
Nanoeconomics is defined as the post-analytic discourse, economic theory and post-normal transdisciplinary science of molar(ized) single transactions, non-conservative choice and innovative behavior of economic agents/decision-makers in quantum-inspired formalization. One can discriminate between post-normal science featuring coherence in structure and arguments and multidisciplinary consilience, on one side, and fringe science, on the other. Nanoeconomics draws on sciences and disciplines as varying as econophysics, thermoeconomics, ecological economics, affective science, complexity economics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics (synergetics), biosemiotics, decision science, neuroeconomics / picoeconomics, neocybernetics, design science, complex networks and graph theory, complexity and information theories, etc. It combines hard science and soft science perspectives, approaches and models.

Nanoeconomics problematizes sustainable innovation, novelty-making and broadly authenticity production. A possible strategy currently under investigation is stimulation of divergent selection on both individual human and textual/molar actant (see below) levels.

Nanoeconomics is largely a normative science informed by ecocentric system of values and covers at least partially ententional development and allocation of embodied natural resources (virtual environmental factors)[1] such as virtual water. Among its goals are ecological dematerialization, economic demerchandization, trade decommoditization, industrial dehomogenization. Nanoeconomics offers a non-price mechanism alternative to green economy/growth.

Nanoeconomics follows the mode of thinking of Informational Structural Realism. Overall, abstraction or discursive virtualization is part of nanoeconomic methodology and conceptualizations. In particular, the paradigm of granular information processing underlies the general method of nanoeconomic analysis.

Implementation of non-conservativity or innovativeness is arranged at the level of B2B trade, where the system of interactions is closed and modeled as differential games. Quantum-inspired analysis of differential games suggests a non-Newtonian characterization of intelligent agents as self-supervising and their behavior as entangled, demonstrating emergence of randomness/novelty (self-generated stochasticity) and providing for use of information force in human factor-based decision-making[2].

A major pillar of nanoeconomics is the science of diversity, inc. multi-way metric of diversity as the generalization of hyperconvexity[3]. The virtual units of analysis at the cultural or eco-downstream plane of nanoeconomics (as distinguished from natural or eco-upstream plane) is particle 'texts' of multi-specification (multi-attribute) product SKU portfolios and clusters, which have bound structural information content as the encoded correlate of a product's local embedded contextual or ambient expressivity from affective choice perspective of the consumer or shopper. Text particles can be conceived as local partitions or communities in the text graph usually (roughly) with the structure of hypertree with hyperedges of homologous convariant product items (SKUs), normally featuring power law distributions. Thereby those nano-particles (nanoeconomic granules) are frictional among themselves and conformational in change as well as behaving as colloid particles (their dispersion conditions as to irreversible/lyophobic/suspensoid versus reversible/lyophilic/emulsoid are yet to be established). Also they qualify as L-particles. The latter are characterized with a non-conservative mechanism of quantum potential or information force[4] (nonlocal energy). From it arises randomness and emerges novelty by violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics[5] thus working toward the aforementioned and below-mentioned normative goals of nanoeconomics of fostering innovativeness and eco-economic decoupling. These nanoeconomic granules also have qualities of hyperobjects. The function of these local granule texts is to deliver surprisal to the consumer/shopper and one of the tasks of nanoeconomic engineering is to maximize that surprisal subject to constraints of the global portfolio and other strategy, business and commercial constraints. Thereby consumer demand is modeled as molarized survival process being the (bi)dual of the merono-taxonomic matrix of heavy-tailed product text (substrate), using such objective (non-informative) priors and pursuant to the principle of insufficient reason.

