United Nations General Assembly Resolution 36/3

UN General Assembly
Resolution 36/3
Date September 25 1981
Code A/RES/36/3 ([{{{document}}} Document])
Subject Admission of Belize to the United Nations
Voting summary
144 voted for
1 voted against
None abstained
Result Adopted

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 36/3 was adopted on September 25, 1981 to admit Belize to membership in the United Nations.[1]

The resolution was adopted by a majority of 144 members with Guatemala opposing and 10 not voting.

Voting Results

The result of the voting was the following:[2]

For Against
Democratic Republic of Afghanistan  Guatemala
People's Socialist Republic of Albania
People's Republic of Benin
People's Republic of Bulgaria
 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
 Cape Verde
 Central African Republic
People's Republic of the Congo
 Costa Rica
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
 Dominican Republic
 El Salvador
 Equatorial Guinea
 German Democratic Republic
 West Germany
 Ivory Coast
 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
People's Republic of Mongolia
People's Republic of Mozambique
 New Zealand
 Papua New Guinea
 Saint Lucia
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
 São Tomé and Príncipe
 Sierra Leone
 Solomon Islands
 Sri Lanka
 Trinidad and Tobago
 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
 Soviet Union
 United Arab Emirates
 United Kingdom
 United States
 Republic of Upper Volta
 Yemen Arab Republic

Democratic Kampuchea, Dominica, Gabon, The Gambia, Haiti, Nigeria, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Zaire didn't vote.


  1. http://research.un.org/en/docs/ga/quick/regular/36
  2. "A/RES/36/3". UNBISNET. Retrieved 24 May 2015.
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