The Science of Interstellar

The Science of Interstellar
Softcover edition
Author Kip Thorne
Country United States
Language English
Subject Physics, cosmology
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher W. W. Norton & Company
Publication date
November 7, 2014
Media type Print
Pages 336 pp.
ISBN 978-0393351378
Preceded by Black Holes and Time Warps (1994)'

The Science of Interstellar is a non-fiction book by American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Kip Thorne,with a foreword by Christopher Nolan. The book was initially published on November 7, 2014 by W. W. Norton & Company.[1][2] This is his second full-size book for non-scientists after Black Holes and Time Warps, released in 1994. The Science of Interstellar is a follow-up text for the 2014 movie Interstellar, starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain.


Kip Thorne was the scientific consultant and an executive producer for the movie. In this book he explains the scientific concepts behind the film's cosmological ideas.[3]


The spoiler warning on the cover of The Science of Interstellar is largely unnecessary: it makes more sense to see the movie first, before reading the book, since you have to appreciate the film and its various plot points to better understand the science behind them that Thorne describes. The film and the book demonstrate that it is possible to create a movie rigorously grounded in science; whether that allows for a good movie is another question. (Thorne, at one point in the book, notes that some scientific complexity he sought had to be left out since they were limited in what could be “absorbed in a fast-paced two-hour film.” Interstellar, in fact, ran closer to three hours, and to many viewers dragged on at times.) Perhaps, though, both the film and the accompanying science book will inspire some to learn more about the science at the boundaries of what is known today.

The Space Review[4]

See also


  1. "The Science of Interstellar Paperback by Kip Thorne (Author), Christopher Nolan (Foreword)". Retrieved 2015-02-21.
  2. "The Science of Interstellar by Kip S. Thorne, Christopher J. Nolan (Foreword)". Retrieved 2015-02-21.
  3. ""Our universe would be destroyed": Inside the science of "Interstellar"". November 29, 2014. Retrieved 2015-02-22.
  4. Foust, Jeff (March 30, 2015). "Review: The Science of Interstellar". Retrieved 2015-02-21.
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