List of English translated personal names

The list does not include names which are commonly translated by the common set of English first names:

It also does not include:

Modern convention is not to translate modern personal names.[2]

Anglicized names

  • John Abeel (c.1732–1836), English/Dutch name of Seneca diplomat Gaiänt'wakê; also used the more literal English translation "Cornplanter," which is in more common use today
  • Mark Antony (or Marc Antony) (83–30 BCE), Roman military leader and politician – from Latin Marcus Antonius
  • Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Italian theologian, Tommaso d'Aquino
  • Theodore Beza (1519–1605), original first name plus Latinized surname of French theologian Théodore de Bèze.
  • George Brankovic (1461–1516), Đorđe Branković, Serbian despot
  • Joseph Brant (1743–1807), English name of Seneca warrior Thayendanegea
  • John Cabot (1450–1499), Italian navigator and explorer under the commission of Henry VII of England – from Venetian Zuan Chabotto.
  • John Calvin (1509–1564), Swiss-French theologian – from French Jean Calvin
  • Catiline (108–62 BCE), politician and conspirator – from Latin Lucius Sergius Catilina, anglicised cognomen
  • Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), navigator and explorer – from Italian Cristoforo Colombo
  • Peter of Bruys (fl. 1117 – c. 1131), French preacher – from Pierre de Bruys
  • Peter Damian (c. 1007 – 1072), Italian cardinal – from Italian Pietro Damiani, Latin Petrus Damiani.
  • Francis David (c. 1510 – 1579), old anglicization of Hungarian non-trinitarian Ferenc Dávid.
  • Denis the Carthusian (1402–1471), Dutch mystic Denys van Leeuwen.
  • George Enyedi (1555–1597), old anglicization of Hungarian bishop György Enyedi (Unitarian), in Latin Georgius Eniedinus
  • Hugo Etherianis (1115–1182) Italian secretary in Constantinople, Latin Hugh Etherianus from Italian Ugo Eteriano.
  • Pete Fountain (1930–2016), English name of Louisiana French clarinetist Pierre LaFontaine, Jr.
  • Henry of Ghent (c. 1217 – 1293), French Augustinian, from Latin Henricus de Gandavo, French Henri de Gand.
  • Edward Hill (1934–2012), anglicized name of Russian singer Эдуа́рд Хиль
  • Homer (c. 8th – 7th century BCE), poet – from Greek Ὅμηρος (Hómēros).
  • Horace (65–8 BCE), poet – from Latin Quintus Horatius Flaccus, anglicised nomen gentile.
  • John of Damascus (645 or 676 – 749) Syrian monk and priest, Greek Ἰωάννης ὁ Δαμασκηνός Iōannēs ho Damaskēnos, from Arabic Yuḥannā Al Demashqi.
  • John Hus (1369–1415), Czech religious reformer – now more normally referred to by Czech name Jan Hus.
  • Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471), German theologian – English use of French name, from German de:Thomas von Kempen.
  • Livy (59 BCE–17 CE), historian – from Latin Titus Livius Patavinus, anglicised nomen gentile.
  • Peter Lombard, (c. 1096 – 1164) Italian theologian – Latin Petrus Lombardus, Italian Pietro Lombardo
  • Ferdinand Magellan (c. 1480 – 1521) navigator and explorer – from Portuguese Fernão de Magalhães.
  • Maimonides (1135–1204) Greek name of Mosheh ben Maimon (משה בן מימון) of Cordova who wrote in Arabic as Mūsā ibn Maymūn.
  • Nahmanides (1194 – c. 1270), Greek name of Moshe ben Nahman, Catalan rabbi.
  • Ovid (43 BCE–17/18 CE), poet – from Latin Publius Ovidius Naso, anglicised nomen gentile.
  • Paul of Venice (1368–1428) Italian theologian – Latin Paulus Venetus, Italian Paolo da Venezia.
  • Peter of Ravenna (c. 1448 – 1508) Italian jurist – Pietro da Ravenna
  • Petrarch (1304–1374), anglicized version of the Latin surname Petrarca, from the original name of the poet Francesco Petracco.
  • Pompey (106–48 BCE), Roman military leader and politician – from Latin Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
  • William of Salicet (1210–1277) Italian surgeon Guglielmo da Saliceto
  • George Santayana (1863–1952), English name of Spanish-American writer Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás
  • Nicolas Steno (1638–1686), anatomist, geologist and bishop (and saint) – abbreviation of Latin Stenonis from Danish Niels Stensen.
  • Terence (195/185–159 BCE), dramatist – from Latin Publius Terentius Afer, anglicised nomen gentile.
  • Peter Waldo (c. 1140 – c. 1218), French religious reformer Pierre Vaudès.

Latinized names used in English

Also see List of Latinised names.

  • Georgius Agricola (1494–1555) Latin name of German mineralogist Georg Bauer or Georg Pawer.
  • Rodolphus Agricola (1444–1485), Latin name of German humanist Roelof Huysman.
  • Alchabitius (d.967) Latin name of astrologer Abu al-Saqr al-Qabisi.
  • Averroës (d.1198), Latin name of Ibn Rushd, Abu-i-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad, greatest Aristotelian philosopher of the Muslim world.
  • Avicenna (980–1037 CE) Latin name of Ibn Sina.
  • Comenius (1592–1670) Latin surname form of name of Czech religious reformer Jan Amos Komenský
  • Copernicus (1473–1543), astronomer – Latinised name, in his youth Niclas Koppernigk[3]
  • Grotius (1583– ) Latin name of Dutch writer Hugh de Groot.
  • Flavius Josephus (37–93 or 100 CE) Latin name of Greek-language Jewish writer Joseph ben Matthias.
  • Maresius (1599–1673) Latin surname of French Reformer Samuel Des Marets.
  • Mercator (1512–1594), Latin surname of Flemish cartographer Gheert Cremer.
  • Nostradamus (1503–1566) Latin surname of French seer Michel de Nostredame
  • Regiomontanus (1436–1476), Latin surname of German mathematician Johannes Müller von Königsberg
  • Salmasius (1588–1653), Latin surname of French classical scholar Claude Saumaise.
  • Michael Servetus (1511–1553), Latin name of Spanish non-trinitarian Miguel Servet.
  • Stephanus (1503–1559), Latin surname of French printer Robert Estienne first to print the Bible divided into standard numbered verses.
  • Stunica (d.1531), Latin surname of Spanish humanist Diego López de Zúñiga (theologian)


  1. John R. Shook – Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers: Volume 1 – 2005 Page 2153 "He became a US citizen in 1941, thereafter spelling his name as Schoenberg."
  2. Journal of the Kafka Society of America Kafka Society of America 2003 Volume 27, Nos 1 & 2 – Page 54 "To begin with false notes, the conventional recent practice among translators has been not to translate personal names, and we might therefore think of the transformation of the German Georg into an English George (Jolas, Beuscher, ."
  3. Dava Sobel A More Perfect Heaven: How Copernicus Revolutionised the Cosmos – Page 5 – 2011 "He was christened for his father — Mikolaj in Polish, Niklas in German, his native tongue. Later, as a scholar, he Latinized his name, but he grew up Niklas Koppernigk,"
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