Edward Quist

Edward Quist
Born Edward Paul Quist
(1976-12-09) December 9, 1976
Brooklyn, New York,
United States

Edward Quist (born Edward Paul Quist in Brooklyn, December 9, 1976) is an American director, screenwriter, producer, composer, multidiscipline artist who also works under the name Embryoroom. Themes emerging from Quist's work include electronic and biomorphic imagery, experimental narrative, the unorthodox use of motion graphics and visuals.[1]


Embryoroom has been in operation since the mid 1990s, originating as a production identity and shortly thereafter as an identity Edward Quist performed multimedia exhibitions and released a number of projects under. Embryoroom evolved into a concept and studio for ideas uneasily classifiable, and a different exploration outside of the orthodoxy in art and media. Embryoroom has released a number of films and recordings on digital platforms.[2][3][4][5][6]


The Black Vertebrate

Artist and filmmaker, Edward Paul Quist, aka Embryoroom, returns with a relentless assault on the senses. Sinister, pulsating, and primal The Black Vertebrate, a short or long form film depending on which version is experienced, has been described as a next level masterpiece of experimental film, environment, and sound. Split into nine chapters, The Black Vertebrate holds up a disturbing reflection to the complex world we have created. Embryroom pushes the limits of his unique and unmistakable style. It's as if one is trapped inside an artificial intelligence that is breaking down into some unknown realm of psychosis.[7][8]

HAZMASK Anthology

Embryoroom produced, directed, and scored “intersodes” (web series), aka HAZMASK, consisting of The Third Rail and Chamber of Aversion. They are akin to abstract moving paintings informed by the theme of “abduction phenomena”.[9] Intersodes were released on amazon.com[3] and iTunes.[4][5][6] Hazmazk premiered at The Museu d'art Contemporani de Barcelona during the Sónar Festival.[10] [11] [12] [13]


The Third Rail


ABDUCTION! Shackled by Light Rays on a Death Train, Viz, speeding toward an unknown destination, phases in and out of consciousness as Blood Flowers infect his mind. Memory is manipulated and his identity scanned by an ominous presence. Viz is identified and as a target for extermination by the mysterious Forces of Hate. . .[14][15]

Chamber of Aversion


INTERROGATION! VIZ nearly perishing from disintegration, is reintegrated and transferred to the mysterious camp thunderbolt. time has passed, though how music is unknown. He is examined physically and electronically. his strange inquisitors present their hybrid experiment and attempt to avert VIZ's mind.[16][17]

Kuvaputki / Cathode Ray Tube / Set

Kuvaputki is the best selling[18] multi angle DVD by Embryoroom produced and directed by Edward Quist and co-produced by Derek Gruen aka Del Marquis.[19] with music by Pan Sonic, the award winning[20] Finnish experimental electronic music duo consisting of Mika Vainio and Ilpo Väisänen.

Ikon Eastside gallery[21]
Kunsthalle wien project space[22] [23]
Lifebomb gallery Berlin[24]
Envoy gallery [25]

Festival Screenings

Sonar Festival [27]
Avanto, Festival[28]
Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival [29]
Dissonanze festival [30]
Tampere Film Festival [31]
The Milan Film Festival [32] [33]
The Museu d'art Contemporani de Barcelona [34]

Other Films

1993 - Hands
1994 - I.L.
1996 - Clean Needle
1998 - Surgery
1999 - Kuvaputki
2000 - Backroom
2001 - Suicide
2002 - Macca
2003 - SICMAN
2007 - The Cathodites


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