Nikola Sarić (painter)

Nikola Sarić (born 6 June 1985 in Bajina Bašta) is a German painter focussing on Christian sacral art.


Sarić grew up in Bajina Bašta, Serbia and went to Belgrade in 2000 to study at the TehnoArt School, changed in 2005 to study at the University of Belgrade at the faculty of restoration and conservation, before, in 2006 starting to study at the Academy of the Serbian Orthodox Church for Art and Conservation, where he graduatied in 2014. Since 2011 he lives in Hannover, Germany.[1]

Important works (selection)

  • Akathistos to St. Demetrius. 2009, 12 paintings, each 130 × 160  cm, acrylic on canvas.
  • Parables of Christ, 2014, cycle of 20 paintings, each 30 × 30  cm, water colours on paper, mounted on wood.
  • Holy Martyrs of Libya. 2015, 100 × 70  cm, water colours on paper.[2]
  • St. Chrysogonus, St. Katharina, St. Konrad. (Hannover, Gartenkirche St. Marien), 2015, 120 × 90  cm, egg tempera and gold leave on wood[3]

Exhibitions (selection)

Solo exhibitions are marked S, exhibitions with catalogues are marked C.


  • Свет који се не да замислити, Galerie Otklon, Belgrade.


  • Separation, konnektor – Forum für Künste, Hannover (S)[4]
  • 3rd Yokogawa Charity Art Festival, Hiroshima[5]


  • Demetrius – Begegnung mit dem Heiligen, Gartenkirche St. Marien, Hannover (S) (C)
  • Laokoon, konnektor – Forum für Künste, Hannover (S)[6]


  • 18. ZINNOBER Kunstvolkslauf, Hannover
  • Wie durch einen Spiegel – Biblische Ikonographie heute, Religionspädagogisches Institut, Loccum (S)[7]
  • 87. Herbstausstellung, Kunstverein, Hannover (C)[8]
  • Coptic Orthodox Monastery Brenkhausen, Höxter (S)[9]
  • Савремени иконопис у Србији (Contemporary Serbian Icon Painting), Cultural Centre of Novi Sad



  • Zyklus des Lebens, Fonis Gallery, Düsseldorf (S) [13]
  • Zeugen, Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Wiesbaden (S)[14]
  • Und das Wort ward Bild, Gartenkirche St. Marien, Hannover (S)
  • Apărători ai ortodoxiei și Sfinți Martiri din vremea comunismului, Centrul Cultural Ion Manu, Otopeni/Bucharest [15]
  • Das fliegende Jackett, Fonis Gallery, Düsseldorf [16][17]


  • 88. Herbstausstellung, Kunstverein, Hannover (K)[18]


  • Zeugen – Gedichte von Nikola Đolović mit einigen Bildern von Nikola Sarić. In: Der schmale Pfad. volume 56. Johannes A. Wolff Verlag, Apelern 2016, ISSN 1610-1146, p. 60–75.
  • Jean-Marc Nemer: Nikola Saric, un iconographe transgressif?, master thesis at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Art History at UFR04 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2016.


  1. biography on his own Website, accessed 13 June 2016.
  2. New LIturgical Movement: A New Image of the Coptic Martyrs of Libya, by Nikola Sarić, accessed 4 September 2016.
  3. description at the Website of the church community, accessed 13 June 2016 (German).
  4. konnektor #11 “Separation”, accessed 13 June 2016
  5. Website Yokagawa Art, accessed 13 June 2016
  6. konnektor #34, accessed 13 June 2016
  7. Website of RPI Loccum, accessed 13 June 2016.
  8. Raumstationen – 87. Herbstausstellung niedersächsischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler. Hannover 2015, ISBN 978-3-934421-54-7.
  9. Kunst im Kloster. in: Neue Westfälische. 3 October 2016, p. HT2
  10. Website of Kunstsalon Villa Artista, accessed 13 June 2016.
  11. Website of the abbey, accessed 13 June 2016.
  12. Website of Mount Athos Center, accessed 18 October 2016.
  13. gallery website, accessed 30 July 2017.
  14. "Night of the Churches". Retrieved 6 January 2017.
  15. "Iconi in Otopeni". Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  16. "Ausstellungen". Fonis Galerie. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  17. "Nikola Sarić (Hanovra, Germania)". Iconi in Otopeni. 2018: 26–27. ISSN 2601-6656.
  18. 88. Herbstausstellung des Kunstvereins Hannover. Hannover: Kunstverein. 2018. ISBN 978-3-934421-27-1.
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