The Christian School, Takeley

The Christian School (Takeley)
Religion Non denominational Christian
Head M Emlyn Humphries
Lead Trustee Carina Bowman
Location Brewers End, Takeley
Bishops Stortford
CM22 6QH
Local authority Essex
Ages 3–16
Registered Charity Number 1148518
Company registration 8165830
Website The Christian School (Takeley)
The School painted by Y7 pupil Lark

The Christian School (Takeley) [1]is an independent Christian school located in Takeley, Bishop's Stortford, Essex.

The school caters for children from 3 through to 16 years of age. The curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of the English National Curriculum and the school is inspected by Ofsted.[2][3][4]

The school agrees with the Department for Education’s definition of British values [5] as a whole:

  • democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

At the Christian School (Takeley), pupils will encounter these principles throughout everyday school life. The school recognises the dependence of each value on the others and, for example, does not respect or tolerate a faith statement or belief that does not uphold the democracy and rule of law of the United Kingdom (UK) or the individual liberties of UK citizens, especially those whose characteristics are protected under the Equality Act.

The curriculum teaches pupils to be critical thinkers testing the validity of rules or expectations.

In accordance with the ethos of the school the understanding is that, in God, there is a higher authority and the teaching of the whole Christian Bible is the basis of faith of the staff.

The school is an equal opportunities employer. As a designated faith school, the school is allowed to take into consideration a teacher's faith before employing them as allowed in the Equality Act 2010, Schedule 22 paragraph 4.[6]

The school is part of the Christian Schools' Trust [7]


The Christian School (Takeley) was founded by a group of parents and friends in 1989 to provide a Christian education, fostering Christian faith and values. Today the school includes families from a wide geographical area, who belong to a number of different churches or none.


Coordinates: 51°52′05″N 0°15′42″E / 51.8681°N 0.2617°E / 51.8681; 0.2617

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