Marja Merisalo

Marja Merisalo (born 3 April 1965 Oulu, Finland) is a Finnish choreographer, dancer, director and cultural coordinator. She has the Master of Arts degree of Dance from the Theatre Academy Helsinki (Teatterikorkeakoulu)[1] She represents contemporary art dance where she has developed her own styles. Marja Merisalo has worked as choreographer, dancer, actor, producer as well as director of theatre and dance projects. She has worked in numerous productions and theatres since 1982 including Q-teatteri in Helsinki,[2] Helsinki City Theatre,[3] the Student´s Theatre of Helsinki (Ylioppilasteatteri) and the Finnish National Theatre.

Merisalo worked in the city of Pori as the Regional Artist under the Ministry of Education and Culture during the years 2009–2011.[4] Her main work was coordinating numerous cultural activities in the municipality of Satakunta in western Finland. Later on she has also made project planning for an artist´s network called ArtPeople in Helsinki during her work as cultural coordinator in the area of Arabia in Helsinki under Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taiteen edistämiskeskus, formerly Arts Council of Finland).[5]

Merisalo has been since 2006 member of TEV, an international theatre group based in Italy. She has been touring with the group's productions internationally in West End - London, Manhattan - New York City, Milan, Rome, Geneva, Basel, Istanbul and Italy.[6] Besides Finland she has also performed internationally in Australia, India, the Baltic countries and Russia.[7][8][9]

She has also created numerous dance and theatre projects. One of the latest being the "Echoes from Karelia", which brings together a fusion of traditional Karelian folk culture with modern elements. The project has toured in Finland, Sweden, Russia and Italy.


  • Echoes from Karelia, Zelenogorsk and Sortavala, Russia 2015, Sweden 2016, Italy 2018
  • Tid och Energi, Vantaa 2008, Pori 2011.[10][11]
  • The Tyger, London 2007, Genova, Italy 2007.[12]
  • Adimaya, Sydney, Australia 2006.
  • Elefanttimetsä ("Elephant Forest"), Dance Theatre Raatikko, Finland 2004.[13]
  • O Lal Meri, Italy 2004.
  • Mahamaya, Mumbai, India 2003, Italy 2003.
  • Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven - "Mustalaisleiri muuttaa taivaaseen, Lappeenranta City Theatre, Finland 1997.
  • Spring is coming - Kevät saapuu, Finlandia Hall 1995.
  • Echoes from Finland, Espoon Teatteri (Espoo City Theatre) 1994.[14]




  1. Theatre Academy Helsinki (also: )
  2. History of shows in Q-theatre (archived version:
  3. Helsinki City Theatre, list of performances (archived version: and )
  4. Turun Sanomat -newspaper march 15th 2009 - kaksi uutta läänintaiteilijaa Satakuntaan (Two new Regional Artists to Western Finland) (archived at: TS 15.3.2009)
  5. Arts coordinator of Arabia, (also: )
  10. Tid och Energi 2008 (also: )
  11. Tid & Energi in the "Ulvilan seutu" -magazine 2011 (also: )
  12. Govisummer festival Genova 2007 (also: Govisummer 2007 program)
  14. Helsingin Sanomat -newspaper article: "Kaunis valomusiikkiteos", Jukka Hauru 1994
  15. Tid och Energi 2008 (also: Tid & Energi Martinus sali 2008)
  16. An article in Ulvilan Seutu -newspaper 13.4.201 (also: )
  17. Tuulen Poika -performances at Arabia (also: )
  18. TEV - Eternity in an Hour
  19. New York Fringe festival 2010
  20. (also:])
  21. Milliyet-newspaper blog 2011, Turkey (also: )
  22. WBDH at TEV (also: WBDH)
  24. Q-teatteri-performances)
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