Matthäus Prätorius

Matthäus Prätorius (c.1635c.1704) was a Protestant pastor, later a Roman Catholic priest, a historian and ethnographer.

Prätorius is thought to have been born in Memel (Klaipėda). He probably grew up speaking both German and Lithuanian, which helped him when preaching to the ethnic Lithuanians in Ducal Prussia. His work about Prussia and its culture, Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubühne, resembles the work of Christoph Hartknoch, with whom he collaborated. Prätorius' work provides much more ethnographic information regarding local Lithuanians and Old Prussians. It was only published partially, in 1871. A complete edition, in seven volumes, with original German text and Lithuanian translation, is under preparation in Lithuania.[1]

In 1701, having converted from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism, he appealed against an ongoing case of witch-hunt. He died in Wejherowo (Weyherststadt).

In Orbis Gothicus and Mars Gothicus sustained that Prussia was the original land of Goths and that Goths can be identified as being "prussians, lithuanians, samogitians and curonians [latvians]".[2]


Tuba pacis, 1685, 1711, 1820

Scutum Regium, 1685

Orbis Gothicus,1688-1689

Mars Gothicus, 1691

Deliciae Prussicae oder Preussische Schaubühne, 1689 manuscript

Matas Pretorijus / / Matthew Praetorius. Prūsijos įdomybės, arba Prūsijos regykla / / Deliciae Prussicae or Prussian theater. Edited by Inge Lukšaité and Vilija Gerulaitienė. Vilnius: Pradai. Vol 1 (1999), Vol 2, ed. Inge Lukšaité in collaboration with V. Gerulaitienė, M. Čiurinskas, I. Tumavičiūtė, Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto Leidykla, (2004), Vol 3, hersg. Inge Lukšaité with the collaboration of M. Girdzijauskaitė, p Drevello, J. Kilius, Čiurinskas M., (2006) Vol 4, hersg. Inge Lukšaité in collaboration with V. Gerulaitienė, J. Kilius, T. Veteikis, Vilnius. Lietuvos istorijos instituto Leidykla, (2011) ISBN 9986-776-82-1 (for all 7 vol).


  • Inge Lukšaitė, Vilija Gerulaitienė: Matas Pretorijus. Prūsijos įdomybės, arba Prūsijos regykla. Vilnius: Pradai. Bd. 1 (1999), Bd. 2 (2004). ISBN 9986-776-82-1.
  • Franz Heinrich Reusch: Praetorius, Matthew . In: General German Biography (ADB). Volume 26, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1888, pp. 529 f.
  • Willam Pierson, An introductory words of the editor, Matthew Praetorius, Deliciae prussicae or Prussian theater in the literal statements, ed. by William Piersson, Berlin: Duncker's book publishing company, 1871, pp. I-XV.
  • Inge Lukšaité, Matthew Praetorius - historian of Prussian culture. Life, Work and Scientific sheep, Matas Pretorijus / / Matthew Praetorius. Prūsijos įdomybės, arba Prūsijos regykla / / Deliciae Prussicae or Prussian theater. Edited by Inge Lukšaité and Vilija Gerulaitienė. Vilnius: Pradai. Vol 1 (1999), pp. 85–140; same, Matthew Praetorius and the second and third book of his work, Deliciae Prussicae ', op. 2, pp. 25–43.
  • Nijolė Strakauskaite: Simon Dach and Martin Ludwig Rhesa in the Lithuanian context. Annals Anna Berger, H. 20.2006 14.
  • Matthew Praetorius, Deliciae prussicae or Prussian theater in the literal excerpts edited from manuscript. by William Piersson, Berlin: Duncker's book publishing company, 1871, 152 pp., William Mannhardt Letto-Prussian Götterlehere, Riga, 1936, pp. 524–604; Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai / / Sources of Baltic religion and mythology, Bd . 3, hersg. of Norbertas Velius, Vilnius: The science and encyklopaedia publishing institutions, pp. 107–323.

See also

  1. Jurate Rosales, Los godos, Barcelona: Ariel (2004), pág 26,32,328
  2. Jurate Rosales, Los godos, Barcelona: Ariel (2004), pág 26,32,328
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