Uncial 0167

Uncial 0167
New Testament manuscript
Text Mark 4; 6 †
Date 7th century
Script Greek
Now at Great Lavra
University of Louvain
Size 28 x 25 cm
Type Alexandrian text-type
Category III

Uncial 0167 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), is a Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament, dated paleographically to the 7th century.


The codex contains a small part of the Gospel of Mark 4:24-29,37-41; 6:9-11,13-14,37-39,41,45, on 6 parchment leaves (28 cm by 25 cm). Leaves are in fragmentary condition. The text is written in two columns per page, 12 lines per page, in very large uncial letters.[1]

The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the Alexandrian text-type. Aland placed it in Category III.[1] It means it has a lot of allien readings.

Currently it is dated by the INTF to the 7th century.[1][2]

The codex was divided and currently is housed in two places. One of its parts is still housed at the Great Lavra (Δ' 61) in Athos peninsula, the other is housed at the, University of Louvain (Bibliothèque de l'Université, Sect. des Mss., frg. Omont no. 8) at Louvain.[1]

It was described by Henri Omont (no. 8) and Kurt Treu.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 Aland, Kurt; Aland, Barbara (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.). Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1.
  2. "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Retrieved 21 April 2011.

Further reading

  • Kurt Treu, Neutestamentliche Unzialfragmente in einer Athos-Handschrift 0167 Lavra, Δ' 61, ZNW 54 (Berlin: 1963), pp. 53-58.

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