Fish head casserole

Fish head casserole
Course Main course
Place of origin China
Main ingredients Fish heads

Fish head casserole (Chinese: 砂锅鱼头 shā guō yú tóu) is a seafood dish from China. It is named for its main ingredient, fish heads, which are cooked in a casserole.

The dish is prepared with a fish head (about 1 kg), tofu, cayenne pepper, sesame oil, vegetable oil, garlic sprouts, shallot, ginger, soy, salt, cooking wine, white sugar and monosodium glutamate. The fish head is washed, marinated in soy sauce, and fried with cooking wine added. The head is then stewed and served garnished with garlic sprouts and sesame oil. The broth in this dish has a milky white colour. This dish is famous not only because of its delicious taste but also because it is nutritious. This dish was famous only in China until 1982. After 75 countries' diplomatic envoys and their spouses, there were totally 98 persons, tasted it[1], it became known in other parts of the world. Fish head casserole in Tian Mu Lake is especially famous because it was invented right there[2].

See also


  1. Local Chronicles of Jiangsu Province, China, 《沙河煨鱼头》江苏地情网,江苏省地方志编纂委员会办公室
  2. Local Chronicles of Jiangsu Province, China, 《天目湖鱼头》江苏地情网,江苏省地方志编纂委员会办公室
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