Vladimír Socha

Mgr. Vladimír Socha (born January 1, 1982 in Hradec Králové) is a Czech writer, publisher, public lecturer and science promoter from the city of Hradec Králové (north-eastern Czech Republic). His main interest lies in dinosaur paleontology and the history of science in general. So far, he published eight books about dinosaurs and primeval life in Czech language, four smaller brochures (booklets) and many magazine articles about nature, history and prehistory.[1] In 2009 he volunteered in the summer paleontological field dig in the Hell Creek formation in eastern Montana (for the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman).[2] A year later, he published a book about the experience called Dinosauři od Pekelného potoka (Dinosaurs from the Hell Creek).[3] He also provides interviews for the Czech Radio and sometimes organises paleoart exhibitions.

Vladimír Socha in 2015.

Published book titles

  • Úžasný svět dinosaurů (Magnificent World of Dinosaurs), Triton, 2009 (2nd edition 2012)
  • Encyklopedie dinosaurů ve světle nejnovějších objevů (Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs in the Light of new Discoveries), Libri, 2010
  • Dinosauři od Pekelného potoka (Dinosaurs from the Hell Creek), Motto, 2010
  • Po stopách dinosaurů (In the Footsteps of Dinosaurs), Triton, 2011
  • Podivuhodní draci (Strange Dragons, brochure), Triton, 2013
  • Objevy pod vrstvami času (Discoveries under the Layers of Time), Computer Press, 2014
  • Pravěk v českých zemích (Prehistory of the Czech Lands, brochure), Triton, 2015
  • Pravěcí vládci oblohy (Prehistoric Rulers of the Skies, brochure), Triton, 2015
  • Neznámí dinosauři (Unknown Dinosaurs), Mladá fronta, 2015
  • Poslední dny dinosaurů (The Last Days of Dinosaurs), Radioservis, 2016
  • Dinosauří rekordmani (Dinosaur Record Holders, brochure), Triton, 2016
  • Dinosauři v Čechách (Dinosaurs in the Czech Republic), Vyšehrad, 2017
  • Výlet do vesmíru (A Trip to the Universe)[4], Triton, 2017
  • Velké vymírání na konci křídy ("The Great Extinction at the end of the Cretaceous")[5], Pavel Mervart, 2017
  • Poslední den druhohor (The Last Day of the Mesozoic)[6], Vyšehrad, 2018
Vladimír Socha by the skeleton of Carnotaurus sastrei, Chlupáč Museum of Earth's History, Albertov, Prague (2015).


By the giant skull of Tyrannosaurus rex (MOR 009) in the Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana (2009).

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