Gesellschaft zur Rechtlichen und Humanitären Unterstützung

The last head of the Stasi, Wolfgang Schwanitz

The Gesellschaft zur Rechtlichen und Humanitären Unterstützung (GRH) is a German historical revisionist organisation consisting of former employees of the East German secret police, the Stasi. It is led by the last Stasi chief, Wolfgang Schwanitz. In Germany the organisation is best known for its attempt to portray the Stasi in a positive light and for trivializing or denying the political repression in East Germany.[1][2] It has become widely known in Germany for massively disturbing memorial ceremonies or other forms of public events relating to political repression in East Germany. It has also been accused of harassing victims of the East German regime and journalists and politicians.[3] GRH has been described by historian Hubertus Knabe, the Director of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial, as an "aid association for state criminals."[4]


  1. Hubertus Knabe: Die Täter sind unter uns. Über das Schönreden der SED-Diktatur. Berlin 2008
  2. Die Schönfärber: Über Versuche, die DDR-Geschichte umzudeuten, Deutschlandfunk
  3. Peter Wensierski: "STASI: Die Rache der Rentner." In: Der Spiegel. 27 March 2006
  4. Knabe 2008 p. 277ff
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