
Arohanam S R₁ M₁ P N₂ 
Avarohanam  N₂ D₁ P M₁ R₁ S

Svadhya is a rāgam in Carnatic music (musical scale of South Indian classical music). It is an audava Shadava rāgam . It is a janya rāgam (derived scale), as it does not have all the seven swaras (musical notes).

It is said to evoke intense self-reflection to the listener and Karuṇa rasa (pathos).

Structure and Lakshana

only in avarohanam

(notes used in this scale are shuddha rishabham, shuddha madhyamam, panchamam, shuddha dhaivatham, kaisiki nishadham)

Svadhya is considered a janya rāgam of Ratnangi, the 2nd Melakarta rāgam. It's a recent addition by composer Rajan Somasundaram.

Here are some popular kritis composed in Svadhya.

  • Maya- The Reflection of Self by Rajan Somasundaram
  • Ashtavakra Gita- Self Realization Musical by Rajan Somasundaram

This section covers the theoretical and scientific aspect of this rāgam.

Scale similarities

  • Revati is a rāgam which has the similar aurohana but addition of shuddha dhaivatham only in the avarohanam makes Svadhya raga a complex one and lends a different color.


  1. Alternate notations:
    • Hindustani: S  M P  
    • Western: C C# F G A# C
  2. Alternate notations:
    • Hindustani:    P M  S
    • Western: C A# G# G F C# C


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