As for the global texts of product portfolios or clusters with heterogeneous constitution, they behave or act as semiotically self-referential, quantum-like amorphous computers/media supplying abduction power for innovation. Those abstract text machines have complex network motifs and themes/modules making them susceptible to discretization for allagmatic brand identity/idiom and evolutionary computation. Those global texts evolve in punctuated patterns toward increasing complexity measured for example by self-dissimilarity in conjunction with biological degeneracy (as a measure or predictor of adaptive innovativeness or robust evolvability[6][7]). These global text graphs represent the econophysical 'genetics' of a downstream/B2C company and 'genomics' of an industry/market. The punctuated evolution of portfolio/cluster graphs in eco-economic fitness landscapes have embodied virtual exergy (microdiversity) as its dynamic ecosemiotic orientor as a Lagrangian consisting of local information contents (topological) and global graph energy (spectral) and flows under inertial/rhizomatic/holonomic/conservative recombinant crossover (exploitation, aromorphosis/growth, assimilation) and tangential/arborescent/non-holonomic/dissipative/symmetry-breaking mutation (exploration, allomorphosis/differentiation, accommodation) operators whereby the embodied virtual exergy is built up in quantitative expansion and consumed in qualitative/phase shifts respectively.

Nanoeconomic particles induce, by way of conjugation, laminarity in consumer choice, hence the nanoscopic scale of discourse and analysis with its quantum effects ('surface area effects'), incl. high viscosity and fluctuational reversibility. On a known level of abstraction these product portfolio/cluster texts are assumed to be surfaces of respective commercial entities/identities (e.g. differentiated product assortment carrying brands) allowing further to harness the holographic principle to informationally completely characterize, model and analyze nanoeconomic subjects, dynamics and evolution by such supervenience, where the underlying structures may resemble or be akin to algebraic holography. Those texts usually have power law distribution. Nanoeconomics aspires to attain post-scarcity or abundance economy, which is contrasted with steady-state economy and degrowth. Current research in nanoeconomics tries to take it even further and leverage quantum-like discord as nanoeconomic resource in the macro-world to design for and achieve post-scarcity through eco-economic decoupling and development of regenerative environments.

On the natural or eco-upstream stage the nanoeconomic operation is tasked to perform quantized recovery of default bound micro-diversity (embodied information, or external reference-free or intensive exergy or composition-dependent or non-flow or eco-exergy[8][9][10][11] but defined in terms of physical and other phenomenal diversities embodied in natural materials rather than genetic diversities in biomass) of eco-upstream (natural) products of natural capital by calculational mining of nanoeconomic surplus value ('eco-margin') and its valorisation (further to be loosely conceived of as fractal reformulation of the notion of circular economy with hyperconvex 'upcycling' of spec values for composite-quantile pricing and exergy utilization maximization). Such embodied eco-exergy is considered as the ultra-renewable resource in nanoeconomics.

On the cultural or virtual plane or eco-downstream stage nanoeconomics tries to accomplish engineered ecomimetic re-institution of similar micro-diversity in virtual texts of eco-downstream (technological) products as emulated imputation of natural bound micro-diversity in the latter realm of products. The latter are characterized then with virtual exergy, virtual emergy, etc. as eco-evolutionary orientors as well as qualitative (crisis) predictors in business/brand competitiveness and strategy.

The term was first proposed by Kenneth J. Arrow in 1987.[12]

The term has also been used to describe a level of analysis below traditional microeconomics,[13][14][15] and to describe the economics of nanotechnology.[16][17]

See also


  1. "Embodied Resource Flows in a Global Economy".
  2. "Games of Entangled Agents" (PDF).
  3. "Hyperconvexity and Tight Span Theory for Diversities".
  4. "Information: Forgotten Variable in Physics Models. Michail Zak" (PDF).
  5. "Interference of probabilities in dynamics. Michail Zak".
  6. "Degeneracy: a link between evolvability, robustness and complexity in biological systems".
  7. "The Role of Degenerate Robustness in the Evolvability of Multi-agent Systems in Dynamic Environments" (PDF).
  8. "Use of eco-exergy in ecological networks".
  9. "Eco-exergy and emergy based self-organization of three forest plantations in lower subtropical China".
  10. "Network calculations and ascendancy based on eco-energy".
  11. "Definition Eco Exergy".
  12. "Nanoeconomics".
  13. "Describe level of analysis below traditional microeconomics". Archived from the original on 2006-09-09.
  14. "Nanoeconomics - Used to describe microeconomics".
  15. "Nanoeconomics - been used to describe a level of analysis". Google Books.
  16. "Nanoeconomics to describe nanotechnology". Azonano.
  17. "The term is also used to describe the economics of nanotechnology".
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