is having internal conflict.[11]


Akuma Homura's outfit illustrated by Ume Aoki.

Homura was designed by Ume Aoki,[1] while Takahiro Kishida was enlisted to adapt the character's design for the television series.[12] The color theme for the character, purple, was chosen by Urobuchi, and Aoki designed them according to him.[13] Aoki tried to let Homura "shine through in her design", and stated that her "silky long hair" is the most distinguishing part of her design. When designing the character for her magical girl outfit, Aoki kept Homura's "personality and combat style in mind" and immediately found her a fascinating character. She described Homura's magical girl design "overall rather monochromatic". For the school uniform, she made Homura wear black tights that gives the same feelings for her magical girl outfit; and said the character "gives off the air of a silent beauty."[13]

Homura's weapons were designed by the anime staff, while her bow used in the final episode is based on an illustration drawn by Ume Aoki.[14] The pair of black wings Homura sprouts in the final episode of the series was not originally written in the script by Urobuchi. The detail was added by production designers Gekidan Inu Curry, and Urobuchi was happy with the addition as it added more "mystery and depth" to the character.[6]

Voice actresses

Chiwa Saito (left) and Cristina Vee (right), the voice actress' of Homura in Japanese and English versions, respectively.

Homura is voiced by Chiwa Saito in the Japanese version. Saito was originally considered to take the role for Kyubey, but felt she "sounded too stupid" when trying him, and then tried to take the role for Kyosuke Kamijo until Urobuchi told her to try Homura's role.[15] Saito said she felt very honored to take the role for Homura.[16] Saito expressed that it was "tough" to share the character's pain and loneliness and found it "very difficult" to demonstrate these emotions for the character, but also said it made the acting worthy.[16] While voicing Homura, Saito found her character to be "strong" but also called her a "delicate" girl.[15] Urobuchi liked Saito's role for Homura because she gives a feelings of a "Dark Beauty" style for the character.[17] Additionally, Saito identified with Homura's character explaining, "I can’t speak out about my worries are and often keep them to myself which most of the time lead to me thinking negatively, this part I think is quite similar to Homura".[18]

Before the audition, Shinbo was worried about Saito taking the role for Homura because when he listens to her voice, the image of other character Hitagi Senjogahara from Bakemonogatari, who is also voiced by Saito and while the anime is directed by Shinbo, appears to him. He commented: "I had this concern that no matter what, I still get the impression that Homura and Hitagi look similar" and thought it would be better to bring another actress for the character. However, after hearing Saito voicing Homura during the audition, Shinbo was finally convinced with the choice and said "This is it".[19] He praised Saito's acting in episode 10, stating it was "beyond expectation"; praising her for portraying the character's scream and strong emotions.[20]

For Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, Saito recalls that she was very tired when she first read the script for the film, saying that she was overwhelmed by the amount of the film's details. Saito said that whenever she's involved in a Madoka Magica project, she feels that she doesn't want to lose and while listening to her recording as Homura in the film, Saito sometimes feels that she has "to fix [her voice] more".[21] Saito called Homura "a human person who has a conflict [within herself]." She said that Homura is a person that finds answers "with a lot of conflict", and expressed that she sympathized with Homura's path.[22] According to Saito, Homura's feelings "are stronger in giving than in getting."[23]

Homura is voiced by Cristina Vee in the English dub.[24] At the beginning, when Vee tried Homura, she did not know anything about her character yet so she thought Homura would be a "monotone" character like Yuki Nagato from Haruhi Suzumiya. Vee said she wanted to play her "monotone" but after learning about Homura's character, she said that Homura is "not monotone at all and she has a lot going on under the surface so trying to find that and keep the voice but at the same time she's very controlled" and said that was the most difficult part of "finding her character".[25] In 2012, Vee stated that Homura is the most "complex" character she has voiced.[24]

