Jupiter radius

Jupiter radius
The size of Jupiter compared to Earth
Unit information
Unit system astronomy
Unit of length
Symbol RJorRJup,R
Unit conversions
1 RJ in ...... is equal to ...
   SI base units    7.1492×107 m[1]
    English units    44423 mi

Jupiter radius or Jovian radius (RJ or RJup) is the distance equal to the radius of planet Jupiter. It has a value of 71,492 km (44,423 mi), or 11.2 Earth radii (R)[2] (one Earth radius equals 0.08921 RJ). Jupiter radius is a unit of length used in astronomy to describe the radii of gas giants and some extrasolar planets. It is also used in describing brown dwarfs.

In 2015, the International Astronomical Union defined the nominal equatorial Jovian radius to remain constant regardless of subsequent improvements in measurement precision of RJ. This constant is defined as exactly:

= 7.1492×107 m

Similarly, the nominal polar Jovian radius is defined to be exactly:

= 6.6854×107 m[1]

These values correspond to the radius of Jupiter at 1 bar of pressure. The common usage is to refer to the equatorial radius, unless the polar radius is specifically needed.


Radii of noteworthy astronomical objects relative to Jupiter
Object RJ / Robject Ref
Lunar radius 41
Earth radius 11.209 [2]
Jupiter 1 by definition
Solar radius 0.10045

For comparison, one Solar radius is equivalent to:

  • 400 Lunar radius(RL)
  • 109 Earth radius (R)
  • 9.735 Jupiter radius (RJ)


  1. 1 2 Mamajek, E. E; Prsa, A; Torres, G; et al. (2015). "IAU 2015 Resolution B3 on Recommended Nominal Conversion Constants for Selected Solar and Planetary Properties". arXiv:1510.07674 [astro-ph.SR].
  2. 1 2 Williams, Dr. David R. (2 November 2007). "Jupiter Fact Sheet". NASA. Retrieved 2009-07-16.
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