List of ''Dinosaur Train'' characters

Left to right: Shiny, Buddy, Tiny, Don

This is a list of characters seen on Dinosaur Train, a 2009 CGI animated television series produced by The Jim Henson Company for PBS Kids.

Main characters

  • Buddy (voiced by Phillip Corlett in Season 1 and 2, by Sean Thomas in Season 3 and by Dayton Wall in Season 4) — Buddy is the protagonist of the series. He is a male Tyrannosaurus that was adopted by the Pteranodon family while still in an egg, as was explained in the show's opening credits. Buddy is friendly and precocious, much like his siblings, and his main trait is his inquisitive nature, wherein he likes to ask questions and form hypotheses. Since Buddy is incapable of flight, the family accommodates his differences by carrying him to when the others are going somewhere that requires flight. His sharp eyesight allows him to be the spotter for the Pteranodon family when they go fishing; he spots the fish underwater and tells the other members of the family where to fish. Buddy's color is orange in his family. He also tends to be quite curious.[1] In early episodes, whenever they went through the Time Tunnel, Buddy would feel nauseous.
  • Tiny (voiced by Claire Corlett) — Tiny is a female Pteranodon. Her favorite hobby is rhyming and during the series, she approaches each of the dinosaurs with the confidence of a news reporter. She is Buddy's best friend as well as his adopted sister. Her color is green, much like Don and her parents. When she meets a new dinosaur, she introduces herself and her family. Among her siblings, she is the only one who looks exactly like her mother. She is the smallest of the family, and sometimes likes to hide in holes and crevices in the trees, which she calls her "Tiny Place", and at times takes her smallness very seriously, especially when dealing with dinosaurs smaller than her.
  • Don (voiced by Alexander Matthew Marr in Season 1 and 2 and by Joey Silva in Season 3) — Don is a male Pteranodon. He is known for his singing his catchphrase jingle "La la LOO!" when something fancies him the right way, and appears to be a silly and somewhat dim-witted comic relief when compared to his rest of his family. He enjoys dancing, digging holes, observing (and then eating) insects, and collecting objects for his nature collection. He's a little wider than Shiny and Tiny as he has a larger chin, very similar to his grandfather.
  • Shiny (voiced by Erika-Shaye Gair) — Shiny is the second female Pteranodon who is less tomboyish than Tiny and loves roleplaying with her siblings. Shiny's color differs from the Pteranodon members of her immediate family as she is aqua green, while the other Pteranodons are a grass or leaf green, although her grandmother is a similar shade of cyan. She enjoys collecting shells and shiny objects, something she has an affinity for given her namesake. In most episodes, she can be seen hanging out with Mr. Conductor's nephew Gilbert Troodon, with whom she is infatuated with. Though Shiny goes along with her siblings on their various adventures, she is more timid and reserved, especially when dealing with something she finds potentially scary or unfamiliar (at times responding to such trepidation by hiding behind or next to either parent, though usually her father, whom she appears the closest to among her parents). Whenever something tickles her fancy or she feels especially proud and beaming, her beak will glisten with a single "shine," another trait per her name.
  • Mr. Conductor (voiced by Ian James Corlett) — A male Troodon who operates the Dinosaur Train. Personality-wise he is friendly, warm, playful and charming to everyone he meets, and is a special friend to Buddy (often postscripting his name with "my buddy!"). He is also very wise in all things flora and fauna, usually being the first person the Pteranodon clan turns to whenever they need of learn something specific about a certain dinosaur or species, in which he is all to happy to oblige and teach. Although he prefers to be called Mr. Conductor by everyone except his mother (Mrs. Conductor, who usually refers to him as "Sonny boy") and Don (who calls him "Mr. The Conductor" by mistake, to which the Conductor will playfully call him "Mr. The Don" in response). Whenever the Dinosaur Train approaches a time tunnel, the conductor says, "Time Tunnel, Time Tunnel Approaching!" He also hides his feathers under his hat. Mr. Conductor also tends to get shy around his mother whenever she visits. He also serves as the host of the series as he shows the viewers what will happen in today's episode before each episode.
  • Mrs. Pteranodon (voiced by Ellen Kennedy) — The mother of Tiny, Shiny, Don, and Buddy. She is a teacher, companion, and thinks of herself as the ultimate tour guide.[1] Unlike most other adult female characters in the series, her first name is never revealed in the series; her children introduce her to other dinosaurs as "Our Mom, 'Mom'," and other dinosaurs (the Conductor included) simply refer to her as "Mrs. Pteranodon."
  • Mr. Pteranodon (voiced by Colin Murdock) — The father of Tiny, Shiny, Don, and Buddy, and the husband of Mrs. Pteranodon. He likes to think of himself as the family's coach, evidenced by the fact that he can make a squawking sound that sounds vaguely of a coach's whistle (a trait he seems to have inherited from his mother) and refers to his family as "Team Pteranodon", or simply "Team." One of his interests is taking Don and Shiny on fishing expeditions while Buddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train with his wife. Like his wife, his children sometimes introduce him as "Our Dad, Dad." Mr. Pteranodon also suffers from a few phobias, namely based off any additional Dinosaur Train technology; when it comes to the Dinosaur Train Zeppelin, he gets a little airsick at first, but he overcomes it by trying steering it, and with the Dinosaur Drill Train he becomes panicky when thinking about the prospect of being stuck underground.