In 2019, Vee said that Homura was her "most challenging role". She said that it was one of her "first very meaty roles" and that she was still "very young" when she voiced the character, and continues to say "it was like the Olympics of acting, because of all the changes and transitions, and all the emotion that are shown, but not really, because she plays it cool." Vee believes that her role as Homura is "going to live on for a very long time", explaining "this franchise, because it's so powerful, and in a lot of ways very real, if that makes sense."[26]


Homura Akemi is a middle school student from Mitakihara city.[27] She has a long-silky dark-raven hair, purple eyes, and is said to be an attractive person by her classmates.[27] Homura is usually seen wearing her school uniform or magical girl outfit. She is impeccably great at everything she does whether its academic or sports, making her instantly popular despite her cold behaviour.[27] A time traveler, she was originally a weak, timid shy-student with low self-esteem that suffered from a heart disease and didn't have any friend which made her start questioning her existence until she met the magical girl Madoka Kaname and formed a friendship with her.[28] When Madoka dies fighting a very powerful witch called Walpurgisnacht, Homura is overwhelmed by sadness and uselessness, then makes a contract with Kyubey wishing to redo her meeting with Madoka and to become a strong person to protect her. After failing for so many times, she began to change, growing colder and distant to people around her.[28]

Her magical weapon is a shield filled with sand that allows her to freeze time.[29] However, this power becomes useless if she is physically restrained as she cannot turn her shield to activate it.[29] She can also use this shield to block projectiles and store the various infinite amount of weapons that she carries.[30] Since her shield and magic has no offensive capability, she instead attacks using stolen firearms and homemade explosives while time is stopped. None of the girls actually know what weapons she has, since she only uses them while time is stopped.[28] In the final episode, she inherits Madoka's bow – now a sleek ebony bow with purple diamond setting – and arrows, along with a set of white wings.[31]


In Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Homura Akemi first appeared as a vision in one of Madoka’s nightmares. She transfers into her school as a mysterious teenage girl the day after the dream. Homura then warns Madoka to stay the way she is, lest she risk losing everything. After Madoka and her friend Sayaka Miki come into contact with magical girl Mami Tomoe and extraterrestrial being Kyubey, Homura is revealed to be a rival magical girl with a deep hatred towards Kyubey. She is impeccably great at everything she does whether its academic or sport.[27] Later on in the series, it is revealed that Homura was originally a shy second-year student, she was befriended by Madoka and eventually saved from a witch by her and Mami, who revealed that they were magical girls. When Mami died in the fight with the rampaging witch Walpurginacht, Madoka sacrificed her life to stop it. Homura, overcome by grief and uselessness, contracted with Kyubey in order to become a person that could protect Madoka, just as Madoka protected her. Her wish was to be able to return to her original meeting with Madoka, leading Homura to receive the power to manipulate time to a certain extent.[28]

Caught up in a predestination paradox, she tries again and again to prevent Madoka from being killed or making a contract, but time after time fails to save her. After a timeline reset, Homura always returns to the hospital room she formerly lived in.[28] After Madoka makes her wish and transcends into a cosmic phenomenon called "The Law of Cycles", that appears to all magical girls at the moment before they become witches and rescues them by taking them to a heavenly paradise, creates a new reality in which Homura is the only one who remembers her. Homura continues to fight in the new world against the wraiths, despite believing that the world was irredeemably full of tragedies, because it was a world that Madoka once tried to protect, and she vowed never to forget Madoka's resolve.[31]

In Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, Homura fights with her fellow magical girls against new monsters called Nightmares. However, after some time, Homura realizes something is strange with her memories, and then starts to investigate. She eventually finds out that the Mitakihara city is an idealized world created by her subconscious while she is on the verge of becoming a witch, and is being experimented by Kyubey who wants to observe Ultimate Madoka that has become a concept. Homura chooses to become a witch without being guided by Ultimate Madoka in order to destroy Kyubey's scheme. Ultimate Madoka then appears to take Homura to heaven. However, Homura usurps Ultimate Madoka and becomes the being Akuma Homura (悪魔 ほむら), splitting Madoka and her goddess form, sealing her powers and rewriting the universe. Unlike Ultimate Madoka, Akuma Homura can take human form in the new world, and does not exist as a concept. She managed to enslave the Incubator race, who now work under her to take on the curses of the new world. Akuma Homura's powers are sealed within her earring, which can change to and from a lizard form, and walk around on its own. Despite proclaiming herself as the devil, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, and Nagisa are all given happy lives in her new world.

