Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre


The Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre (KMCC)[1] is a global organisation of Muslims from the Indian state of Kerala. It was formed in 1985 by Indian expatriates who support the Indian Union Muslim League.


Nowadays KMCC is the largest expatriate organisation in the world. It works in the interests of expats from all over India, not just Kerala, and is known for its humanitarian and philanthropic activities. The organisation has paved a path of valuable contributions in the fields of social, cultural and compassionate service. Through its tradition of relentless service KMCC has found a favoured place in the hearts of Gulf Malayalees

Helping expatriates

There is no doubt that for any scribe or scholar in search of the past and present of migration, the first name in organised strength that comes to their mind and flows out from their pen will be that of KMCC. This is an indelible signature etched in golden letters signifying the unparalleled efforts and principled determination of an organisation focused on a magnificent goal. The past leaders have founded this organisation through their strenuous efforts at a time when such progress or development in the areas of technology and employment were unavailable.


KMCC represents a tradition of unfortunate make and break in the annals of Muslim League. Two organisations which were active under the separate names of Chandrika Readers’ Forum and Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre eventually became one with the merger of the parent organisations and adopted a common name and path. From thereon Dubai KMCC has remained a dynamic and persistent activist in promoting the welfare and alleviating the day to day problems of expatriate Indians. A rich History encompassing four decades is an expedition laden with experiences beyond the description of any Historian. Excellent organisational skills and varied activities encompassing each and every area of social life have now enabled us to progress through paths hitherto untrodden. It wouldn’t be surprising to say that there isn’t even a single remote village in Kerala where the helping hands of KMCC have not reached. Crores worth of relief activities, activities through C.H. centres, social service activities such as construction of houses for the needy, medical aid, educational assistance, disaster relief, etc. have made us the inheritors of the tradition of a service model. We have in our memories times with and without a headquarters. From meagre facilities we have now grown up to have major facilities. Our stellar growth has resulted from the blessings received through the prayers of the thousands of ordinary people in our membership, our beneficiaries and our well-wishers.

KMCC Delhi

Kerala Muslim cultural Centre Delhi wing is well known for its contributions to the large diaspora of Keralites living in Delhi especially students in various Central Universities in Delhi. KMCC Delhi has various programmes from Admission Help Desk to Scholarships and Student Hostels for Both Girls and Boys studying in various universities in Delhi. KMCC Delhi organizes various intellectual programmes, Talks, Lectures on various occasions and some of them are annual Lectures including Shihab Thangal Memorial Lectures and E. Ahamed Memorial Lectures. This year (2018) Shihab Thangal Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament and former Union Minister.[2]

KMCC Delhi was formed under the patronship of late E. Ahamed, former Union Minister and President of Indian Union Muslim League. Currently, KMCC Delhi is lead by leading Supreme Court Advocate Haris Beeran (President), Mohammed Haleem (General Secretary) and Khalid Rehman (Treasurer)

Dubai wing

Kerala Muslim cultural Centre Dubai wing [3] is the largest in its kind in UAE conducting many humanitarian programs. Insurance scheme for its registered members, Indian passport and council services , free medical and legal consultation camp once in every month cultural and religious programs as well. Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre Dubai opened a help desk to collect the documents of Indian expats wishing to seek amnesty recently.[4]

Qatar KMCC is one of the most highest gross charity doing every year (showing as per different levels Data collection up to 2016).


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