Secondary characters

In order of appearance, characters that have significant appearances in more than one episode.

  • Spikey Stygimoloch (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) — a young male Stygimoloch, he is a Junior conductor.
  • Cory Corythosaurus (voiced by Erika-Shaye Gair) — a young female pink Corythosaurus who performs in a choir using her crest.
  • Tank Triceratops (voiced by Alexander Matthew Marr) — a young male blue Triceratops who loves eating leaves. His appetite is, comically, almost insatiable and he is almost always seeking out something to snack on. He is a good friend to the Pteranodon kids and is taken care of by his mother, Trudy, and his herd (two young members are named Truman and Todd and one grownup member is named Trenton). (He calls him Little Horns.) In the episode "Tank's Baby Brother", a baby brother named Tuck is added to the family, whom the Pteranodons help him accept.
  • Morris Stegosaurus (voiced by Ian James Corlett) — a male Stegosaurus who speaks like a surfer and explains how his plates can be used.
  • Alvin Allosaurus (voiced by Brian Drummond) — a male Allosaurus.
  • Boris Tyrannosaurus, Dolores Tyrannosaurus and Annie Tyrannosaurus (voiced by Trevor Devall, Kathleen Barr and Erika Shaye-Gair) — a family of Tyrannosaurus. Annie is a friend of Buddy's, is fairly hyperactive and has a habit of running up and playfully tackling/knocking her friends over. They were the first T. rex that Buddy met (aside from himself), identifying his species. They migrate during the summer. Dolores's husband Boris was introduced in the episode "T. Rex Migration".
  • Ned Brachiosaurus (voiced by Kathleen Barr) — a teenage male Brachiosaurus who is a regular on the train and has been given the title of Junior Conductor. His herd is visited in "Dinosaur Poop".
  • Mrs. Conductor (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) — the Conductor's mother and former conductor of the train. She has a voice that sounds like an older female version of the Conductor's. Despite her age she maintains a childishly playful personality (in contrast to her son's more sophisticated and grown up demeanor and to his chagrin), and gets on very well with the Pteranodon children. She usually appears without being introduced or heard (a trait Troodons possess), almost always with a loud and blustery "Bw-AHHHH!"
  • Petey Peteinosaurus (voiced by Cedric Payne) — A male Peteinosaurus that eats insects. Unlike the Pteranodons, he has teeth. He joins the Pterosaur Flying club in the eponymous episode. He and Tiny are close friends, the two of them being small for their species, and both claiming to have "Tiny Power" (strength in spite of their size) when interacting or playing.
  • Derek Deinonychus — A young male Deinonychus first met by Tiny Pteranodon and her family in his debut episode "Derek the Deinonychus".
  • Oren and Ollie Ornithomimus (voiced by Ashleigh Ball and Kathleen Barr) — Two male twin Ornithomimus, who move and talk very fast.
  • Velma Velociraptor (voiced by Kathleen Barr) — A female Velociraptor, who has feathers and lives with her daughter Valerie.
  • Perry Parasaurolophus — a young Parasaurolophus with a jazzy personality. He once mentions his parents who commonly appear in cameos.
  • Jack Einiosaurus — a green Einiosaurus who appears to be the cousin of the Triceratops. He supposedly has a child named Ernie who also has the same color.
  • Arnie Argentinosaurus (voiced by Ashleigh Ball) — A young male Argentinosaurus, who lives with his father. In a later episode, Arnie has a flatcar set up for him to ride on the train.
  • Elliott Enantiornithine — a blue and purple bird who is friends with Buddy and his Pteranodon Family
  • Hank Ankylosaurus (voiced by Colin Murdock) — A male Ankylosaurus and a star Dinoball player. Both Mr. Pteranodon and The Conductor are big fans of his.
