Victory Program

The Victory Program was a military plan for the United States involvement in World War II submitted prior to the country's official entry into the war following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The plan was initially secret, but was famously exposed by the Chicago Tribune on December 4, 1941, 3 days before Pearl Harbor.[1]


On July 9, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered his secretary of war, Henry Stimson, and his secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, to prepare a plan for the “overall production requirements required to defeat our potential enemies.” This plan was leaked to U.S. Senator and prominent isolationist Burton Wheeler of Montana who in turn gave it to the equally isolationist editor of the Chicago Tribune, Robert R. McCormick.[2]

The release of the plan caused an uproar among the isolationist bloc in the United States, but the controversy died off quickly only three days later, after news of the attack on Pearl Harbor was received and a formal declaration of war was made.

Climate Victory Plan

In 2016, The Climate Mobilization advocacy group, published the Victory Plan, written by Ezra Silk. This policy document outlines how the U.S. could tackle greenhouse gas emissions, spur a global effort to address global warming, with a massive WWII-scale mobilization.[3]


  1. Chicago Tribune, December 4, 1941
  2. "Who Leaked America’s Secret War Plans Into Hitler’s Hands?", Marc Wortman The Daily Beast, March 24, 2017
  3. Paul Gilding (2016). "The Climate Mobilization Victory Plan: Foreword". Post Carbon Institute.
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