In Magia Record

Homura appears with her personality being that of a shy, timid-magical girl rather than her cold and strong personality.[32] In the game, it is said that there is a time paradox which caused the events of Magia Record that never happened in the anime series. The Homura in the game and main anime series are the same person but are walking different paths, with the former never going through the experience of Mami killing Kyoko, and Madoka asking Homura to kill her after promising to prevent her from contracting with Kyubey.[33] In the game's story, after Mami disappears, Homura goes to Kamihama city with Madoka searching for her. They meet Iroha Tamaki and her friends, and try to help Iroha save another magical girl, Sana Futaba.[34] They then encounter the magical girl, Alina Gray, who reveals that she defeated Mami and fed her to one of her "grand masterpiece witch", angering both Homura and Madoka, but as they believe in Mami being strong, they return to Mitakihara City for the time being.[35] Homura and Madoka then investigate an abandoned museum, with Sayaka joining them but parts her way from them after they get attacked by a group called Wings of Magius.

After meeting with Sayaka, Sayaka finds out that Mami is brainwashed by the Magius and joins them to liberate magical girls from their cruel fate. As Sayaka and Madoka were shocked from the truth of magical girls cruel fate, Homura herself was not shocked because she already knew the truth of the magical girl in the past, but was worried about Madoka and Sayaka who knew it for the first time, but then Madoka convinces the broken Sayaka to never give up hope and then they decide to rescue Mami together.[36][37] However, they met Mami at Mitakihara, who had become the "Saint of Kamihama", and traps them in a barrier with the help of Alina.[38] Kyoko comes and breaks the barrier and rescues them while trying to escape. However, when Homura was informed that Walpurginacht will be heading to Kamihama city due to the guidance of Magius, she thought that it would be better to stay at Mitakihara, but Madoka and her friends were determined to go to Kamihama city, thus she decides to go help them.[39] After arriving in Kamihama, Iroha and her friends arrived, and Mami, whose brainwash had been broken by Yachiyo Nanami, joins them. Together, they face the Magius at Hotel Fenthope in order to stop them from sacrificing innocent people to achieve their goals in liberating magical girls.[40]

In the final battle, Homura fights against Walpurginacht with the magical girls in Kamihama city, and finally succeeds in defeating it with Iroha's single blow that gathered the power of the magical girls, with Homura's final words in the battle being "Goodbye, Walpurginacht".[41]

For the stage play adaptation of Magia Record, Homura was portrayed by Hina Kawata of Keyakizaka46 idol girl group.[42] She also appears in the manga adaptation of the game, being featured on the cover of the manga's second volume with Yachiyo Nanami.[43]

Appearances in other media

A drama CDs written by Gen Urobuchi that explores Homura's further character was released along with the anime series' Blu-ray disc.[44] In the drama CD, Memories of You, it was revealed that Homura was a target of bully in school due to her weak, low self-esteem and fragile personality. Because of her weak psyche, she was easily bullied into depression, and feels worthless to everyone. The drama CD also goes into further details about Homura and Madoka's relationship and their strong bond, with Madoka saving Homura from both Isabella (witch) and from her bullying, as well as supporting Homura whenever she feels down.[45]

Besides the main series, Homura has appeared in several manga's related to Puella Magi Madoka Magica media. She is a supporting character in the manga spin-off Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story, with her role being very much the same as that of the anime series, preventing Madoka from making a contract with Kyubey while also trying to negotiate with other magical girls to fight against the powerful witch Walpurgisnacht.[46] In Puella Magi Oriko Magica, Homura kills the main character of the manga, Oriko Mikune, since Oriko wants to kill Madoka to prevent her from becoming the worst witch. However, before dying, Oriko manages to kill Madoka using the last power of her magic, with Homura being shocked in terror seeing Madoka's dead body, then she resets the timeline again.[47]

