Time in Rhode Island

Rhode Island uses the Eastern Time Zone with Daylight saving time. However, like the other five New England states, which also use the Eastern Time Zone, sunset in the winter in Rhode Island can occur as early as 4:30 PM. Most of the New England states are attempting to use the Atlantic Time Zone, albeit without DST, to fix this. While Rhode Island had a bill to do the same, it would only take effect if Massachusetts did the same. [1]

Solar noon in Rhode Island is 11:53 AM without daylight saving time and 12:53 PM with daylight saving time, which is earlier than most areas of the United States. The state is small enough that geographical location only results in a difference of a few minutes. [2] [3]


  1. "Several US States Considering Scrapping DST". Time and Date. January 20, 2017.
  2. http://blog.poormansmath.net/images/SolarTimeVsStandardTimeV2.png
  3. http://suncalc.net

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