Territorial changes of the People's Republic of China

Since its formation on 1 October 1949 the People's Republic of China's territorial claims have frequently been revised.

Until 1986, the total territory (or under control) of P.R.China was 10.45 million km2, includinga[]:

During the 1990s and 2000s, the official size and value of China's territory is rarely officially declared or published, partly because of the frequent and ongoing changes in their territorial claims.

The Republic of China government (on Taiwan) does not recognize the PRC's territorial changes in accordance with the 1947 constitution (although amended in 1991 to include the ROC's free area).

Chronological list


  • 1 October 1949. The establishment of the People's Republic of China was officially announced by Mao Zedong (ruled from 1949 until 1976) on the Tiananmen in Beijing. On 13 October 1949 annexation of Xinjiang into the People's Republic of China.
  • 1 May 1950, the Island of Hainan was fully under control of PLA.[1] The island Hainan was annexed from the Republic of China at the cost of many thousands Chinese lives.
  • 19 May 1950, the largest archipelago of China - Zhoushan, was fully under control of PLA.[2]
  • 23 May 1951, area of Tibet Autonomous Region was claimed as an annex to the People's Republic of China.
  • 3 September 1954, The People's Republic of China annexed the Yijiangshan Islands and Dachen Islands from the Republic of China during the First Taiwan Strait Crisis (Battle of Yijiangshan) even as the U.S. Seventh Fleet was patrolling nearby.[3]







  • 12 January: The Tajikistan parliament ratifies a deal ceding approximately 1000 square kilometres to China.[8][9]


See also



  1. Today in history: Libration of Hainan (information from People.com.cn)
  2. Liberation of Zhoushan Islands (from ChinaBaike.com)
  3. J.P.D. Dunbabin. The Cold War: The Great Powers and Their Allies
  4. Information of Aksai Chin (from Baidu Encyclopedia)
  5. Borderline of China and Tajikistan determined
  6. China and Vietnam finished borderline survey
  7. CFi.cn: 2 trillion yuan to reclamate land
  8. 12 January 2011, Tajikistan agrees to give land to China, Washington Post
  9. 13 January 2011, Tajikistan cedes land to China, BBC News Asia-Pacific
  10. "Chinese 'occupation' of Bajo de Masinloc could reduce PH territorial waters by 38 percent". Malaya Business News Online. 21 January 2013. Archived from the original on 24 January 2013. Retrieved 5 February 2013.


^ a:  "... 1045万平方公里,其中陆地940万平方公里,岛屿75400平方公里,滩涂12700平方公里,内海693000平方公里,领海22万平方公里" -- 《中国领土面积》(The territory of China); 1986年4月20日《信息日报》 (20 December 1986; Daily Information)

Daily Information is a Chinese newspaper founded on 1 October 1984, reporting economic and communications news. See the introduction to the newspaper (in Chinese): 《信息日报》

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