  • Laura the Giganotosaurus (voiced by Kathleen Barr) — A female Giganotosaurus who usually resides in the Observation Car. She uses her large size and height to be a lookout and turn the train (and an occasional obstruction) around. She has an Argentine accent, reflecting the location of her species's discovery. She has an affinity for bird watching and drawing, namely species of birds she discovers both on the train and off.
  • Pauline Proganochelys — A female Proganochelys (prehistoric turtle) from Pangea during the Triassic period. She is a heavily armored turtle; with spikes on her neck, a tough shell and a hard tail she is capable of defending herself, though the spikes on her neck prevent her head from retracting into her shell like other turtles. She is also a mother, but unlike other mothers, she leaves her children to defend for themselves thanks to their own defenses, but she is still proud of her offspring. Her tone of voice and method of speaking is based heavily off Julia Sweeney's Pat character.
  • Travis Troodon (voiced by Ian James Corlett) — A male Troodon that comes from the Arctic. He has more plumage than the other Troodons. He plays hockey with a frozen gourd and stick. He has a Canadian accent.
  • King Cryolophosaurus (voiced by Phil Hayes) — a male Cryolophosaurus that talks and sings like Elvis Presley. He is afraid of crowds and often needs to be convinced to do concerts as a result. Eventually he retires from performing in order to live a quiet life in the Jurassic Antarctic.
  • Crystal Cryolophosaurus (voiced by Ashleigh Ball) — a female Cryolophosaurus singer with a crooning, country music style of singing. King ends up infatuated with her, which is easily reciprocated (as she is also a big fan of his) and she ends up living with him in the Jurassic Antarctic, though unlike King she still has the urge to sing and perform.
  • Henry Hermit Crab — a hermit crab Shiny befriends on a beach at the Big Pond. Like any crab in his habitat, he is in frequent need of a new shell as he consistently outgrows them. He speaks in an animated New Jersey accent.
  • Erma Eoraptor (voiced by Kathleen Barr) — a female Eoraptor that lives at the start of the rail line. She speaks in a pioneer accent. The Conductor (despite being a different species) has a crush on her
  • Iggy Iguanodon — an orange-marked blue Iguanodon first met by Buddy and his Pteranodon family when going on a world tour.
  • Gilbert (voiced by Ashleigh Ball) — a young male Troodon who is the Conductor's nephew. He wears a miniature version of the Conductor's uniform. He is notable for energetic greetings upon entering a room or within a group of people ("Helllllooo, everyone!"). Shiny has a crush on him.
  • Larry Lambeosaurus (voiced by Brian Drummond) — a male Lambeosaurus, the Pteranodons' neighbor. He has a wife named Lorraine and kids, Leroy and Lily. While friendly and amiable as a neighbor to the Pteranodons, Mr. Pteranodon finds him irritating, yet doesn't have the heart to tell him so. Larry also has a habit of eating leaves from Mr. Pteranodon's favorite tree, which irks him all the more.
  • Cindy Cimolestes (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) — a female Cimolestes that lived in Tiny's Tiny Place, until Buddy found her a home up high. She is a good friend to Tiny and has a squeaky voice.
  • Elmer Elasmosaurus — a young male Elasmosaurus, who catches fish and plays under the sea. In "Elmer Visits the Desert", he journeys to a desert, and learns of its underwater past.
  • Grandpa and Grandma Pteranodon (voiced by Colin Murdock and Ellen Kennedy) — Don, Tiny, Shiny and Buddy's grandfather and grandmother on their father's side. Grandma Pteranodon is aqua like Shiny, and looks like an older version of Shiny except for a less tapered beak. She is also capable of squawking in a tone akin to a coach's whistle much like her son (who, in turn, inherited for his own use).