In 2015, two spin-off manga series featuring Homura as the main character were announced: a four-panel fantasy slice-of-life comic titled Puella Magi Homura Tamura, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Homura's Revenge, an alternate universe story where Madoka joined Homura in her time traveling.[48] Homura also appears as the main heroine in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Wraith Arc manga, that takes place between the second film Eternal and the third film Rebellion.[49] It is revealed that after Madoka rewrote the universe, Homura got the ability to manipulate memories at her own will.[50] She appears in a novel adaptation of the original series written by Hajime Ninomae, illustrated by Yūpon and published by Nitroplus,[51] as well as appearing in manga adaptation of the anime series, written and illustrated by Honakogae, and published by Houbunsha.[52][53]

Homura is a playable character in most Puella Magi Madoka Magica video games,[54] such as the PlayStation Portable action video game developed by Namco Bandai Games, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable (2012),[55] and the PlayStation Vita titled Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram (2013).[56] Homura is the player character of Puella Magi Madoka Magica TPS featuring Homura Akemi, a third-person shooter video game for Android released in 2011.[57][58] Homura also appears in several pachinko games related to the series, including Slot Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2013), Slot Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2 (2016),[59] CR Pachinko Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2017),[60] SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica A (2017),[61] and the 2019 Slot Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion.[62]

Homura is also a playable character in numerous games outside the Puella Magi Madoka Magica video games. She is featured in the role-playing game (RPG) Kaden Shoujo, a free-to-play puzzle video game for iOS and Android, appearing as a digital camera and stopping time with photography,[63] and also appears in the high fantasy RPG game Valkyrie Connect.[64] Both of her versions, regular Homura and Devil Homura appear in the mobile game Phantom of the Kill,[65] and the tower defense RPG Chain Chronicle.[66] She is also a playable character in Million Arthur,[67] as well as the RPG puzzle game Crash Fever,[68] and the rhythm game Girl Friend Note.[69] Homura's magical girl costume appears as an alternative for the main character Milla from Tales of Xillia 2, though the character does not appear.[70] Her costume and weapons also appears in the game Phantasy Star Online 2,[71] as well as the PSP game Gods Eater Burst, being available as downloadable content (DLC).[72] Homura and her devil form as well as costume of her magical girl also appear in the mobile game Unison League.[73]

Cultural impact


Due to Homura's popularity, numerous merchandise related to the character have been created, such as Nendoroids and figurines produced by many different companies, such as Good Smile Company,[74][75][76] Banpresto,[77][78][79] Aniplex,[80][81] and other companies.[82][83][84][85] In 2012, a talking alarm clock with the voice of Homura, recorded by Saito Chiwa was auctioned with the bid of 112,000 yen on the Yahoo! Japan.[86] A replica set of Homura's Rebellion ear cuff that sold for 21,600 yen was also released, and was immediately sold out.[87] Other merchandise based on Homura have been released, that includes plush dolls,[88] perfumes,[89] mugs,[90] posters,[91] headphones,[92] keychains,[93] clothing items such as T-shirts,[94] high heels and shoes,[95][96] Lingerie,[97] and glasses etc.[98]

Homura was featured on MasterCard Credit Card,[99] and has been featured in other printed advertisements for third film Rebellion.[100][101][102] Homura has also appeared on the cover of Mercedes-Benz for test driving,[103] as well as appearing on the Japanese guide dog-training organization.[104] The Homura Magica book, that explores Homura's character depth, including personality, relationship, and also features an interview with Saito, was released in December 2018 and is commercially available.[105]


Kyubey, Homura and Madoka Kaname featured in stairs of Akihabara.

