Lealt Shale

Lealt Shale Formation
Stratigraphic range: Bathonian
Thinly bedded limestones of the Lealt Shale formation overlain by Paleogene lava
Type Geological formation
Unit of Great Estuarine Group
Sub-units Kildonnan Member, Lonfearn Member
Underlies Valtos Sandstone Formation
Overlies Elgol Sandstone Formation
Thickness Between 45 and 50 m
Primary Mudstone
Other Limestone
Region Europe
Country  Scotland
Extent Inner Hebrides
Type section
Named for Lealt, Skye
Named by Harris and Hudson
Location Cliffs east of Lonfearn (partial), Coastal exposure 2.5 km north of Kildonnan, Eigg (partial)
Year defined 1980
Thickness at type section Lonfearn: 26 to 30 m (partial) Kildonnan: 23 m (partial)

The Lealt Shale Formation is a Mesozoic geologic formation in Scotland. Fossil ornithopod tracks have been reported from the formation.[1] The lithology consists of silty fissile mudstones with subordinate thin limestones.

See also


  1. Weishampel, et al. (2004). "Dinosaur distribution." Pp. 517-607.


  • Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. 861 pp.  ISBN 0-520-24209-2.

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