Grandpa Pteranodon enjoys fishing trips and collecting. He resembles an older Don, complete with a worn down version of his humming. They were not seen for a long time because they had been on a fishing tour.[2]

  • Kenny Kentrosaurus — a purple Kentrosaurus with green plates and spikes. He has a Jamaican accent.
  • Thurston Troodon (voiced by Trevor Devall) — a male Troodon and conductor of the Rocket Train, and later captain of the Dinosaur Train Zeppelin, and as such is seen as a rival to the Conductor. He and the Conductor went to the same Conductor School and attended many of he same classes together (namely the ones taught by Mrs. Conductor) and had a rivalry between them even back then, with Thurston playfully referencing them as being on friendly terms (most of the time...). He is a brash but proud Troodon who views his Rocket Train as superior to the original Dinosaur Train due to its innate on board computer and higher rate of speed and isn't beneath attempting to rub its supposed superiority in the Conductor's face.
  • Tricia Troodon (voiced by Diana Kaarina and Rebecca Shoichet) — a female Troodon who is the conductor of the solar train.
  • Troodon Waiter (voiced by Ian James Corlett) — a male troodon who is the waitress of the dinosaur train.
  • Troodon Official (voiced by Ian James Corlett) — a male troodon who works at troodon town roudhouse.
  • Troodon Mom (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain) — a female troodon who is the wife of troodon waiter.

Dinosaurs gathered for the "A" to "Z" big idea

  • Fanny Fabrosaurus — she is a small theropod whose voice is high-pitched and has a light yellow body with blue feet and teal spots.
  • Gabby Gallimimus — she is a mix between a bird and a dinosaur. Her body is cerulean while her beak is yellow and her claws are pink.
  • Hattie Hadrosaurus — she is a reddish-pink hadrosaur whose crest doesn't seem to hoot.
  • Jacklyn Jaxartosaurus — she is a purple hadrosaur with green lips.
  • Manny Megalosaurus — he is a Megalosaurus who is a type of theropod with an Australian accent.
  • Norm Nodosaurus — he is Manny's bright red neighbor who appears to be Hank Ankylosaurus' cousin.
  • Quincy Qantassaurus — he is another small dinosaur who has an Australian accent as well as a green body.
  • Reba Rhabdodon — she is Morris Stegosaurus' neighbor whose skin is chartreuse and lime green colored.
  • Ulysses Utahraptor — he is an indigo theropod with periwinkle triangular stripe patterns on his skin.
  • Juan Wannanosaurus — he is a green-skinned small stygimoloch who has a British accent.
  • Xavier Xenotarsosaurus — he is a red theropod who has an Argentinian accent.
  • Yang Yangchuanosaurus — he is a mint green theropod who has a wise personality and a Chinese accent.
  • Ziong Zigongosaurus — he is a red sauropod who feels uncertain about Tiny's big idea.

