Kari Karanko

Kari Juhani Karanko (born 1941) is a Finnish diplomat. He is B.Sc. by education. He has been Finnish Ambassador to Dar es Salaam from 1988 [1] to 1993 and then the Development Counselor of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.[2] He was Finnish ambassador to Windhoek (Namibia) from 1998 to 2000.[3] From there, Karanko had to return to Finland because he had criticized the Namibian government.[4] After that, he was the head of the Department for International Environmental Policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. From 2006 to 2007, Karanko was Finnish Ambassador to Kathmandu.[5]


  1. Facta 2001, Täydennysosa 1990, WSOY 1990, s. 307
  2. WSOY Iso Tietosanakirja 4. osa, s.192 , WSOY 1997
  3. Suomen suurlähetystö, Windhoek, historia
  4. Namibian-suurlähettiläs kotiutetaan Suomeen, Mtv:n uutiset 14.7.2000
  5. Itä-Suomen yliopisto
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