Homura won the 2011 Newtype Anime Award for best female character.[106] In the 2013 Newtype anime awards, she was voted the fourth-best female character.[107] In 2014, she once again took that place.[108] Homura won the Animage Grand Prix Editors Choice award for best female character of Animage in 2011.[109][110] Chiwa Saito's portrayal of Homura won her the 2011 Newtype Anime Award for Best Supporting Actress.[111] Her English voice actress, Cristina Vee was also nominated for Best Female Lead Vocal Performance in Television at the 1st BTVA Voice Acting Awards.[112] Japanese voice actress Sumire Uesaka cosplayed as Homura at the Comiket 85.[113] BIGLOBE users voted Homura as the most popular female black-haired heroine in 2013.[114] In another BIGLOBE poll, Homura ranked first in the category "Anime Girl that Attracts the Most Desperate Fanboys".[115] In 2014, NTT customers ranked Homura as their 5th favorite black haired female anime character.[116] Homura is also one of SHAFT's most popular heroines, where she took second place for "Top 10 Shaft Heroines" in 2016, three years after her debut in The Rebellion Story.[117]

A reader poll conducted by NHK also determined that Homura is one of the best heroines, having garnered 14% of votes.[118] Additionally, in 2016 Charapedia poll, Homura ranked first in the category of "Most Alluring Transfer Students".[119] In another Charapedia poll, Homura placed second for the most enchanting magical girl character, with the site's writer stating that Homura is "definitely one of the representative characters of magical girls in Japanese animation."[120][121] In an Anime News Network poll of "Which anime villain is most deserving of redemption", Homura ranked sixth for her role in Rebellion, with 4.0% of votes.[122] In a Japanese TV special from August 2017, Homura was voted as the 19th "Most Splendid Heroine" from the Heisei Era.[123] In 2019, GooRanking voted Homura as the best anime heroine of Heisei Era.[124] In a 2020 Ani Trending News poll, Homura was voted as the best female anime character of Winter 2011,[125] and the third best female character of the year (2011) overall.[126] The same year, Homura was also voted the third best-magical girl character in a poll by Anime! Anime!.[127]

Both Homura and Madoka were referenced in the HBO series Euphoria.[128]

Critical response

Homura has garnered critical acclaim. Her backstory revealed in episode 10 was highly lauded due to how it portrays her pain and struggle as well as for explaining her cold personality; multiple critics have also it the best episode of the series.[129][130][131][132][133] Critics also commended the character's complexity and tragedy,[129][131][134] and have regarded her as a sympathetic character.[129] Critics have described her backstory as "outstanding",[135] "compelling",[136] and "haunting".[137] Zac Bertschy of Anime News Network described Homura as the series "most crucial" character,[131] while Dan Barnett of UK Anime Network regarded her as the tragic heroine of the story.[138] Ryotaro Aoki of Otaku USA also characterized her as "a stoic, justice-seeking righteous" character.[139] THEM Anime reviewer Jacob Churosh said Homura's "mask of cool aloofness and brutal indifference crumbles in spectacular fashion over the second half of the series as we probe the depths of her history and begin to discover what tragedies caused Homura to don such a mask in the first place."[133] Richard Eisenbeis of Kotaku stated that upon a second watch for the series, "all the plot twists and character motivations [..] almost becomes a new story—not about Madoka but about Homura." He further explained that "the story can be looked at as Homura being the only sane person in an insane world—and the only one who really has a clue about what's really going on" and "many of her lines have double meanings that can only be appreciated upon a second viewing."[140] The creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Hideaki Anno, lauded her backstory and the way she was depicted.[141] Japanese critic Minori Ishida called Homura one of the "most complex" and "compelling" character in anime.[142] Her self-sacrifice for Madoka and their tragic relationship has also been commended.[129][131][143][144][145] Some critics have also commended Homura's "dark beauty" and "luxurious hair".[24][138][146][147]

