Tu che le vanità

"Tu che le vanità" is an aria for soprano from the final act of Verdi's opera Don Carlos. It is sometimes performed in recitals and featured in anthologies for dramatic sopranos.[1] Sopranos also use it as an audition piece,[2][3] as it displays the singer's high and low registers, forte and pianissimo volumes, legato bel canto singing technique, and several dramatic emotions such as reverence, longing, and resignation.[4]


The aria begins with a long orchestral prelude. Élisabeth de Valois, a young French Princess whom the elderly King Philip II of Spain has married for political reasons, prays at the tomb of the former Emperor King Carlos V. She asks that he weep for her suffering and offer his tears to the Almighty on her behalf. She anticipates the arrival of her stepson and former fiance Don Carlos, whom she has piously rejected after marrying his father the King in order to strengthen the alliance of their two nations. She prays that Carlos will fulfil his destiny as a great, benevolent ruler of Spain. She recalls her homeland, and her happiness during her short engagement to Carlos. She longs for the peace which she will have in her grave.


  1. For instance, this one http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2011/Aug11/Christoff_Kraus_Scotto_33683.htm and this one http://www.classical.net/music/recs/reviews/e/emi68022a.php and this one https://www.gramophone.co.uk/review/r%C3%A9gine-crespin-a-portrait and this one https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/4720795/A-diva-from-the-word-go.html and this one http://www.worldcat.orgwww.worldcat.org/title/verdi-heroines/oclc/937587431?referer=di&ht=edition
  2. "IPA Source Soprano". www.ipasource.com.
  3. http://opera.wolftrap.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Soprano-Aria-Frequency-List-2017.pdf
  4. "Momentos memorables: Tu che la vanità". 4 November 2013.
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