Jhangar Phase

The Jhangar Phase was an archaeological culture, named after the type site Jhangar, that followed the Jhukar Phase of the Late Harappan Culture in Sindh (i.e., the Lower Indus Valley).[1]

It is a non-urban culture, characterised by "crude handmade pottery" and "campsites of a population which was nomadic and mainly pastoralist," and is dated to approximately the late second millennium BCE and early first millennium BCE.[2] In Sindh, urban growth began again after approximately 500 BCE.[3]


  1. Langer, William L., ed. (1972). An Encyclopedia of World History (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 17. ISBN 0-395-13592-3.
  2. F.R. Allchin (ed.), The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States (Cambridge University Press, 1995), p.36
  3. J.M. Kenoyer (2006), "Cultures and Societies of the Indus Tradition. In Historical Roots" in the Making of ‘the Aryan’, R. Thapar (ed.), pp. 21–49. New Delhi, National Book Trust.

See Also

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