Homura's character in the Rebellion movie was positively received, with reviewers commending her complexity and development.[148][149] Jed A. Blue stated Homura had "extensive character development", and called her a "complex character".[148] Chris Beveridge gave high praise to her development and on how she deals "with things once she gained her understanding". Beveridge also noted that Homura "has always been the key character" for him and "she owns this movie well."[150] Kotaku's Toshi Nakamura and Richard Eisenbeis echoed each other's reviews of the character, with Nakamura stating that Homura's choices and actions "all make sense and are never forced," and Eisenbeis stated that the film is "a great character piece and a worthy addition to the franchise."[149] Conversely, Jacob Chapmam was harshly critical towards her character at the end of the film, calling her "out-of-character", but also felt that "Devil Homura's victory feel tragic and hollow".[143] Lynzee Loveridge of the same site stated that she enjoyed having Homura's character focused on in the film but Rebellion as an ending.[151] Homura's battle with Mami was also commended by reviewers, with Geoff Berkshire of Variety describing the battle as "an epic, gravity-defying gun" that "would make the Wachowskis jealous",[144] and Richard Eisenbeis also described it as a "pretty epic" battle.[149]

Critics have also enjoyed Chiwa Saito's performance. Hailing the series' cast as "uniformly impressive", Jacob Churosh highlighted Saito's as a standout,[133] while David Cabrera of Anime News Network wrote, "[The cast's] performances, particularly Chiwa Saito as Homura, are frequently heart-wrenching."[152] Cristina Vee also received some praise. Kory Cerjak of The Fandom Post states that Vee "works really well" as Homura, stating that she "truly shines", while also commenting on her "slight changes in her intonation that designates her change in demeanor," saying "It’s brilliant."[153] Meanwhile, Zac Bertschy states "Vee turns in a better performance as Homura Akemi, which is a good thing since so much of the series rests on her shoulders."[131]

Lynzee Loveridge ranked Homura first in her article "8 Essential Time-Travelling Heroines", writing: "Homura relives tragedy after tragedy in hopes of saving her best friend, and ultimately the world, from destruction. If Homura can be faulted for inadvertently creating the situation she hopes to prevent, she can also be credited for destroying the system of despair magical girls were trapped in."[154] She also included Homura second in her article "7 Cruel Gods" list, comparing the character's selfishness and her rebellion against Madoka to that of Paradise Lost's Lucifer.[155] In June 2018, Crunchyroll ranked Homura third in "Most Unlucky Characters in All of Anime", with writer Nicole Mejias writing that Homura have "re-lived the same tragic events nearly 100 times" that "is perhaps one of the worst fates someone could have", noting that she lived "alone and trapped in a cycle that never ends".[156]

In the book The Very Soil: An Unauthorized Critical Study of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Jed A. Blue addresses that the main characters of the series suffers from different types of depressive disorders, and called out on Homura's lack of affect.[157] Writing for The Girl at the End of Time: Temporality, (P)remediation, and Narrative Freedom in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Forrest Greenwood argues that Homura "assumes that she is playing a conventional real time game with a save/load function, recursive at the microlevel but teleological at the macrolevel, when in truth she herself navigating the temporal architecture of a branching narrative" and notes that each of Homura's narrative threads "ends in tragedy." Greenwood described her as a "doe-eyed jihadi bent on liberating Madoka from Kyubey's contract."[158] Greenwood also states that while each of the series' character's design has themes that conveys their character, and that Homura is "reserved" and "slightly unsteady", these traits of the characters actually "endure nightmarish tragedies and betrayals in their canonical narrative arcs."[159] In Japanese Aesthetics and Anime: The Influence of Tradition, Dani Cavallaro writes that Homura's initial unusual persona is "one of the most unusual twist to the norm proposed" by the series; and although she initially appears to be "Madoka's adversary or even a witch", the reason behind her effort "is not enmity but rather a selfless desire to protect [Madoka] from a destiny which [Homura] knows to be tantamount not to a supreme bonus but rather to a poisoned chalice."[160]