Other characters

  • Allen Alamosaurus — a great big acquaintance of the families of Pteranodon, T-Rex and Lambeosaurus. He is first thought to be a cave, but he just moves, just to meet those he unexpectedly protects from rainstorms.
  • Chung Confuciusornis — a sapphire blue Confuciusornis with yellow streaks and a wise personality. He is first met by Buddy and his Pteranodon family who's going on a Dinosaur Train World Tour.
  • Paulie Pliosaurus — known as the T-Rex of the ocean by the Troodon conductor, Paulie becomes friends with Buddy who is a land T-Rex. His mother once meets Buddy and his Pteranodon family at one point. According to Paulie's wish, he is also the first volunteer to go into the Aqua Car.
  • Rick Oryctodromeus — a small friend whom Buddy and his Pteranodon family meets during sunset.
  • Fossil Fred — a deceased theropod in the Big Pond, species not yet confirmed
  • Jess Hesperornis — a purple bird who catches fish like a penguin.
  • Vlad Volaticotherium — a purple ancestor of the flying squirrel from the Jurassic time period who has a Romanian accent.
  • Stella Sea Star — a pink starfish who becomes friends with Henry Hermit Crab. She speaks in a shrill, nasally New Jersey accent.
  • Aiden Adocus — a turtle who came to Pteranodon Terrace on a raft. He speaks a little slow.
  • Tommy Ptilodus — Aiden's little partner who speaks a little fast
  • The Changyuraptor Family consists of Chester Jr., a turquoise colored kid and the grownups, his parents Chandel and Ch and grandparents Chelsea and Chester.
  • Igor Ichthyosaur has a Russian accent. He was beached with his friend during the storm until the Pteranodon family and conductor Troodon come to help.
  • The Michelinoceras Brothers are named Mitch and Max. Mitch is pink while Max is green and purple.
  • Soren Saurornitholestes — a lucky mother who stays potentially in her nest at the North Pole.
  • Frankie Fruitafossor — a furry desert inhabitant who the Pteranodon Family (except Mrs. Pteranodon) visits.
  • Natasha Necrolestes — a white furry mammal who the Pteranodon Family visits when going deep into the Earth, except Mrs. Pteranodon who's just relaxing at home.
  • Percy Percemedes — a back-striped lizard whom Buddy, his Pteranodon family and Elmer meets in a desert that used to be an ocean.
  • The Troglobites consist of Bernie the Beetle, Crockett the Cricket, Sylvester the Spider...
  • Olivia Oviraptor — a pink oviraptor with yellow accents. She was first thought to be the egg thief, but it turns out that she is a good mother. She states that the rose pink eggs are hers.
  • Shoshana Shonisaurus — she is a periwinkle giant with cyan spots.
  • Cassie Castorocauda — a new friend whom Cindy, Tiny, Buddy and Mr. Pteranodon meet. She is a fishing mammal who's shown to be a mother because she already laid her eggs in her nest they found earlier.
  • The Dilophosaurus Twins are named Dylan and Devlin. They both have cyan skin, but Dylan has a chartreuse crest and his brother Devlin has a dark blue one.
  • Deon Dimetrodon — the first Permian friend met by Buddy the T-Rex, Tiny Pteranodon and her mother, the Conductor and Erma Eoraptor.
  • Emperor Globidens — a green aquatic giant who talks like Louis Armstrong.
  • Otto Ophthalmosaurus — he is one of the aquatic giants with a French accent.
  • Peng Protopteryx — a bird that is Elliott's cousin who has the colors of fire.
  • Quenton Qianzhousaurus — a V-snouted relative of Buddy Tyrannosaurus. Just like him, he can compare an contrast features, but Quenton only eats fish.


  1. 1 2 "Dinosaur Train: Meet the Characters". Archived from the original on 2009-09-09. Retrieved September 6, 2013.
  2. "Dinosaur Train Episodes". Retrieved September 6, 2013.
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