Homura has been the subject of analysis, as several writers have explored and commented on the character's psyche and mental state. Some writers have surmised that Homura suffers from several mental illnesses, with Jed A. Blue saying that Homura is the epitome of functional depression or dysthymia,[161] and that "while she is functional, she is also depressed, and all it takes is a slight push downward to make her collapse".[162] The writer also states that she suffers from self-guilt, self-hatred, and self-flagellation in addition to being suicidal.[163] Writer Bryan J. McAfee also shared a similar opinion and found that Homura suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to her failed attempts at saving Madoka as well as killing her to prevent her from becoming a witch and for experiencing cruel realities in her time loops.[164]

Jed Blue also notes that despite Homura's cold behavior and her determination to save Madoka at any cost, she "usually avoids hurting humans or magical girls and instead focuses on fighting witches and Kyubey"[165] and is shown to care about people around her, such as Mami and Kyoko, "whom she ultimately trusts to kill Homulilly, come to respect and possibly even like them, as well".[166] Blue said that "Homura is nowhere near as evil as she considers herself to be."[167]

Homura's rebellion against Madoka has also been analyzed. Jed A Blue said "Homura's choice to become a 'demon' devoted to keeping Madoka in the world costs her the only thing she values, the chance to be together with Madoka in the end; now they must eventually be enemies. Isn't it therefore Homura who is selfless?"[168] The writer also says that the film's title, Rebellion, is referring to Homura rebelling against herself.[169]

Furthermore, Homura has also been compared to Goethe's character Faust[170] and Nutcracker from The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by E. T. A. Hoffmann's.[171] Noting Homura's complexity and multifaceted personality, Jed Blue highlights how Homura becomes the demiurge of the new universe and yet she "chooses to make a world where she is alone" and isolates herself from everyone, only to give Madoka a normal, happy life with her family,[172] and says Homura "remains a morally ambiguous figure".[173] Jed also observed how "If the other magical girls had simply killed her [Homulilly], she would be beyond further punishment, and her suffering would have ended. But they, in their cruel mercy, forced her to go on, forced her to find another way to keep protecting Madoka and punishing herself. She hates them for that, for failing to hate her as she hates herself. In her new world, she expresses her hatred by passive-aggressively mocking its targets. She breaks a teacup behind Mami, recalling her death fighting Charlotte. She taunts Sayaka as her memories decay, mimicking Sayaka's loss of self when she became a witch. She tricks Kyoko into wasting food. And, in the stinger, she throws herself off a cliff next to a white chair, mirroring Madoka tipping off it earlier. Her hatred for herself has not changed. All that has changed is that now she has the power to make the magical girls hate her, to position herself as their enemy in the hopes that they will finish the job."[172]

Homura's time loop is said to be a trauma response. However, Jed A Blue says that Homura actually suffered from trauma before even becoming a magical girl, being hospitalized for her heart disease about half a year. Jed said: "She has spent six months helpless, afraid for her life, probably in a great deal of pain, being subjected to who knows how many invasive, frightening tests and procedures. That’s a lot for anyone to handle, let alone a 14-year-old girl, so it is unsurprising that Homura already shows a number of trauma symptoms from the start: she is anxious and shy, socially withdrawn, and struggles with self-worth issues, which morph quickly into suicidal ideation when she wanders into a Witch’s labyrinth. She clings hard to Madoka as her savior and friend thereafter, only to see Madoka die in battle with Walpurgisnacht."[167] When Madoka makes her wish, Jed notes that she saves all magical girl except Homura "since her trauma predates becoming a magical girl, Madoka cannot simply absorb it from her Soul Gem as she does with the others; instead, Homura carries her memories of both her failure to rescue Madoka and, buried beneath, her helplessness in the hospital."[167] And when Homura turns into demon and rewrites the world, she "serves only to deepen her suffering: where once, in the grip of a Witch, she contemplated suicide, in the stinger of Rebellion she actually attempts it, throwing herself off a cliff."[167] The writer observed that Homura's world is superior than Madoka's pure land since the characters are much happier in her world.[174]


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